We enslaved millions of natives and tried destroying their entire race, prove me wrong
We enslaved millions of natives and tried destroying their entire race, prove me wrong
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Am I supposed to be ashamed of my superiority or something? Yes, we were smarter and stronger than Native Americans. We conquered them, forced them kicking and screaming into civilization, and the entire North American continent is better for it.
...what nation hasn't killed/enslaved a bunch of people based on race/religion/tribe?
Conquered. Get it right.
Prove that they were people first.
Sounds like losers getting upset over lines and stars.
1/2 Native here.
That's leftwing bullshit.
If white ppl wanted natives gone, they'd be gone.
They should have fought a little harder for their homeland then
The flag on the left is the symbol for the reason the people on the right get special treatment?
>We enslaved millions of natives and tried destroying their entire race, prove me wrong
Whites are naturally skilled at dominating other races, no one will prove you wrong
But now we are losing the propaganda war and destroying ourselves, shame
What's this "we" shit? I never enslaved anybody.
>and the entire North American continent is better for it.
More like the entire planet
Let's just ban the US flag because feelings. How could such a wise decision possibly cause any problems or confusion?
90% of natives died from disease
Wow really ponders my brain
There weren't 51 states at the time, dumbass.
You took over with gambling, whiskey and bacteria - i'm proud of based euro-burgers.
Lolwut? You're the one making the claims dipshit, the burden of proof is on you.
Better start reading up, especially on that part about "enlaving" the natives.
My grandparents arrived in America in the 50's and 60's. "We" didn't do jack shit
it was literally illegal to own natives, only the spanish did and that was only at the beginning
Yeah we did. And we won, like hundreds of times. And we'll win again.
Now what?
I don't care about a bunch of mouthwash chugging bead lovers.
This. Sorry we're far better at it compared to most. In fact, with the weapons of war the Europeans have, one could say they were remarkably restrained in their colonial endeavors. Imagine if the Mongols, Huns, or Caliphate armies had had the advantage the Europeans had in weapons and intellect?
I've worked for a tribe. They were way better at destroying themselves than anything else.
>especially on that part about "enlaving" the natives.
Yeah the thing is that nogs and jews will work
Yoo.. that's the face of evil..she has definitely pizzad some kids
Your opinion is irrelevant cause you're not a real American you're just a fuckup that arrived here and now acts like his opinion matters.
My ancestors weren't immigrants. They were conquerors and settlers and slavers and soldiers.
You: "I'm here listen to me I'm special."
>Impling it was worng
Is America the only country that is expected to feel sorry for the previous culture that lived there? Surely there are other nations that slaughtered the natives so they could move in or simply conquered them and phased them out of existence/relevancy through civilization
fuck yourself. every single nation has expanded and killed people. pretending the fucking natives were innocent is a load of shit - they slaughtered countless peasants, even wiped out towns and early forts full of people. they got butthurt over measles thinking the gods were punishing them for allowing white men in their territories. that faggot sitting bull slaughtered people just trying to life a new life. you need to take that hollywood faggotry out of here.
you dont even know your fucking history about the confederate flag either. embarrassing.
Fuck yeah, fpbp.
Fuck you you virtue signaling faggot.
It's almost like we focused on tech / military victory and won civ fair and square
You did. And such is History, and such is life.
That doesn't mean we need to shrug it off and pretend it didn't happen, it must be remembered, like all of History, but without judgement for those who did it - And mostly, without judgement for an entire nation or an entire race.
A farmer in Pomerania never got involved with the transatlantic slave trade. Chances are, he didn't get to see a black man until the late 20th century. His ancestors never owned an African slave, never built a boat to trade slaves, and yet he gets blamed for his skin color, because a minority of Europeans were actually involved in the transatlantic slave trade.
Trying to hide History is a crime. Using it for your rhetoric is one too.
Soon enough, it will be forbidden to talk about History before WW2 - Because world History is a story of racism (from everyone), a story of white supremacy, a story of hate, a story of religion, and the new world order can't have that. Can't have teenagers being taught that their ancestors ruled the world with an iron fist.
It's already beginning, and it's only going downhill.
