You die

>you die
>suddenly you appear before the pearly gates

Does St. Peter call your name, or do you burn in hell for eternity?

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Nothing happens when you die.
Just like before you were born.


*takes a loud shit on your post*


Clean that up.

i imagine i'd have a long stay in purgatory

but i haven't done anything to warrant hell

St. Peter is a bro.

Also stop worshiping jews.

Start being a pantheist.

I'd like loli sucubi to rape me for eternity

haha lol, xDDDddd fuggin christdumps amirite lol

It's your eternal soul user.

I thought your rabbi taught you better

Wait I was told I would get to review my sins with jesus before I have to choose... yeah i'm getting in for sure. Me and jesus go way back.

are you a female? if yes can we have coitus?

Nothing warrants hell
Finite Crime =!= Infinite Punishment

The worst part of hell for me... im scurred.

No but I don't care.

Heaven isn't the place for me anyway.

Even if God is real, he can shove it up his ass.

>just like before you were born

But I remember what happened before I was born, and so does most people. Maybe you're just unlucky.

I'm not a Catholic pagan, so I guess Hell for all eternity?

Shouldn't go off like this on our heavenly father man. What if he decides to show it up your ass instead?

you remember your father jerking it on black and white tv while watching a fully dressed lady too?

I don't deserve it, but few people do.
So who knows.

Sorry to disapoint but your drunk uncle ''searching for ghosts under your pajama's'' while smelling of liquor and ciggaretes happened after you were already born. Sorry you had to go through that.

o look a jew that will be burning in hell.

>Does St. Peter call your name, or do you burn in hell for eternity?

No, Jesus Christ is there to welcome me at the gate. I kneel, verbally acknowledge his supremacy and my eternal allegiance. Then begin preparing for the great battle of Armageddon where I'll smite Muslim swine with Christ!

> Race war, when?

Niga u dumb af son

that's the beauty of Christianity. No man deserves heaven, but through the sacrifice of Christ, we are saved.

I've done some pretty gay shit I think I might get some purg. Few decades in the lake of fire

My grandmother is as close as you can get to saint, so hopefully she gets me 92 she says her rosary every day. I credit a lot of my luck/success to her prayers.

What if I call St.Peters name?

Tfw I am so impossibly scared of this.

Like most people I can't get past the "You wont feel anything because your dead part".

Its just so impossible to wrap my head around the idea of infinite nothingness while unconscious.

Sure you "won't mind it" but you won't feel or know or exist.

I literally believe in God and pray nightly just to get over this fear. I try and live a good life as a good person and at worst I wasted 2% of my life dedicated to God.

Nah ur good. Jesus died so that getting poo on your dick wouldn't shut you out. He doesn't want you to cover your dick in shit tho of course. And look out for your butthole man you need that to poop properly.


she is praying for you to better yourself, not for you to get a free pass

Not sure, because I'm a Torah-observant Jew who rejects Jesus.

Maybe? I haven't made much good (yet) but I never did anything seriously evil willingly.

>not getting 99 virgins
>sucks to be u

Probably burn.
Maybe not though. Depends.

Memes are good and fun but won't save you from the oven.

user you already experienced this before you were born, it was the best thing ever, so much better than life with its suffering.

i have christian orthodox straight test for you son
insert finger into anus repeatedly & furiously, if you liked it sorry you go to hell

How can religious people even live with the fear of eternal hellfire? This is as creepy as eternal nothingness.

I just took advantage of all the oppurtunities he presented me

You are right. What would save me from the oven is a 3 year military combat training, how about you?

Religious people who believe in jesus don't fear hellfire. They believe in it, but don't fear it.

Do I get my own planet/harem now?
I got the code word Peter.

protestant faggotry. road to hell is wide.

>Does St. Peter call your name, or do you burn in hell for eternity?

Depends if God is a monster who burns souls for billions of years simply for doing what he predestined them to do.

Because it seems humans are assholes by nature. Does anyone have the religion table of afterlifes?

I will ask him for hell, he will ask me why

I will answer

"Can't be worst than Earth"

Demand to see St James

you noobs do 3 years of mandatory training or you were in some special program?

