Drop the most heart breaking redpills

The concept of a redpill, think of a generalized concept supposedly hidden from public knowledge, is complete and utter hogwash. Not that there isn't secrets being held by elites but that the ones pushing this dissonance is also the ones propagating it.

>your figureheads are not altruistic.

Other urls found in this thread:


Men > women > children > cats

The above equation resolves to:

Men love women, women love children, children love cats, and cats love nobody

>Not trusting le water filters salesman or any of his cronies.

Enjoy your schizophrenia, new fag.

Your mom screamed like a whore when you were conceived

People are way too fucking stupid, lazy, selfish, and incompetent, for their to be any sort of global conspiracies.

>your figureheads are not altruistic.

Maybe yours aren't.

Yeah, Hitler was entirely altruistic and didn't use manipulation to convince his people to follow him even when it meant certain death.

On the outside I'm confident and great, but inside I'm severely depressed and lonely.

He could easily have escaped from Berlin, but he stayed until the end.
Whatever else you might think of him, he wasn't a fraud.

Sure, people would never collude together for financial gain and power. The idea is preposterous.

Being serious, women are the worst redpill.
Getting taught the eqality meme my whole life, only to realise how awful they are at everything.

> People are way too fucking stupid, lazy, selfish, and incompetent, for their to be any sort of global conspiracies.

People are way too fucking stupid, lazy, selfish, and incompetent, for THERE NOT to be any sort of global conspiracies.


He lead his people in a glorious struggle to reclaim their virtue, decency and strength. The men and women of the Reich were willing to go through the pain that was asked of them because they believed in the vision their leader showed them.

I know it may be hard to understand in the (((modern))) west, but people are willing to sacrifice a lot to do what is right for their people.

>but people are willing to sacrifice a lot to do what is right for their people

What is "right" precisely and who created what "right" is supposed to mean? And who benefits from this supposed "right" way? If the answer to the first one was created by one person or group and If the answer to the last two is the exact same then you're being duped.

Music is evil.
More evil than most drugs even.

Make Germany great again
am I right german-bro?

>He could easily have escaped from Berlin, but he stayed until the end.
He did? Where's the corpse? He fled Germany when his empire fell.

The elitist secular financial /media / Hollywood Jews have been pulling the threads of society for the better chunk of the last century to secure Jewish hedgemony.

They have been recently corrupted by demonic extra dimensional beings or "familiars" who possess them, and those who are possessed give into it willingly. See Father Malachi Martin (perfect possession). These ultra rich and powerful families pass on these familiars (demons) through the generations. The demons have gradually corrupted their goal for a universal globalist Utopia into a Devils playground. The elites partake in satanic cults, sexual and murderous rituals, cannibalism, spirit cooking, and pedophilia/torture in order to empower their familiars.

The Armageddon is nigh, it will come soon.

>What is "right" precisely and who created what "right" is supposed to mean
The German people

>who benefits from this supposed "right" way?
The German people and probably many other nations, as it is a good form of government. The people who lose only lose for 1 generation because they are wiped out genetically.



>People are way too fucking stupid, lazy, selfish, and incompetent

That's exactly WHY there are global conspiracy organizations. Because they elite realize that humanity left to its own devices without their guidance and agendas for our future would destroy itself and all of our eons progress would be for nothing


it's the most heartbreaking red pill I know and one that I try my hardest to ignore because music does help in many ways but it's perfect for planting thoughts into your head. Little phrases with a catchy tune that get stuck in your head and you think of when faced with certain situations which make you act a certain way.
Instrumental music isn't usually bad but even well meaning sung songs often have phrases that can be taken out of context, especially in instances where the song is stuck in your head.

What you are saying, or what I hope you are saying, is that the jewish music industry is evil. Otherwise you can fuck off to the middle east where music is haram

As long as women are around, the world will continue to plummet into chaos. There are women who want to fix the world, but the vast overwhelming majority only care about themselves and will take whichever side gives them gibs and dick. Ninety percent of women don't seem to mentally age past 15

>women love children

It's true. Most pedophiles are women and they get away with it every time.

traps > women
speaking the truth


amen brother

Most people are useful idiots of the Saturnian cult and don't even realize it.

Life as you know it exists solely to heighten the chances of you holding a specific political opinion.

Men need women, women need children, children need men

Cats need nobody

Shut up Jew.

Stupid, lazy, selfish, incompetent people such as yourself is the reason there are global conspiracies. You're easy to manipulate.

The Bogdanoffs are upset at being memed


Hitler wasn't some sort of magical pied piper. People followed him because they wanted to.

That said, he was right.


This plus anything man kind can image they will create. This also will focus on nightmares.

It's all for nothing, we're "fighting" a losing war. Even if we could get people to listen and accept that what we speak isn't just white nationalist hogwash or whatever fact is there are now 7 billion people on the planet and most of them are uneducated and aren't gonna stop multiplying anytime soon. Eventually the resources will start to run low and humanity will probably wipe itself out fighting for what little there is.

Say no more

Shut up Varg.

Retards. Traps are mentally ill betas. They can't breed nor can they raise your children properly. Artificial wombs, hormones, etc. will never suffice for the real things. I'm going to make assumptions about you. You've jerked off to too much porn. You've built up this idea that traps are perfect. They're not as feminine as you think. They shit and give off male hormones. Women aren't perfect but look for good women.

But we have the nuclear codes


You wanna hear a heart breaking redpill?

I "assaulted" a nigger today... and went to jail for it. No victory. Just a white person in jail for 5 hours over nothing.

We can't rise up simply rise up... No... The system will always defend them...

We must democratically install a facist leader if we are to stand a chance.

