A former IT employee who got replaced by H1B is running for congress. I don't live in Connecticut, but I applaud him. What does Sup Forums think?
What does Sup Forums think of h1b?
I forgot to post the link to the article
Bump. Guy is our hero
I'm Canadian, lots of people I know work in the US under H1B. Good for them I guess, but I wish there wasn't such a brain drain. The tech industry in BC would be so much better if everybody didn't fuck off to California.
The number of Indian H1Bs in the USA is shocking to me in the sheer number of people. I don't personally have a formed opinion about whether it's good or bad yet.
They're training him to use the toilet.
i can tell you from personal experience that indians write illegible code. they never comment or format, they always require training, and IT bosses love them insourced or outsourced because they work for minimum wage. the same applies to pretty much all immigrants/visa faggots.
The "has skills Americans don't have" sounds like a meme. If it's true, then it's probably due to affirmative action policies at universities.
Tariq isn't going to become a fucking astrophysicist with his 2.7 high school GPA. He shouldn't get to go to a top school because he's black and fills a quota. He'll end up dropping out in a year and another unqualified nog will take his place, drop out, and the cycle will just keep repeating until we have merit-based admissions again.
Think of it this way, massive amounts of Chinese buying Vancouver real estate made it unlivable.
Simple as supply and demand.
Massive amount of non-Americans made young Americans unable to get entry level jobs.
So in your example, a smart Canadian leaving Canada benefits personally by H1B, but the Canadian people lose out on a smart entrepreneurial person, and Americans have a harder time getting a job due to that. Maybe the Canadian market needed someone to start a business there, or the American company needed to start a new branch in Canada. Canada loses out on that.
Now Canadians are similar to Americans. Imagine if hundreds of thousands of Indians clog up the entry level positions, getting the valuable experience that young Americans need to give our country valuable skills. You would hate them too.
Agreed. Think, we had affirmative action since the 70s, has it worked?
affirmative action is unrelated to H1B. H1B is for foreign workers to come work in the USA, not about a US citizen with any particular skin color or culture or whatever.
True, H1B just increases our diversity for leftists to jack off to.
there is supposed to be a "uniform rule of naturalization". having 50 different visas, means you have 50 different types of citizenship, which undermines the Republic.
>has it worked?
Depends who you ask-- fewer whites are going to college proportionally than ever.
Whites and Asians can get perfect scores on MCATs or LSATs and not get into medical or law school in the US. Meanwhile, a nog with a sub-3 GPA and mediocre test scores can get into Harvard Law. That's utterly ridiculous.
at least they're taking action on the real estate problems now.
>Depends who you ask-- fewer whites are going to college proportionally than ever.
>Whites and Asians can get perfect scores on MCATs or LSATs and not get into medical or law school in the US. Meanwhile, a nog with a sub-3 GPA and mediocre test scores can get into Harvard Law. That's utterly ridiculous.
So dumb nogs have meaningless degrees, while Asian and White dropouts make start ups
What action? Are they kicking the Chinese out? If so, good for Canada, I'm glad our Northern brothers have at least one testicle.
That's not what I'm talking about. Affirmative action is so strong in our American universities that it prevents the best and brightest Americans from receiving an education from our best universities. Affirmative action may be the single reason why America does not have the most talented domestic workforce in the world.
>other catch-phrases like "affirmative action"
common benefit, social security, equal opportunity, common core, social capital, gender neutral, civil rights (as opposed to natural rights), public good, affordable care, social welfare, the rich, FUCKING WHITE MALE!!!
Notice the theme? It's all literally communist propaganda.
>So dumb nogs have meaningless degrees, while Asian and White dropouts make start ups
The male nogs can't hack it because they're under qualified and drop-out at incredible rates.
Then, female nogs make up the biggest disproportional demographic in colleges because they get coddled by professors.
Seriously, white people have invented everything good in the modern era. Even White Jews (Ashkenaz) are smarter than Brown Jews (Sephard)
IIRC they're putting a tax on empty houses. You can probably find a better explanation by googling it. I'm just glad Vancouverites managed to uncuck themselves, so many people were calling any action against foreign buyers "racist".
using this thread to look up septs.
indian programmers are generally not as good and I don't mind competing against them as it's the fucking internet and you really don't have a choice anyways.
if you call yourself a capitalist , how do you justify beiing againts H1bs
well you gotta give the nips and s. koreans a little credit
I do and I'm not. The rest of them will just identify as "NatSoc" or whatever.
Also wtf was this is very important!!
Good for Vancouverites, now if your country can get rid of Trudeau, that would be two testicles more than your current Prime Minister
>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee OPEN BORDERS!!!!!!!!!! you're being protectionist
eeeexcept other countries are already protectionist waayyy more. lrn2minarchy
Because bringing more people here isn't sustainable with our future economy's cornerstone being automation, period.
We have a unique opportunity to stay #1 sustainably with automation because of our lack of population growth. We need to curb immigration as much as possible.
there are definitely advantages to automation, but when you take humans completely out of the loop in any business you expose yourself to unnecessary risk when it comes to software bugs. there's a lot to be said for face to face meetings and handwritten letters. but yea, definitely curb immigration.
