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Are we closer to Neanderthals than niggers?
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This table seemingly suggests that we're less related to niggers and abos than we are to Neanderthals.
So in what sense are we same species?
I remember Seeing something on genetic distance between apes making them different species/sub species and that distance was shorter than the genetic distance of whites and blacks
I'll try to find it
Africans and Europeans are completely different sub-species if not different species altogether.
The genetic distance between Whites (British) and Blacks (Bantu) is 0.23:
The FST between the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the bonobo (Pan paniscus) is 0.103 which is half the White-Black difference despite the two being classified as separate species:
The FST between two gorilla species, Gorilla gorilla and Gorilla beringei is 0.04 or 1/6 the difference between Blacks and Whites:
The FST between humans and Neanderthals is less than 0.08 or about 1/3 the Black-White difference:
The FST between humans and homo erectus is 0.17 which is 3/4 the Black-White distance:
Thus, whites and blacks are more genetically distant than two different chimpanzee species, two different gorilla species, humans vs. Neanderthals, and humans vs. homo erectus.
research occipital bun . It has become a rare trait , but many early , early , early , white europeans would have had it. It has been connected to Neanderthal DNA.
Good shit.
They are closer to Bonobo than to Human. Save this for future ref.
Fuck comes from
The user apparently saved the links from some other forum that has a link shorten-er
Thanks, got Sauce on that?
based on evidence based on infographics and also actual evidence im pretty sure what happened was homo sapiens left africa and bred with european neanderthals and with oriental neanderthals. with different degrees of mixing creating the brownish people in between. ultimately it depends how u define species but theres are argument to be made.
It's important to note that this is only for one fragment of one of our 23 chromosomes.
The skull on the left belonged to an Australian aboriginal.
The skull on the right belonged to a white man.
Do you have an actual source?
I'd hope so
>left africa
I've looked at the paper before.
This is about a specific (but large) chromosomal fragment, not the entire genome.
Some of these links don't work, bro.
I know see I will try to find the orgininal place the user got them from
yes, every race besides niggers have literal neanderthal dna.
ever notice how every race besides niggers have made civilization, math, science, written language?
Its not a coincidence, friend.
The purpose of race mixing is to further dilute the god genes.
Heres the source its at the bottom with working links
Thanks user.
The genetic distance between Whites (British) and Blacks (Bantu) is 0.23:
The FST between the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the bonobo (Pan paniscus) is 0.103 which is half the White-Black difference despite the two being classified as separate species:
The FST between two gorilla species, Gorilla gorilla and Gorilla beringei is 0.04 or 1/6 the difference between Blacks and Whites:
The FST between humans and Neanderthals is less than 0.08 or about 1/3 the Black-White difference:
The FST between humans and homo erectus is 0.17 which is 3/4 the Black-White distance:
Thus, whites and blacks are more genetically distant than two different chimpanzee species, two different gorilla species, humans vs. Neanderthals, and humans vs. homo erectus.
nogs are not human.
To some extent, yes. It's really more due to parallel evolution in a climate with the harsh winters of the Ice Age, which extended far further south than winters do today. Neanderthals and ancient Sapiens basically both grew up in a hyperbolic time chamber. Low population and high environmental pressure select for high cooperation between strangers: the white gene.
These behavioral traits were probably more pronounced for Neanderthals than for European Sapiens, and they probably went extinct because they were outbred by us.
How do you explain black people who become engineers, get phd's, etc. while there are no bonobos with phds or stem degrees?
Those species are classified as such because they dont breed together for some reason, be it geographic, behaviour or whatever. Thats how we decide if 2 populations are seperate species or not, doesnt have anything to do with genetic distances. But then again the only reason humans race mix is jewish trickery
No reasonable human would breed with a nigger.
On the other hand, unreasonable humans (porn stars) breed with horses and other animals, so I do'nt think this is a good definition.
STFU, nigger.
>breed with horses and other animals
Many different "species" can have viable offsprings.
Please see Neanderthal/human genetic history.
Yeah but they dont in the wild due to being seperated by a mountain range or having differemt mating seasons or behaviors or something.
That is a useless definition for "species."
According to that definition, Norks and Sorks are different "species." (if you believe this, please kys)
DNA is a measurable difference that can be observed.
Those 2 isolated populations would deviate from eachother over time if they stayed isolated, yes. This definition works well for like field mice sepreated by mountains but seems pretty fucking stupid when you apply it to humans and a border
No bonobo affirmative action.
>falling for neanderthall meme
the part of you that isn't neanderthall is the part of dna you sure with other lifeforms IE not the important genes/part of who you are.
We are not the same species. Niggers should be treated by vets.
Also have to agree.
Neanderthals were the more intelligent human subspecies and that's why their descendants are the smartest.
Hilarious how the name alone makes morons think otherwise.
Most blacks in North America are mixed race.
Afaik they only died out bc their diet required substatially more meat than sapiens so overhunting hit them way harder
Yeah and if the back to africa movement actually caught on back in the day africa wouldnt be a total shithole today
Yup. It's obvious just from their skin color alone that they're not pure Africans.
Good source. Thanks.
Here are some new discoveries about neanderthals in Pestera cu Oase, Romania. Lots of theories will be changed in next years.
Fire was discovered and mastered in Europe.
Very interesting thank you, I'll have a look at some of those journals
Affirmative Action ... that, and taking into account that for every 100,000 niggers, there are two smart niggers.
Some other links, related to this subject.
"While the team doesn’t know the function of those Neanderthal gene variants, it began to search for their influence by examining brain tissue from the prefrontal cortex of 14 adults of European, African, and Asian descent, as well as 14 chimpanzees. Although Khaitovich thinks that the Neanderthal genes affect the composition of fat throughout the body, the researchers focused on brain tissue first because it contains so many fatty acids—and was available from a brain tissue bank. “There is no [body fat] tissue bank for different populations,” he says.
The team found that Europeans had differences in the concentration of various fatty acids in the brain that were not found in Asians or chimpanzees, which suggests they had evolved recently. The Europeans also showed differences in the function of enzymes that are known to be involved with the metabolism of fat in the brain.
Now the team is trying to figure out what the fatty acids do in the brain and how differences in their concentration might affect function. “We think it’s a very strong effect with very profound physiological changes,” Khaitovich says. “Otherwise, we wouldn’t see it in the brain tissue.”
Fat metabolism is critical to the functioning of the brain (the brain in more than 80% fat).
>And all blue eyed people are genetically related to a person who lived in the Black Sea region sometime between 6 – 10,000 years ago. Mutation in OCA2 gene.
> Danube Civilization script the oldest writing in the world. Google for Cucuteni Culture - 7500 years ago.
We should account for Ice Ages too. 10.000 years ago almost all Europe was like the Arctic circle, as the ice sheet ended near the northern Carpathian mountains.
The "DNA type" changes depending on the measure. Probably the reason for the changes in magnitude.