>The Elite

"El" (Father of Heaven / Saturn) and his major son: "Hadad" (Father of Earth / Jupiter), are symbolized both by the bull, and both wear bull horns on their headdresses.

Ironically the worst red pill is the introductory red pill for most people. Sadly r/theredpill is the most disheartening of them all. More than the Jews, more than Marxism, more than WW2.

If women aren't property (pains me to say this) civilization = downfall -> chaos -> destruction

We are in chaos. Now go have white babies, user.


>your figureheads are not altruistic.

I don't know if everything can be reduced to power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. But I think part of what angers me is that not only are many of our leaders not altruistic, they are also stupid and self-serving.

Ironically, I'm kind of hoping we eventually get robotic overlords from the development of AI.

Flesh is fallible and easily corrupted. Maybe having programs designed to organize our species for maximal efficiency and happiness is a solution.

Jobs will hire the person who is better at social interactions rather than someone who is more qualified for the job

Best movie.

Someone pls gib (You) I have assault charges against nigger and tbqh have nothing but Sup Forums to live for at this moment.

I disagree. Eventually all of the infighting will lead to balkanization which will lead us open to threats like China.

that's true, they arent even hiding it anymore

>Most people are idiots


What happened user?

Equality is impossible, and man should not even attempt to implement it as an ideal. If he does, he will find only disappointment.

Justice and Fairness exist only in a Platonic sense. Man cannot bring them to the earth, and his notions of them are subjective.

Hardest pill


History is full of death and rebirth cycles and we are in a death cycle, enjoy the ride :^)

Yudkowsky is an obese Jew who's trying to implement Communism in tech, and failing.

If he was rational, he would be fit.

What a loser.

them digits son.

Saturn isn't real. :)

deal with it goyim

Remember to NEVER fall for any of these whores

>We're never going back to the old days.
>Fukushima is a bigger disaster than you think. I would not recommend having kids.
>Everything we're seeing now is political theater.

Just enjoy your time on this Earth the best you can while you still can is all I'm saying.

I thought the same for Fukushima for years, we are beyond fucked

i think i'm done with redpills. I've read them all. I just feel serene now, like I'm finally a man after 31 years.

goodbye internet, time to live my life.

Euhemerism is true

>Yudkowsky is an obese Jew who's trying to implement Communism in tech, and failing.

This isn't going to work until we have sufficiently advanced algorithms that can predict societal events better than humans can.

Every major religion and their respective leaders have been infiltrated and subverted by (((them))). This includes Neo-Paganism, Catholicism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, et cetera.

(For Liberals): The point of NAFTA was to push the jobs the US were creating to other nations, including China, Russia, and Afghanistan. He quite literally sold us out.

The fact that the WTC fell, means that the US military failed, be it by their own incompetence or foul play is the only unkown.

>No victory. Just a white person in jail for 5 hours over nothing.

>sperg out
>get mad when there are consequences
>whine to (Pole)

You've seen nothing yet, lurk more. It is the same as saying" I know enough, I am done with learning"

As user said there , enjoy your time, there's no future

There are privileged and oppressed in society. But its two categories. The beautiful and the ugly. Being attractive is easy mode. Ugly hard as fuck mode. This is why attractive women become so insane as they age. It occurs to them what they had and invested so little in establishing themselves. It doesn't hit men as hard because usually, they used their attractiveness to establish power and wealth.


Justice exists.

Magic is real and science is (((their))) way of covering it up. Theres a reason why so many leaders have been and are a part of the Masons. They practice real magic.

The human race will turn into a manufactured product within the century via artificial wombs or genetic engineering. Your genes will probably not make it out of this century alive.

Dick size doesn't matter if you're autistic

Nothing in this world matters
Just try to keep your spirit clean and alive

You're right about that, Hans. Der Führer was the greatest thing to happen to Europe in a thousand years.

how about the alien deathstar iapetus?

It's been a pleasure shitposting with you user.

What's your story? Care to share before you go?

> implying you're not here forever

>There are more things in your life beyond your control than you realize
>Some of these are things that you'd expect to be within your control but are actually not
>The people who control various aspects of your life don't really have your best interest in mind

Remember when the future turned out to be the present afterall.
>TFW you discovered Santa Claus was bullshit too

Oh sweetie

What the fuck

Nice guys don't get a "happy life"

Muslim detected

I remember reading everything I could about it during my free time when I was still in high school. Then all a sudden nothing, despite it not being contained. I'm deebly goncerned for sure.


^the first 40min of this vid is high density redpill material.

Eastern Persian/Chinese style serfdom made it's way west after the crusades. Prussia was started after Teutonic Fourth Crusaders exterminated the pagans of northern Europe. They adopted a Saracen style central government, after being impressed by the Jihadists, and forced it on their population. K-12 was pushed after humiliating defeats by Napoleon. It has been the most thorough and successful mind control program ever conceived. Their methods of mind control spread across the globe as other ruling class elites came to Prussia to learn of their new control techniques(public school). The system brainwashes the lower 95% of plebs to police and retard themselves. Most people are Prussian Socialists and don't even know it.


MLK Jr. was a successful Communist agent.

>People are way too fucking stupid, lazy, selfish, and incompetent

Those things would be conductive to global conspiracy.

This too. Music resonates in you head at a primal level and is a very potent form of mind control. Bards were always known as traveling spies.

women are all golddigging, disloyal whores?

He still got her before Chad. He wins in my book

>Nice guys don't get a "happy life"

>She owes him something because he fucked her when she was a whale

>Somehow that entitles him to a lifetime of being with her no matter how much her feelings change over time

Fuck off to Saudi Arabia if you really think that

i dont know man, maybe you bump into a porn director in a public bathroom or something

P = NP

Obvious woman poster. Try harder.

October 2nd 2016 - I can't imagine today