Military training is going to save you from judgement day? That's a good one.

I could do better when it comes to our faith, but I am doing ok in life overall. She prays to Aloysius Gonzaga specifically, because he is the saint of Roman Catholic youth. It must be doing something because I started going to mass again and am even going to go for confession...

If you believe there is a heaven and hell, then there is. But only for YOU.

Is the cat alive or dead? You don't know until you open the box. And, of course, once you've opened there you go.

>man from the sky is gonna pass righteous judjement
puff puff pass nigga

He who lives by the drone dies by the drone.

The fact you joined the military, at a time when America was not in a just war, says a lot about you violence loving heart.

a man in the sky is not casting the judgement on the day of the rope my brother.

Depends on how it really goes down.

Did we get a choice in living? You could argue we came to this world, got a body, and experience a collage of pain and happiness without really having asked for it.

In which case life in itself can be allot like rape. We had no choice, this happened without our consent.
It's mostly horrible, but we get a little good out of it too. Im sure you are one to say taht even those born in starvation and disease atleast get something out of living imsure. You couldent fathom God creating suffering for no reason.

Every human being ever born is treated like this, with conditions only getting better as long as we question and fight against a universe 99% incompatible with life.
You have every generation given that from birth and well... human beings are wired to just hold onto whatever little bit of happiness they can.

The hedonic treadmill is the guy's science fair project for all we know.

Maybe he is shoving it up our ass just to see how we react. Once we get used to any level of happiness regularly, it still isn't enough.

No reason to think god is set in morality. Most of his creation is dead and inanimate.



Those that cant survive and get whatever dopamine hit they can to make this life worth while don't breed. We are wired to accept our predicament because it allows life to go on.

>Few decades in the lake of fire
>Few decades
>>>>>>>>>Few decades
youre in for eternity if you get cast into the burning lake you retard

been there, skipped that
i literally had a day of the rope my brothah
for some reason the bitches backed off
and it wasn't devine intervention ;)

But what about the people we love? I can't imagine never seeing my parents again. They may be dead, but I find enormous comfort in knowing (or believing that I will see them again)

Ah yeah. You have come a long way in your reasoning. Try faith from here on out. Reasoning can't answer your question.

Faith isn't an answer. It may be that God never intended to parse an answer into < 450 square cm electrically charged meat, and God could have created all of this without human beings being anywhere close to the universe's central purpose, but faith is definitely an abdication from having an answer.

And I wont play this life foolhardy and be easily appeased. Fuck God if this is what he asks of me.

How do you even burn for eternity christcucks?

If you jump into a lake of fire, you wouldn't feel anything considering all your nerves would be instantly fried and you'd instantly suffocate from the flames

If it's just a le spoopy metaphor, then what exactly is going to make you suffer in agony for an eternity unless God alters your state of being?

Why would God even do that to anyone? What kind of merciful father would alter your perception of space and time in order to punish you for not believing that he sent a kike down 2000 years before you were born to die for your sins that you hadn't even committed yet?

>why would god
>click on vehicles while zero vehicles on the image

I didn't say faith is the answer. It could help you find the answer. If your only problem with god is "why is there anything when we could have had nothing." You are a lucky guy.

Faith is no answer.
Mistaking it for one is why the lord called you sheep.

Man get some reading glasses fuck this shit.

You should look into transhumanism user. The future is now

Hope for the best, assume the worst as I always do.

As an agnostic atheist I'm going to "hell".

You're right. God wouldn't burn anyone for eternity. Most Christian denominations get this one simple thing wrong. Death without hope of resurrection is enough of a punishment in itself.

You had past lives, you just don't remember them. Relax. Your infinite self is the monad, and cannot be created or destroyed, for it is eternal. Existence is built out of infinite monads evolving toward self awareness. They start as minerals, then eventually become vegetable, then animal, then human, then..... whatever is next.

Saying that having faith will lead to the answer is the same thing as saying faith is the answer mane.

Death is like going to sleep, only you never awake.

Now tell me, do you ever remember being asleep, or do you only remember falling asleep and dreaming?

