Why are whites afraid of being minorities? Are minorities treated differently or something?
Why are whites afraid of being minorities? Are minorities treated differently or something?
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They will be when the savages get power.
Yes. Thats why we don't want to be a minority.
I mean if I got half the kick backs mealaninated people do, I'd be pretty damn happy. At the same time the fags that say minorities are treated differently use a different definition of minority then the standard one.
The reason we dislike the idea of being minorities is because we have no 100% white country to move to. All races have that except First Nations, and look how they function when they are a minority with no homeland.
South Africa
Really made me think, never heard that one before sageblue.
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
They commit above average levels of violent crime and are more likely disease ridden
Hard pass
I dunno
>checks south africa to see how they're doing
nah were fine!
>checks soderberg sweden
>checks detroit, LA, and chicago
this is how liberals act, they are the only ones that deny that whites are treated terribly by niggers, I don't deny it, I would never lie to myself that way, if the out of africa theory touted as being correct by all professors is in fact correct, that means all blacks kicked all whites out of africa. remind me again why would we shouldn't fucking hate you?
Being a minority in someone else's country is to be expected. But this is our country. We should not allow ourselves to become a minority in our own country. Ethnic cleansing is the only solution, and only going part way just leads to problem down the road, so we have to make a complete job of it.
pic related will be in power while niggers rape and murder their way across white America
They were in the past, and now they feel like they still are owed something so as soon as they get power they will abuse it to high hell and "give us a taste of our own medicine" despite us giving them virtually everything they want for half a decade mow
Niggers kill each other and post it on social media and laugh. Whites are going to be massacred in South Africa levels when we become a minority.
Because being a minority in the country your race created is wrong on an intrinsic level.
Minorities are only safe in white countries.
Half decade? More like half century.
They'd get massacred the moment they tried
I suppose private industry will still be mostly white or jewish.
Gotta make sure Negro hate includes Jews too.
while I still stand by my original sentiment that we have no real reason to trust any black person as they have never given us one, I do believe that there could never be the sort outright slaughter of any one racial group in the us unless more then one of them agreed to it, and all the asians and mexicans I know hate niggers harder then I do, so if anyone is getting genocided at some point it is niggers, but probably not by soft as whitey, probably by a bunch of soulless chinks who take us over at some point, and then relegate white people to loved minority status, much like they are in china.
Do chinks actually love whites?
Once Latinos become the majority blacks are completely fucked. Latinos don't have white guilt they aren't going to play nice
Minorities are a protected class in Western societies. Yes, they're treated differently. When they're the majority, they will continue to attack white people just like they do now, despite all of their benefits that are mostly paid and were given to them by whites. They will give whites nothing but death. Parasites.
"minorities" aren't minorities
white people (europeans) are less than 7% of the world population.
What will they do when the gibs run out though?
Still blame whitey as they all starve?
>Why are airline pilots afraid of switching with passengers? Are passengers treated differently or something?
Yes it sucks to be the minority, everyone knows that. Which is why we don't want to be it.
Because other races are far more racist than whites, and just look at other nations where whites have been minorities, utopias like Haiti, India, South Africa, Rhodesia, Algeria... yeah I look forward to that future
all of politics:
people with power fear change
people without power want change
this is why politics will always suck too, and will never become a science
original pic pls? for scientific purposes...
Everyone is better off when whites are in charge. Black people are way better off in "racist" America than they are in Africa.
Because even when we're minorities, every institution in America will still be "too white" and racism against whites won't be recognized by the populace so we have every right to preserve the white race of America.
This is an excellent point. At the (((academic))) level, everyone hates whitey. But if you observe cities like LA, Houston, and Miami it demonstrates how latinos and Asians may rip on white people socially, but they are outright ethnically cleansing black neighborhoods. I have seen this in my workplace as well. Hispanics may prefer each other to me, but compared to black coworkers I am Simon Bolivar meets Hugo Chavez. Likewise, blacks see me as whitey, but at least I am American, unlike the latinos they view as foreign. Finally, the look of relief on the faces of the Asians, Arabs, and Indians when their convenience store door chimes and they see me walking in versus gentle giant Trayvon Brown Obama leads me to believe that I may see my quality of life decline as America browns, but I will always be lowest priority for targeted violence by the various non whites.