>Jews try to genocide whites
>Oh my god Jews are so evil how can they live with themselves?
>Whites genocide native Americans
>Ha, you expect me to feel bad for people who are inferior to me?
It feels good being Jewish, it feels like winning.
Had thousands of years to build any sort of society or culture. Didnt
And then proceeded to win a culture diplomatic victory while we were at it
Except we did it through noble warfare rather than through subversion and manipulation you filthy kike
Native americans are brown savages,ship them to mexico or india with the other brown savages.
They sold their land for alcohol
fuck off faggot bait thread
Is "just existing and spreading bacteria" noble warfare?
Comanches raided your citizens, raped their wives and daughters, enslaved the men or killed them, looted their belongings. They fought dirty, and you fought dirty too, which makes it all fair.
Not really.
>Diseases killed off the vast majority of them before any attempts at invasion began
>Allied with some tribes against others turning them on each other (if only you were at good at seeing divide and conquer tactics as you were at using them)
>Use superior technology against them
>Purposely use diseases to kill off groups you can't with force of arms
>Massacre civilians and noncombatants
War is never noble you retard, killing people is killing people whether you stab them in the chest or the back.
I'd say claiming land for your home country, exploring a new world, and converting heathens is pretty noble. Sure our diseases wiped most of them out, but do you really think they would have stood a better chance with a few million more club-bashers against muskets? I doubt it.
Also, don't bother with this "you" shit, frog. Did you forget about New France already?
War can be noble. A citizen of the nation-state claiming territory for the fatherland is very noble. It is a demonstration of superiority over the weaker people, the ultimate test for ideas, governments, and peoples. This has been the case throughout history and remains true.
New France wasn't an English style population replacement colony. New France worked closely with the local native population and never had the same scale of white people as the English colonies did. There is a reason the Indians almost all supported the French during the Seven Years War.
>It is noble to kill my sons so my overlord can rule more peons and have more money
Is there a more cucked ideology? The idea that war is noble is specifically why Jews rule the world. You retards killed each other off in droves because of "muh nationalism." About a year into WW1 the war stopped having a meaning beyond fighting to win the war for the sake of winning the war. WW2 was less retarded in purpose but many times more retarded in scale.
Seriously sending people to die is never moral, it may be necessary, it may be useful, but it isn't noble and it isn't good.
That's a noble conquest, not a noble warfare.
No, numbers wouldn't have changed the outcome.
My family lived in the Alps and southeast, they never got involved with anything overseas. In any case, I'm not pointing fingers at any nation specifically - Natives died from Alaska to Argentina.
oh you mean like everyone ever? wow, such a unique kind of ebil white man
Y'all just mad at the eurofag 2.0
Black Confederate flag supporter dies in crash after ‘angry’ exchange
So this is why you guys call my shitposting threads "slide threads".
America was basically unihabit d.
Natives needed thousand upon thousands of acres to feed their small tribes.
Europeans needed a few acres.
Besides Europeans tried to educate the Indians but it never took. Still largely hasn't.
But the argument about it being "native" land rings hollow when it was in large part being wasted so they could scrape out a savage existence.
I don't think I would live in privation so that so much bounty could be squandered.
The natives killed, enslaved, raped and sometimes ate other tribes. They should apologize to each other. Any tribe that claims white man took their land undoubtedly conquered another tribe to get it themselves.
Also pretty sure we didn't enslave them in North America. Some tribes allied with us in revolutionary war, war of 1812, and both sides of Civil War. They were called "noble savages" as a term of appreciation. Emphasis on the "noble" part
>break treaties
>murder people with disease
>take advantage of their hospitality
The American flag is a hate symbol of its own accord now? Great. I'll fly more of them. 1775 more along with the 1 I already fly.
Are you on Manitoulin Island?
>Europeans needed a few acres.
The Europeans needed nothing. What ever happened to Africa for the Africa, Asia for the Asians, Europe for the Europeans?
1 post by id
Bait thread
Alright guys, I'm willing to debate, but can we cool it with the n-word?
I don't get it, are there no rules around here?
Over at r/LateStageCapitalism, we don't allow racism, sexism, xenophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, ageism, or ableism. Would you guys be willing to debate with those rules in place?
