Angry Buddhists
They know what the fuck is up.
What sect of Buddhists are they? If they're Zen Buddhists, they're perfectly within their moral limits to purge.
Because Burma is next to Bangladesh which has three times their population and is all Muslim. If the Burmese don't defend their country they will be doomed in a generation.
if even the buddhists hate them, you know they're bad news,
Theravada. IIRC young men in Burma become monks for a defined period, like joining the Army ot going to university. Temporary vows.
You know you are an insufferable vermin when you manage to turn buddhist genocidal
Found the liberal
Muslims are like carp.
Hes actually but honestly hes not the one to talk here. Tibetans are literal leeches. Poofag myself and there are plenty of them in my hometown. Though I will take them over anyone else desu.
Delicious when locked up till Christmas Eve?
guess the muzzies shouldn't have blown up those buddha faces in Afghanistan...
Good. The more involved in the right against barbarism the better
>"the world is not only for muslims"
>hate speech
wew lads
Buddhists have been fighting like this for quite awhile
Because of the violence in western China from Muslims hating anyone and any faith that isn't Muslim.
It's funny how the article's author seems to think he knows more about Buddhism than the actual Buddhist monks.
muslims attack everyone... yet the media never asks why. but if someone attacks muslims. oh no, we have to do some soul searching!.
Fedoras being Fedoras.
Are Buddhists /ourguys/ now?
>stop ruining everything
Yet they won't report that to take and murder is one of the first tenants of Islam?
>Buddhist monks using hate speech.
Are they this fucking delusional? A group of non violent monks dedicated to peace is saying that there is a problem with Islam. And they instantly assume that, because they don't fit their narrative that they must be bigots.
I wonder if they ever stop jerking each other off?
>remember to start research buddhism
The Muslims are empty vessels. If we break the vessels, there's nothing inside them to lose. Since a Buddhist world is better than a Muslim world, it's better for the Muslims to die.
the west has become so pacified that buddhists, FUCKING BUDDHISTS have to step up and remove kebab
>enlightenment through peace and meditation
>death and destruction in the name of Allah
I think we all know which of the two is better