Educate me Sup Forums why do you blame the jews for 99.009% of everything?

Serious question. Why blame (((them))) so much? I find it fucking hilarious and makes me chuckle too. But what PROOF do you have that they are behind anything? I.E. race mixing to get rid of white race, manipulation of the press, sucking all the money etc.

If so prove it

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Because 99.99% of the time it's a group of Jews.




they always seem to either be connected or benefit from it



Just from today

Because whites can't take responsibility for anything

Multiculturalism good for everyone...except Israel!



because they are to blame for 99,999% of bad things. and we just cant proof the remaining 0,99% so we cut them a slack and just blame them for the remaining things they are at fault for provable


>neil gayman
and people are still suprised?


Oi vey we need to help Israel!


They just can't stop shitting up everything.

>creating a scenario in which you have to be saved so your savior comes instead of just not fucking shit up so the savior wont be bothered and god can be proud of his creation
fucking schlomos

lol you're new huh?

Kid, the kikes are just parasites. The west is weak and they're taking advantage of it.

They've done this a million times, hence all the expulsions and pogroms and holocausts and inquisitions.

You'll get it if you lurk longer I can't believe we still have to explain this shit even my lib friends get it.



Notice how 95% of autors of articles pushing for multiculturalism , refugees , gays, women promiscuity are FUCKING KIKES . Yet they never say " israel should accept syrian refugees " .

Mossad agents arrested during 9/11 , then released and they instantly took a plane to israel .


hitler was a muslim



desu, syrians hate israel, so they would never go there. And Israel accepted black refugees from Africa.





Cheers, you beauties waste no time.

But, how're these gois so gosh darn coordinated? You'd think we'd have uncover the conspiracy with 78 episode series on netflix by now, no?

these are always wrong
I started googling the names in a similar chart and the top 10 weren't kikes so i stopped bothering

the true red-pill


Our problem is this: Whites are way too empathic and tolerant. What makes us so great and godly is what the kikes always use to subvert our societies and rot us from the inside out. We need to wipe the jewish genome from the face of this planet or this will keep happening over and over again. Why do you think the Hitler called it "The Final Solution?"

>why do you blame the jews
Pic related is only a small portion of the current reasons.

Here's a ton of infographs on the Jews

Why do people even make these threads? At this point I already know 95% of the images and infographics that are going to get posted.


And while some have become outdated, none of them have been disproven.

Where the fuck have you been for the past decade or so?

I'm most certainly positive that most, if not all, liberal modern-day whites have held themselves way more than accountable for most of the world's sociopolitical problems than any other racial group out there.

Why else do you think the EU's running countries like Sweden, Germany, or France down to the very ground?


Sure but innocent until proven guilty?

anyone got the original?

Go to Sup Forums if you dont want to read the boards rules.