Yes, in south africa.
According to the commies they are.
Demographic change means laws will change
We dislike the idea of being minorities because we want to live with a large percentage of white people. This is simply because we are the best race.
Look at the rates of white male, Asian female marriage. They don't all love us, but the working and middle class asians gives us far more respect as successful nation makers than noisy sjw college asians would lead you to believe.
hispanic is not a race
>Why are whites afraid of being minorities?
Because the country will be fucked when that happens. Look at brazil. Look at turkey. Look at etc. etc.
White men create great countries. Of the top ten best countries in the world, 7 of them were created by white men. Show me a black population country with great success. Show me a hispanic country with great success. It's whites and asians. They literally created the modern world, they are humanity's keeper and its salvation.
I don't even fucking think you comprehend what's at stakes. For over 10thousand years that humanity as we know it has existed, the natural nigger never made a sailing boat. Never tamed horses to ride. Never invented a compass or never looked to forging weapons. They lived on sharp sticks and hunting. Niggers will NEVER EVER propel humanity forward if left to their own devices.
THAT is what is at fucking stake.
false equivalence aside, when hispanics, negoes and aisians are minority in a white land they get left alone....when whites are a minority especially in negroe lands you get genocided see zimbabwe and current south africa....
But I suppose now days the truth is racist....
Don't blame Spain for the faults of mestizo aztec rape baby countries you anti white kike faggot jew
I understand that. But it is still a useful catch all in America for mestizos and castizos, aka 90% of the immigrants we see from central and South America. No white Chilean doctor of Italian descent is going to come to America where his degree is worthless so he can wash dishes in a Bennigans.
Yes. Just look at how non-whites treat minorities in non-white countries. Then you'll see why whites being a minority is a frightening thing.
Whites are the only race that even tries to treat minorities fairly.
Hollywood and the oscars will always be (((white))), they will never relinquish that.
Minorities are always treated poorly, except by Whites. Not to mention we're becoming a minority IN OUR OWN COUNTRIES
SJWs would throw a shitfit if we made some African country majority White.
Well they're the ones who made the (not actually) rape babies.
A story for you lads & lasses,
I grew up in Mx as a 'cultural minority' (Cause you know they are mostly Spanish decedents), from the ages of ten to sixteen.
More-so I went to school with the upper socio-economical children attending a K-HS private school tolling close to 25grand a yr. but whatever, my Dads company paid for it all, we were lower Middle into higher middle, living in upper Mx because the company is a beast.
Most Racists people I have ever been around, even about themselves. Lunch consisted of sitting around a table & talking shit to one another. Didn't help the other Americans down there either went into seclusion, these drug surrounded almost emo style groups that also carried some pretension. Then me, just stuck in the middle.
One yr we have a new African student & they straight up just called him my Nigger.
Truthfully 15 yrs later & I'm still a little fucked up from having lived there. (Even thinking about it now is like, fuck, a talk therapy session might be a good idea in my future).
At least I can STILL give them verbal shit & they understand every word I say!!
Take what you want from it...
>Whites becoming minorities in their own countries
The Jews have won
>liberals think oppression is a result of being marginalized
>think whites should be marginalized
i say it alot, liberals don't even realize that they actually just want to destroy the society they cant fit into
conservatism is a country's immune system
But according to SJWs the US isn't even a white country
If it was a minority amongst a majority of Chinese and Japanese I wouldn't be too worried. However just take a look at the grotesquely disproportionate crime stats to understand why we don't want a black majority or Hispanic majority country!
