"The intensified struggle for superiority and shocks delivered to economic life will create, nay, have already created, disenchanted, cold and heartless communities. Such communities will foster a strong aversion towards the higher politics and towards religion. Their only guide is gain, that is Gold, which they will erect into a veritable cult, for the sake of those material delights which it can give. Then will the hour strike when, not for the sake of attaining the good, not even to win wealth, but solely out of hatred towards the privileged, the lower classes of the GOYIM will follow our lead against our rivals for power, the intellectuals of the GOYIM"
Hollyshit, did the protocols predict the manipulation of the left in order to shut down small and middle business competition to (((corporations)))?
"The intensified struggle for superiority and shocks delivered to economic life will create, nay, have already created...
That's not at all what should be extrapolated from that paragraph.
You do know this book is a proven hoax, or are you that uneducated/desperate/stupid?
Pic related - OP's last redpill
Here is a summary of each protocol
stormfront dot org/forum/t1007116/
T, (((snopes)))
oh really? can you explain, the only information out there "disproving it" that I could find is basically that they don't have any information on it.
Where is the proof?
Why every "right wing" jew is an economic liberal who shuns nationalism or decency and try to push it as real right wing politics.
Persuade the opposition, then, when they have the brown masses inside the country because "right wing" people brought them to boost the economy, unleash them against the target.
>t. Triggered kike shill
You want a red pill? Read the protocols and have a look around, faggot.
Translation: OYYYY VEYYYYY
The Protocols of Zion never fails to trigger kikes and their shills. I wonder why?
Sup Forums should post this daily.
Feels like it is already.
Yeah nah m8, the threads I see daily are
>BLUMPF 2 scoops!!!!111
>is Lauren Southern our girl?
>HABBENING! A plane took off from an airport holy shit anons we WW3 now
And so on.
Those dudes who post a list of red pilled links with every comment really should include the Protocols of Zion. Nothing else red pilled me as hard.
You should check out The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, then. It'll blow your mind.
But yea, dickheads posting the same stupid Sup Forums tier shit need to get banned.
How could I forget
>Indian/nigger hate threads
Also, bumpalumpadingdong famalam
I'll google it right now m8. Cheers
This is a great description of the build up to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia.
The Protocols is fake but right- in that it is not the record of a secret meeting of a Jewish cabal that actually took place, but rather a convenient summary of what Jews actually strive for but keep hidden.
written by a frenchman about napoleon
protocols is a trick the people in control want us to name the jew.
How come, if that back story is actually legit, the protocols written over a century ago accurately predicts much of the degenerate modern world before it unfolded...?
Almost as if to plan
It's just WAY too much has happened as stated in the protocols to be a coincidence.
FUckin kike I hope we gas you and you entire bloodline
Pure coincidence senpai.
Hence "fake but right." It tells us what the Jews want, but all that shit isn't planned out. They just do it subconsciously, it's evolutionarily ingrained. And they repeat this behavior everywhere they go. (Except Israel) Jews gonna jew knowumsayn?
Just read Culture of Critique.
Because not a whole lot has changed. It's all very general. That's how it was lifted so easily from the Dialogue, because they treated it like tarot readers, telling you what you want to hear but being non-specific about it.
Ahh yes, (((coincidence))). Me good goy now
Yeah brah, I'm on the level. Explains all the expulsions too. I don't disagree with your first comment, it just strikes me as bizarre that something so accurate yet sinister is "fake". A good m8 read that book (he's a bad goy) and raved about it, looks like it's my turn.
I think I should read the Dialogue before I say much because you obviously know a piece of the puzzle that I don't.
>have found archive link
>will read tonight
However I will say that the protocols are not vague, each has a clear objective with malicious, destructive intent and many, it seems, have been achieved.
>each has a clear objective
Of course. But it's the method which is vague. Again, that's part of telling people what they want to hear. Give them an endpoint, but don't tell them how to get there.
>t. tarot reader at Renaissance Fairs
By keeping it vague, you can claim you were right when something even approaching it transpires, but, like the protocols, you can't tell them specifics.
So it's not actually accurate when you read it, but it covers just enough for YOU to make it accurate by drawing conclusions.
They don't provide times, dates, and places, that much is true. Yet to write it off as vague predictions? Nah m8, a document a century old that foretold so much of what we see today is much more to me than a evil horoscope of some kind.
What makes it impossible to ignore or dismiss is the fact that the Jew MSM, this very day, so fiercely shills, defends, and screeches at those who oppose exactly what is written in sections of the protocols. While pushing NONE of it on Israel, just the goyim. It's like a smoking gun as far as they're concerned.
Either way, I'll read the Dialogue and see what I think afterwards
Yea goyim thats a hoax