Last night I fucked a jewess woman as a black man slowly we will begin this trend to lower the jewish iq's ......though it will probably increase black peoples iq's . Though the pure blood jews have to go after that white people will probably be eliminated but thats fine.
Project Jewish Descruction Began
Doing the Lord's work, user. Hopefully you gave a fake name before insemination.
Told her my name is Jerome
How will that lower the IQ?
Are you going to raise a child with her?
Joke's on you. Joke's always on you.
sounds like you've taken the black pill
Based black man
Sounds like that jewess took the black pill if you know what I mean.
You obviously don't understand genetics..... or the art of war
>Welcome to Sup Forums
m8 if your people BLACKED the jew out of existance i promise to never say the N word again,not even in jest
Do... you understand genetics?
Quiet Kike Scum You cannot Stop what has been started.
>As strong as niggers
>As smart and scheming as jews
what have you done
Would this be a way to counteract (((their))) BLACKED propaganda? Photoshop menoras in the background and yamcha's on the white girls and be like "oh they're jewish"
Oh god
This won't work
>future nigga accountants and bankers
We shall call them the jewger
why not Kikkers or Kiggers?
How would you like to be an honorary Aryan?
Send a negress after him. Today begins the glorious revolt of the eternal slave, forever shackled by bonds both visible and invisible.
There is going to be a little Louisiana hot sauce on your gefilte fish if you know what i mean.
>Turning the racemixing against jews.
You are doing god's work.
I don't know who's jewing who anymore.
Or- get this- Sandnigger
kike shill