When it comes to Moslems just take a look at their countries, take a look at the extensive research and servaying done that shows a clear and concise horrific fact that the majority of Muslims want the mandation of sharia law and hundreds of millions of them support the barbaric practises known as the hududs. Islamic terrorism accounts for almost all of terrorist related deaths according to the global terrorism index of 2015 and 2016 just five Islamic terrorist organizations in 2014 accounted for 74% of all terrorist related deaths, four Islamic terrorist organizations in 2015 accounted for again 74% of all terrorist related deaths imagine if they have it every single islamic terrorist organization.
And finally this isn't just one predominately white country, all predominately white countries are taking into many immigrants… Only predominately white countries accept mass immigration of people of different races and ethnicities. The native birth rate is too low, and the immigrant birth rate is much higher it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that that will be very problematic for the future. Let the blacks have Central and south Africa ( The whites in South Africa need to get the fuck out of there because they are being barbarically killed and the presidents of those countries are literally instigating that kind of behaviour). Let the Muslims have the Middle East and North Africa, let the Chinese have China, the Japanese Japan, Mexico with its Mexicans etc. and white people will keep Europe entirely and at least America. My country is gone. Basically everybody gets their place under the sun… Is that so evil?
Because we already know what it's like when shitskins are the majority. Name one majority-black nation that has anything higher than a third world standard of living. I'll wait .
It's not like south africa was colonized manu militari by whites after genociding the local population or anything
we didnu nuffin!!
And white people don't exist, and race doesn't exist, and all white people are racist. They are not driven by logic, but by a destructive impulse that is essentially self destructive because their lives too will suffer when America is no longer white.
Are you describing whites or Bantu, because in SA that could describe both groups.
we need to completely genocide niggers and kikes
>when non-whites are a minority you get america
>when whites are a minority you get zimbabwe
XD those old white men are soooooooo afraid of a tolerant and diverse future
It's mostly just due to how overwhelmingly leftist they vote. The purpose of voting leftist is to get more welfare so they can live off other people... many being white people.
because blacks aren't even your atual problem, you mouthbreathing retard
Surrounded by whites, minorities have it good
Surrounded by non-whites, minorities are treated poorly
It means the collapse of society.
Blacks and mexicans rob, rape and murder a lot. I'll take the asian girl.
>Why are whites afraid of being minorities? Are minorities treated differently or something?
Because it's whites minority or not the fund everything and make the difference between the place being a destination for non white immigration or the source.
Scared of losing majority
>Whites are the minority in the world
All countries with minority whites are SHITTY.
Im scared because niggers and moslems cant run a store let alone a country.
>Whites are the worlds only hope, and The left attacks it
I'm not afraid of being a minority. I lived in India and was quite content being one of the only white people. I just don't like that mass immigration leads to increased crime and rape.
>implying whites are not a minority at 7% of world population.
Prasie KEK!
>Whites are the world's only hope. That's why the left attacks it
FTFY, and I even fixed your shit grammar to boot.
Why do whites not want to become minorities in their own countries? I don't get it, what's wrong with one's race being wiped out?
Go to an asian country. many will come up and talk to you. but it seems to be more like the way white people view blacks in america. they treat you like a little pet or a toy. an accessory even. some will ask to take a picture with you. you are a novelty item first before you are a person... which I'm okay with if it means survival
>Are minorities treated differently or something
Depends on the majority
white majorities give GIBS, black majorities give burning tire necklaces, yeah theres a diff.
I'm scared because the gibsmedats can't be funded by the white man alone. What will you do when Jamal tries to seize your house?
Whitey will be demonized and treated like shit until we are extinct. we'll be like jews but this holocaust would be real
>Why are whites afraid of being minorities? Are minorities treated differently or something?
No. It has more to do with the natural states in which Blacks, Hispanics and Asians live
Their countries are nightmares, literally hell on earth. And places like Mexico and Africa are so terrible because they're populated and run by Mexicans and Africans.
We simply don't want that shit ruining what's left of civilization.