You should worry only about having a family, and children. As you age you will find yourself living through them, and even in death you will find peace knowing that you will live eternally (Well, not really) through your bloodline.

He'll tell me "You have to go back!"

Use my free will to go elsewhere because this is a trick used by the draco who control the soul recycling matrix and I don't want to come back to this third density horror show.

Ok well then driving to the store is the same thing as shopping there so pick up some milk on your way back you fag.

Only the arrogant and conceited would assume admittance to Heaven. The Lord's judgement is His to make. I will accept whatever He decrees.

>be me
>I die
>go to Pearly Gates
>In front of me is the Pope who just died too.
>St. Peter says,"Pope, you'll be sharing a room with 5 other priests. You'll be in charge of mowing all the grass in Heaven and doing all the dishes. You'll get Sundays off but could be called in to work at a moments notice. It's a mile walk to your dorm. Good luck and good bye!"
>My turn.
>See St. Peter
>St. Peter says, "Welcome user!"
>me (surprised)!!
>St Peter continues, "You'll be staying in the RitzCarleton of Heaven over there. Here are some beautiful "angels" to take care of your every need! You'll get a new car of your choice every year and first in line on all the rides here at HeavenWorld..."
>Me. Shocked! "B-b-but St.Peter, I was on Sup Forums all the time, I saw a lot of stuff!! And you gave that Pope a dorm and room mates and sort of a hard life for eternity here in heaven..."
>St. Peter says, "user we've got hundreds of Popes up here...but we've never had anyone who spent time on Sup Forums..."

Nobody responded to my statement, so I must be both correct and good looking.


Read "An Ascension Handbook" by Tony Stubbs. Purple book that will clear your head of those thoughts of nothingness.

My fear is that out of body experience people have when dying or when they died and were brought back to life.

They said they felt everything, and were in immense pain as their organs were shutting down.

Could you imagine that when we die, we retain our consciousness to a lower degree and just feel and watch ourselves rot until we just stop thinking?

What the fuck is wrong with this universe.

diversity is beautiful

some notions of hell are just the soul being burned away to nothingness. See C.S. Lewis' essays.

so, in other words, both athiests and Jesus may be right. Jesus is the doorway to everlasting life, but atheists will still have nothingness after death

This is what gets me. If past lives are real I'll wake up as someone completely new, not myself, and I won't even know it.


i'm a drunk half a fag who doesn't go to church or pray, but i'm a decent person otherwise

who here /dindunuffin/

Don't you have to go to the store in order to shop tho? Albeit if you order online you still have to go to their website. And just how many people go to the store and DON'T shop. Not to mention that in most cases here in America anyway we are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN there is going to be milk when we get there. Faith implicitly defines a circumstance where you don't know 100% that there will be milk when you get there.

Wouldn't try equating faith to consumption, not how i would have broken that down.

Yeah wasn't that cleverly worded but doesn't matter. I disagree. Faith is the path. Answers depend on questions. Walk it or not I don't care much anymore.

It takes about a "year" as we know it to fully merge back into our selves.
There is an adjustment period.
You will be guided every step of the way by your higher self and your soul group.

i will be called, and i will politely decline, citing the work that needs to be done back on earth. i will agree to the reincarnation option, which is on the hidden menu for christians. meanwhile, in the OTHER afterlife, i am simply reincarnated as a wise child. no worries, no hell for me. I have lived a conscious life, reducing human and animal suffering as i can.

Because it is far, far easier.

If masturbating to degenerate porn would cause me to burn in hell I am probably fucked.

Otherwise I am a pretty good guy. Maybe a little on the sloth side.

What about plant suffering? Not good enough user.



Call for spiderman!!!!!!!!!


Burn in hell, because I sold my soul to satan and became an atheist

I'd burn in hell in all honesty

But I'd tell Peter that I'd rather suffer with Satan than kneel to an icompetent despot who neglects his "creations"

I like this
>Thou shall not lie
Be christian, have doubts but pretend otherwise. Go to hell for lying
Be atheist, be honest about it. Go to heaven if God exists.