What's your general opinions or feelings about having new immigrants ? Like i'm not talking about the shitty ones, i'm talking about the level headed ones who agrees with conservative american values and he works hard and he makes decent money and he behaves accordingly and he speaks great english. But he's a nonwhite.
A question for americans
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Fuck off we're full.
More americans please ?
Guys come on i need to know
ffs. We like immigrants just fine. We don't like ILLEGAL immigrants. We want to be a nation of productive, law abiding citizens. Why is this so hard to understand?
i used to believe in (((civic nationalism))) until i felt like a stranger in my own town filled with S.E asians, Indians, africans and muslims these people where all legal here and of course there were mexicans too. No white american on sight. Legal and illegal immigration needs to stop . It has the same goal youtube.com
Only bong immigrants should be permitted imo
Maybe cancucks and aussies
We love hardworking, level-headed immigrants, British bro. We're a nation of exactly that. We also have laws, including immigration laws, and we expect everyone in our nation to follow those laws. Legal immigration is fine, because that provides a vetting process. Illegal immigration is not OK, both because of the lack of control over immigration and because it means an immigrant's very first experience in the US is flagrant disrespect for and violation of the rule of law.
>durr durrrrrr just be legal
If you're white or a Nip, welcome. If not, fuck off.
As long as they assimilate, it's fine.
Legal immigration rate is way too high, though. We need breathing room. Our ancestors were right in cutting in back in the twenties.
lived in the US for awhile. now back in swedistan, my cuck input is this:
anyone is welcome as long as they contribute to society. society is in a post-postmodern state where shitjobs are getting eradicated. people need to educate themselves in order to fit in. as long as they can manage an education and is generally agreeable + not shitbag + has a sound fucking intellect, why shouldnt they be able to come?
what is NOT contributing to society is importing uneducated, low-to-no-skilled labour that is only a drain on welfare and utterly eroding social capital
If they're productive, sure, come on in.
My ancestors are primarily polish and german and got jobs in America, created businesses, etc...
America generally likes new immigrants, as long as you have a strong work ethic, respect the laws, etc..
>he's a nonwhite
The only way he would be redpilled is if he agreed that whites have a right to an ethnostate. In other words, he wouldn't live here.
I'd be glad to fight alongside anyone of another race for this right to racial self-determination. I'd volunteer for, say, an army cleansing Japan of Nigerians, even though the nips aren't white.
But Japan isn't my fucking country, and I'm not entitled to it. Neither is this hypothetical nonwhite entitled to the US, and he should know this. I'll welcome his help, but at the end of the day, it is a white country--but he can still be a nonwhite friend.
Civcuck """nationalists""" can fuck off and die.
You have to admit immigration is shit, right? There's no way you could approve of the cultural conditions here having grown up in sweden
Exactly! Just one big spreadsheet, so long as we have money, we don't need to establish a culture or anything.
They wouldn't be bad if the quantity was far fewer, and they're kids are almost always white hating leftists.
Absolutely not.
>Regression to the mean:
Their children/grandchildren will invariably not be "based, level headed black guys". That is the cold hard reality.
If these top-notch immigrants really want to come here, they should only be allowed if they agree to be sterilized. No exceptions.
Shortsightedness in this field has all but ruined our once great nation.
>Nixon was redpilled, chose to stick to the lies:
my thoughts exactly there is more important things in life than shekels and importing cheep labor.
We did establish a culture. We made English the world language. Burgers are served in every city in the world. We have great authors like Poe and Pynchon. We invented rock and roll, and we shared it with the world. All over the globe, young people strive to emulate us and our culture. Japan fascinates our weeaboos, but we fascinate the world.
Please come to America, OP.
i agree to a large extent.
migration fills a purpose. but that purpose is not what swedistan needs atm. unless we're talking stealing highly educated people from other countries (india comes to mind) and using them in our system, thereby our brain-gain is their brain-drain.
we are very well of in sweden; well we were. now imported a lot of no.skilled/no-educated people will vastly different cultural ideas than our own.
its fucked desu
I mean a stable culture, not a few isolated geniuses.
You can say that all you want but the USA isn't Europe. If you want people to take the idea of a white nation seriously you'll have to do it in Europe. You would have a case there.
Do you mean just america in general or whites ?
The computer on which you read this. We made that not only possible, but a permanent presence throughout the west. What the world enjoys today, neither Greece nor Italy nor any other cradle of western civilization gave us: we live in the Pax Americana, the age of global American culture and technology. We are the stable center of the world today. The rest of the world has its scattered geniuses on the fringe: we are the stable center.
As long as they come with the intent to assimilate, build a better life, and most importantly get a job I'm fine with them.
I have a problem with people who do not strive to improve themselves, but they applies to American citizens and foreigners alike. I have a low tolerance for fatalists/people that don't try.
If he's white sure.
>But he's a nonwhite
Die Indian.
only high IQ immigrants while we kick out illegals.
White English are fine. Dirty Indians, Sand Niggers, and Niggers can piss off.
A "stable culture" is just one that is isolated for a long time (hundreds of years) and left to develop new ideas on its own. The US started after mass print duplication of books and newspapers, etc... so the US had no chance to make a culture in a bubble because it was too late.
In a way, the US was developed in a post-culture world, absorbing other cultures only and not contributing back.
>We are the stable center of the world today. The rest of the world has its scattered geniuses on the fringe: we are the stable center.
Fucking kek.
Pure nonsense t b h
Foreign cultures have contributed nothing more than some meme foods and cultural dilution
He's right in that most culture comes from here now. Many of your young people even evince american traits
How come other countries will take our money, entertainment exports and shit but they wont let us move there without ridiculous hoops but then they whine about the piddly shit required to come here.
Your culture is just a bunch of others mushed together and perverted
Weird to see someone saying fairly reasonable things with that flag.
I want to ask - are most Swedes beginning to realize how fucked they are? Are they saying everything's great while thinking that it's not and hoping that if they keep quiet it'll just blow over? Or are they really so far gone that they genuinely think ruining their country and flooding it with shit-tier niggers and muzzies from shit-tier countries is great and everything is perfect and the future is bright in Sweden?
It's very hard to get a read on how most Swedes feel over there from where I'm sitting in Burgerland. Everything is filtered through political agendas by the time it's here.
>Many of your young people even evince american traits
They really dont
interesting coming from switzerland; one of the actually stable "centers" of the world. been there a couple of times, nice place. clean. high amount of social capital due to very selective immigration and your take on democratic voting procedure not found elsewhere.
since we're always mixed up anyway by amerifats, mind having importing me as honorary swiss?
i dont really give a shit about ethnicity, so long as it doesn't create a sub culture
excellent excerpt on immigration starting around 15:00
That's a meme for simpletons. Lincoln for example is completely american.
They really do, I've met quite a few.
Civic nationalism is trash tier.
>not talking about the shitty ones
>but he's a nonwhite
So you are talking about the shitty ones. Either way, we need a 100% immigration freeze for at least the next 20 years, if not longer. And so does any nation that currently calls itself "white"
It makes sense. White irish is proud of being irish, white swede is proud of being swedish, being proud of race is unnatural and sickly. It grows from unhealthy obsession or upbringing etc etc. civic nationalism, like capitalism, is natural.