British people

why are they so stuck up
>Be me
>be waiter at restaurant outside NYC
>family comes in
>2 boys and mom and dad
>dad fucking orders a latte
>sorry sir we dont have that but we have coffee
>constantly asking about the prices
>awful fucking teeth
>"ay gaffer what time is the band on"
>no clue what the fuck that even means
>give him the bill, wish him a happy mothers day, and he goes "Right....cheers" and fucking leaves.
>3 dollar tip
His kid were little long haired fuckers too and his wife was actually kinda hot. But what the fuck Britain I thought you guys were happy fucks but I guess not. And his kids never once said thank you. Why are there no manners in england


Ha. Bud, I spent a lot of time in England in the 90s and I can tell you that they just don't like dumb cunts no matter where they might come from.

Sorry today's the day you're finding out which side you belong to.

I cannot take "lesbian" MtFs seriously, they all seem like they just suffer from autogynephilia. They literally want to be a girl because the idea of being a girl makes them horny.

To be fair gaffer, you did'nt even tell him what time the band was on?
>Yank wants $20 tip for a coffee, and not even the coffee I ordered.

ordered 106 dollars worth of food

Ooo, the plot thickens.
Tell us the rest then? Where do you work? Is it obvious a customer should tip and should tip appropriately?

Cheap ass Britbongs.

so what? they're probably on vacation and don't realize you need to tip at least 50% plus compliment your US wait staff of they might end up crying in the kitchen because now they can't buy that special thing on Etsy till next week.

>taking any trannies seriously at all

As someone who grew up in southern Africa, no, the English are just insufferable cunts. All of them.

>Brits in South Africa
There's your problem. The Brits in South Africa are fucking Apartheid washouts. Total fucking dicks.

Adding on: I can say the same shit about Americans in New Jersey, though. Doesn't apply to the every state in the Union.

oh yeah they said they were on holiday and I legit almost cracked up in there face when they said it.




you usually tip 15% of what ever the amount was. So around 15 dollars. but of course, 3.

and I Work at classic 4/5 star out side restaurant that is supposed to be classy

>allows British guests
pick one


>boohoo they won't tip me
Get a real job, one that isn't meant for women and idiots.

summer job you fucking retard

Except no one memes on about the "Eternal Jerseyite" do they?

All English people are cunts. All of them. Literally worse than Canadians because at least the Leaf can point at England and say, "I learned it from them!".

Not an argument.

You think that you smug little shits can come on here at all hours of every day spewing out your Anti-English sentiment? Well let me tell you - you are all in for a big fucking shock in the coming years.

Much like Anti-Semitism, racism and Islamophobia - soon we will add Anglophobia to this list and you will all cease your foolish prattle and hate speech of our truly blessed people.
We have contributed so much to this world, we have given so much and asked for little. We have elevated the savages of this world and given them civilisation, we have defeated the evil of the German Reich twice and gifted you all with wondrous technological feats. If you wear a suit you are wearing our national dress, if you eat bacon you are eating one of our national dishes, if you watch television or use the world wide web you are using our inventions.

Your irrational hatred of us is going to stop very soon. Calling us Beady or Perfidious will be met with very lengthy prison sentences and likely your being ostracised from your communities. Anglos are a beautiful and unique people. You owe them a great deal and by the end of this decade you will fear the consequences of your vile words and hate speech.

End Anglophobia now.

u fukin wot m8? burger arsepained cos me m8s dint clap wen he poured me a brew. ur a fukin joke chief.


Difference between us and the others is we react in bantz, whereas the others cry and want laws to ban and protect.

Oh look it's THIS thread again.

Fuck off you fucking faggot, no one likes you, no one cares about you and no one will mourn your death. Fucking American turd.

so get paid a decent wage and don't live like a fucking commie expecting everyone else to subsidise your lack of career ability you fucking bum!

Here's your tip lad now fuck off back to washing the dishes

Nice quads brit bro.

holy digits for the win


More accurate than Hollywood versions of history I guess.

America rekt (again).