Have you ever fucked a close friend? What happened after?

inb4 OP is lying basementfaggot

A really close friend of mine said she doesn't see anything wrong with fucking close friends and said she'd fuck me sometime if we both got too bored. Have you ever done this? Will it totally ruin things or be like nothing happened?


Yes. A roommate too. It got weird when her boyfriend found out.

u know... this whole sex thing. it's just chemicals in the brain. You don't have to have sex with anyone. It's all in your head.

It'll totally ruin everything. Also, you won't be a virgin anymore and you might catch a nasty STD or get vaginal rot taint all over your balls.

Don't do it.

Did you fuck her with a strap-on ?


She sounds like a whore. Don't get vd, user.



I don't have either of these things so I don't know m8.

you cant become a wizard anymore at 30


>fucked the entire republican and democratic parties

She was a prude. Wouldn't even take her top off.

Dude why can't cucks keep the politics out of things. Go listen to Rachel Maddow and circle jerk on r/esist your anti Trump shit doesn't need to be in every thread.

>she'd fuck me sometime


>why dont you keep politics out of the politics board
how about you keep you trash out of our politicsboard?
fuck off nigger

It will ruin things. Not sure why you're friends with a whore though so I would just fuck her and get the friendship over with

Yeah, she stayed the night and never left.

Why'd you kill her user?

This is a politics board you off topic posting parasite

gold coming from an Aussie

great blog post

That's racist cunt

I've never understood this meme...female "friends" They aren't my friends, they're just women I haven't been able to fuck, or never will be able to fuck or I don't want to fuck.

But friends? If I wanted a female friend, I'd buy a female Dog.

if she fucks a bunch of her "friends" wrap, smash, and dash. If you fuck her, there is a good chance you will grow feelings for her. She won't grow feeling for you though, as much as you may want her too, she probably doesn't view sex as something intimate. You can choose to take advantage of it, or be a cuck while your friend fucks a bunch of friends.

She also MIGHT want to be more than friends with you. This is the least upfront way she could say it.

You should definitely fuck her and see what happens. Wrap it though.

A bunch of times, sometimes ruined the friendship sometimes didnt

Also have not fucked friends that wanted it and had that go both ways, so I think it depends more on the individual and the relationship you have with her now than the physical act of fucking or not fucking

She's never going to fuck you: you're making a big deal about it and fucking you will lead to drama. The fact that you made this thread shows you have doubt, feelings, and concern. You're the bitch, you're gonna turn this agreement to fuck into something bigger than it needs to be.

GJ faggots, most guys would love to be in a fucking a close female friend fantasy.

Yeah I love bitches too

>Have you ever fucked a close friend?
>What happened after?

Gooo apologies for pedophiles faggot

it was awful

>start sexin
>week later she "gets kicked out" of her housing situation
>asks if she can crash with me while she looks for a place
>sounds great to my idiot brain
>her personality turns to shit, gets hyper aggressive and pissy if i ask her how housing is going
>come home from work to find her sitting on the couch playing video games, hasnt been looking for a place
>starts pleading me to go look at a bigger apartment we can "both benefit from moving into"
>start panicking and imagine life after accidentally getting her pregnant
>tell her no more fucking and make her sleep on the couch, I'm done with our current relationship
>she explodes and accuses me of being an asshole
>magically gets her own apartment 3 days later

Now I want nothing to do with her and even talking about her is awkward. She did a lot more fucked up shit but i'm not going to discuss. Honestly should have listened to my best friend and never let her stay with me or tried to fuck her.

>Have you ever done this? Will it totally ruin things or be like nothing happened?

I have not, but in early years of college, a girl who'd been peripheral to my group of friends since mid highschool fucked her way through all of them, it created massive drama and ended up with her being ostracized from the group because bros before hoes.

So don't do it.