All of this
I was talking about a nation-state. When the nation and state are married, the states actions become the people's actions. Men not willing to die for their nations is more cucked if you ask me.
War is a moral good for the survivors and eventually when they mate with the women produce a stronger generation the next time around.
>implying the US existed at the time most natives were killed
>implying most of them were killed intentionally and didn't die to disease
>implying the ones that were killed intentionally weren't either killed by other natives, by colonists retaliating for attacks from natives, or by spanish conquistadors whose current descendants aren't white people but mexicans
1st flag nigga shut up
2nd flag muh 6 grilion!
3rd flag we paid some good beads fore these here lands.
Shut up niggerfaggot.
>Men not willing to die for their nations is more cucked if you ask me.
If their nation is acting against their interests they are well within their rights to not fight for it. The idea of "you always have to fight for your nation no excuses" is exactly why WW1 was so fucking awful. After the war started nobody was will and able to end it. People in power couldn't speak out in favour of peace while the people in favour of speech were actively shoved out of power, imprisoned, or assassinated.
>War is a moral good for the survivors and eventually when they mate with the women produce a stronger generation the next time around.
History illustrates how wrong this is. Just look at America since the Vietnam war, a war that almost all men within that generation had to participate in due to the draft.
In the words of Martin Luther "War is the greatest plague that can afflict humanity, it destroys religion, it destroys states, it destroys families. Any scourge is preferable to it."
Don't push anything on me that I didn't personally do. I'm far too beta to enslave anyone.
autogenocide is a bitch, huh user?
if we actually "tried" itdve been done already, but we whites became too nice and leanient and are now reaping the causes of so
hes going all out
also this, with the powerful meaningful militaries still being majority white.
That only applies to California where there was a state sanctioned attempt to wipe them out
Can't hear you over all the winning we did, faggot.
We invaded and they lost
Sucks that they didn't win but we won the land fair and square
you being offending in any way is your mindset of choosing to be offended, debate around that ideology
whites are best at warfare and naturally everything in the world, the other races are only caught up because we have become too "nice" in a sense and allowed these other races to enjoy our benefits
Hitler said he respected the Americans for what they did to the inferior indigenous peoples. He didn't want to go to war with the British or the Americans. Because he felt the kinship with them. He only did it because he felt it was inevitable from a control standpoint. The Slavs and Jews must be completely wiped out.
Fun facts you can use.
>we enslaved millions
Maybe they shouldn't have sold them to us?
pretty sure disease killed more than europeans did.
>native americans
>existing at the same time as the modern flag
goddamn, liberals dont know dogshit
You and whoever else did all this should apologize.
What natives did we enslave? Pretty sure we didn't enslave the indians.
Implying all natives were the same race and culture.
The largest population of Natives within the US territory had died out BEFORE Europeans got there. Don't believe me, do some reading on the Mississipian Culture. Except you wont. Cause the left doesn't care about facts.
Actually learn history before you try and post some shittier liber meme in pol.
If you wanted to be accurate you'd post a Spanish flag there if anything you fucking clown.
assuming the path youre trying to take would be true, what makes you think these other savage races would not have tried doing the same had they actually thought about it and had ways of going about it?
You can't ask this loser about history because they don't know it.
Because the Natives wanted it, it was trade.
We did enslave a few of them in the beginning during the orig 14 colonies but they were replaced by Africans after a while
They claimed vath swathes of land that they couldn't defend and they were conquered just has occurred to every other society in the history of mankind that can't defend its territory.
Why should I feel any more sorry for them than I do for any other society on the planet that has found itself conquered?
well you guys are assholes
i never did any of that.
>Why should I feel any more sorry for them than I do for any other society on the planet that has found itself conquered?
Exactly. White people deserve to be bred out of existence by Mexicans and Arabs because they are too weak to fight back.
We did? I thought that was a spanish/ portugeues thing. Thing is, there weren't enough of them in America to enslave.
This. The Spanish enslaved them and literally killed or maimed those who couldn't find gold. It was so bad tht this priest suggested using blacks instead thinking tht they were stronger etc.