Sweden is a failur-
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why are they using > meme arrows on the article
dont fall for this shit.
were fucked
This. Now they're gonna take money from the whites and give it to Africans lmao. cuckoldslitshiswrists.jpg
More refugees?
You don't say, Ahmed?
>High taxes, strong unions and an equal distribution of wealth.
>That’s the recipe for success in a globalized world, according to Magdalena Andersson, the Social Democratic economist who’s also Sweden’s finance minister.
This is propaganda.
The muncipalities need to build 600 schools, gyms whatever. They are missing 40 billion SEK and are taxing us because they let in 250k refugees in a year.
There's no boom, we are fucked.
Also funny how they neglect to mention that our economy is on the verge of collapsing as more companies go down due to tax increases.
And now more unions, this is how you kill a country Venezuela style.
What a load of fucking horseshit.
she is a fucking drunk peasant god i hate these trash "swedes" thanks le 87% you know who you are
>dont fall for this shit.
>were fucked
Why do you say this? Also is your economy actually doing well or is this just a meme?
How's your vacation?
>What a load of fucking horseshit.
Why? all the numbers are there.
More like job bullshit.
And then I have to return to 2% tax raise. Very nice, thank you Sweden
>Magdalena Andersson medger: "Sverige har stora problem"
>Magdalena Andersson medger: "Sweden has huge problems"
You can't have income redistribution AND hordes of unemployed refugees at the same time, Sweden.
>doing everything opposite of dafrumpt leads to utopia
Guess we'll ignore this awesome stock market run we've got going.
>When you finally get income equality by taking away everyone's money
You can't trust any number that comes out of Swedish government. All the statistics are manipulated
I would get out of the market asap if I were you.
If we leave everyone with a dollar then true equality has finally been achieved. Of course if anyone tries to give that dollar to someone else we will have to execute both of them. It's the only way everything can be fair.
It is a failure. And it´s quite painfull to watch how an historical nation like´em is being reduced to a meme
And all because they had to experiment with importing niggers. They were already comfortable and prosperous and it wasn't enough for the greedy leftist jew.
Wonder what will be the breaking point if they decide to increase taxes more because theres another 250,000 refugees that need Swedish homes.
"economic miracle" is such a bullshit term
OP btfo