Other urls found in this thread:


once again, voting rights for women was a mistake.



Women voted for Le Pen at rates higher than men. Same for Wilders.


Its racist to not want another culture to invade and rape your women.





Close, but democracy as a whole was a mistake.


Women in the UK voted for Brexit, and historically women in the UK voted conservative. If only men voted the UK would have been a Socialist state for 70 years. White women in the USA also voted for Trump.


Women have always been the instrument of the Jew.
From the very beginning of female activism.
For example using suffragettes to unwittingly market cigarettes to other women.




>If only men voted the UK would have been a Socialist state for 70 years.

Source. That's really strange considering socialism erupted all over European countries once women could vote


Wasn't that vote stolen with postal votes


for fucks sake



They had a whole new vote, these were the results


White boys simply can't compete.


>This is the video that officially red pilled me.

comment from a woman under that video. they can be saved

ive noticed one thing recently. women love to feel like they are being useful. which is why they flock to activism, they dont want to be sitting around doing nothing.

up until now the left has given women an opportunity to live out this need to be active while the right has tried to suppress this feeling among women.

maybe its time for us to more actively recruit women. we all know that a lot of men on the left are pretty weak and beta looking, this works in our favour. if we give women more active roles within our movement, nationalism broadly speaking, i feel that we will be able to attract a lot of women. especially if we come across as stronger, fitter and dominant over leftist men.

we ignore women at our peril, our future depends on getting them on board

This is all a Freudian shit test to see if their men will get angry.



2010s has 2 supergreen virgins, should have only 1


>As a woman, I fully agree with this analysis. It is accurate. I have witnessed these very things in both friends and family members. I have watched it destroy lives and am watching it destroy countries. Guys, SPEAK UP! Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that women shouldn't have a say or are not important, we do have our strengths and many women are wise. However, most do lack the protective self and nation preservation that IS greatly needed.

another woman in the comments. im convinced there are many women out there who just simply do not understand the gravity of the problems the west is about to face.

we must guide them but it's going to take more than just hurling abuse and rape threats at them. it's not time to fuck around anymore


how many times have these screencaps been posted on this board? ive seen these about 100 times, youre preaching to the chior here lads. we are not acheiving anything

The day of the rope is approaching fast, my burger friend.

they need to be spread, its ammunitions resuply.
And there are still traitors in the choir.

you thots are either getting brown sharia or white sharia. it's happening, one way or another





Damn straight

I'm tired of worrying about "leading" women or "recruiting them to our cause"

Fuck that gay shit




satan tells the truth



Its only young women. They are the easiest for the media to indoctrinate.



Cunts have only had the right to vote for less than 100 years so that's not really a long enough sample set of data to know what they would do. And the general idea that pol has is correct, that giving cunts the vote leads to feminism, which is the true evil rn.

>huur duuur muh women shouldn't vote bcuz they hav diffrent opiniuns than me weaaahh waahhh

What a crybaby. Probably a virgin loser too without any friends.


Every time I see votes by demographics...


my version

Not sure how to feel about this whenever it's posted. On one hand it's very unfair but on the other it means I'm at least a 7/10.



German user, how far along are the process are you personally? Have you reached the stage where you realise Islam is the solution?

never. I only need to get on our streets to see that islam isnt the solution.


Yes, this.
Voting should be a privilege given to members of society that deserve it.

White Islam would be interesting. You'd still have to kick out the brown people. It's not the solution because I doubt it would kick out the browns.


Sup Forums: women should be giving birth to white children
Sup Forums: women make less money than men, they should be working more and harder!


You're seeing the dregs of Muslim society on your streets and judging all of Islam by that? Maybe you deserve what getting... really makes you think....




>alexander van der bullen

>alexander of the bull

all signs were there

Sweden please go for an eye test

fix what issues? Also, fix?


Why does abortion not count as "healthcare" or get view as a health necessity?

USA is the root of all evil


Becuase casual sex and one night stands isn't a right.





people got around despite a monogamous society (brush up your fableau). This argument ignores just how roaming and sexual human nature is, period.

But it is for men?


In that order I assume


No they don't, go ahead and regurgitate the argument you have waiting.


Bpc Got shut down

I actually get that you may never accept Islam due to how you perceive low-tier Muslims, but as long as you realise we are on the same side when it comes to fighting feminism then you're okay by me.
The only real fight now is against feminism, when will this board understand? The fact that you understand is a good sign in itself. Try not to hate all of us for the actions of our retards.


Shut up leaf cuck. If only your. People got this angry at justi