We don't need more retards in this country. Japan is where they made most of the gay shit.
Although, high IQ populations are good for humanity, low IQ niggers and sand niggers are not.
Fuck indian scum
see my post
I fucking despise Indians. Everything about them.
what if Im a business owner and I decide that robots are too expensive and id rather higher poo in the loos for way less money.
Why me as a business owner should give a shit about your idealogy of muh pure race and muh white amerika when Im making business
IQ can easily skip generations. You're thinking far too short term. All immigration needs to be curbed, we can set-up multinationals and subcontract out to other countries in the meantime. We don't need H1B.
>what if Im a business owner and I decide that robots are too expensive and id rather higher poo in the loos for way less money.
Those kinds of jobs are not what h1b is used for and you can already subcontract out to India. There is absolutely NO reason we'd need to bring foreigners here and pay them even more than we could pay them if they stayed in their own country.
I hope he gets elected, because fuck Disney and what they did to their IT staff.
You can go make business in India then and suck Herpderps cock
Hells yeah.
Trump got elected for his popular anti-immigrant stance.
If more anti-immigrant politicians get in, mainstream politicians might get the message or gtfo.
Or make a business here and pay poo-in-loo companies to do shit that they can do cheaper in India. There's literally no reason to move them here and pay them like Americans.
Fucking Tata and Infosys. I hope they burn in hell.
If you bring in foreign workers, it will be against the interest of domestic workers in the same field. There's no question about that.
But is it good for the "national interest"? That is really hard to define. But I guess it's pretty safe to say, you don't want to bring in low-level shitty people.
Since when is 'National Interest' so opposed to the interests of the nation's citizens?
the reason is to pay them cheaper
you and your gf can get ass fucked by all the pajeets I have on my H1bs in the usa, because its a free country
>the reason is to pay them cheaper
That doesn't change the fact that they cost less if you keep them in their country.
s. koreans, no
nips, some credit
its a matter of convenience, come back to me when you have a bachelors in business
Pajeet will have a hard time with cocks smaller than China's indiatimes.com
>its a matter of convenience, come back to me when you have a bachelors in business
I'm an executive and have an MBA from Ross (Univ. of Michigan). I'll keep subcontracting. Thanks for your concern though, small fry.
The program should be eliminated, it's all about undermining wages and nothing to do with inability to find a qualified candidate.
A new program should be put in place instead where skilled domestic labor can register on a federal website and a company must be able to prove that for 1 year they could not find an American on that list that could do the job. Anyone hired off that list should yield some sort of perk from the government equal to the offset in public assistance that person could have been collecting. Should the company actually make it through VA level red tape and infinite denials, then a new type of H1B with a maximum time limit of 3 months is issued and the pajeet must register with ICE and check in weekly; a company may get no more than 12 of these a year and they can never renew or use the same currynigger.
Or something like that.
Not a bad idea, but I'd rather they just end it entirely.
really? they have the fastest internet in the world last i checked...fios everywhere.
H1B is modern slavery.
Sponsors your entire enterprise with H1B and they will do anything like working 20 hours a day for free and accept wage reduction to keep the visa.
Employers can make an H1B invalid at anytime and make the employee an illegal to be shipped back.
Since making 50 USD while timesplitting a dumpster is still more profitable than anything in India we have 300 deepak and pajeet shitting all over silicon valley.
Actually I will take that back. Slavery was more humane as you had to provide the essential needs to your slave under the law. Seems like the democrats are still winning. The party of slavery, the party of the jews and rich.
I legitimately and unironically believe that there should be no immigration at all.
With the exception of mail order Russian brides
If the company you work for does this, leave before retraining
I swear every single pajeet ive met irl at uni is borderline retarded.
Its almost like they are constantly stoned.
fuck the poos
how can you trust a culture that cant even shit properly
Yep, and I'll cover my desk in ground beef and pork ;)
End it. Make American companies hire Americans. If they don't want to do that, then shut them down. Good luck getting tax breaks overseas.
think about it
they cant do something as basic as use a toilet, something TODDLERS know.
Won't work - Americans are too lazy, mind lazy - just want to have fun, while Washington is burning.
>So in your example, a smart Canadian leaving Canada benefits personally by H1B, but the Canadian people lose out on a smart entrepreneurial person, and Americans have a harder time getting a job due to that. Maybe the Canadian market needed someone to start a business there, or the American company needed to start a new branch in Canada. Canada loses out on that.
While you are correct about brain drain affecting even countries like Canada, there is one fundamental difference between western and Indian IT workers with H1B visas. Westerners are in most cases actual highly skilled professionals short of supply in US. Indians on other hand are almost always there to replace entry level skill level IT workers with cheaper and more exploitable workforce.
hib's are a scheme by the liberals to bring in more brown people
republicans allow it because they think it will get them support in other countries
india has a low average iq. thinking you can use them as techs is crazy talk. they have smart ones but it would seem that most of their college grads are medical doctors. not even sure how that happens
>they have smart ones but it would seem that most of their college grads are medical doctors. not even sure how that happens
Medicine is more glorified in India that it is, even in the west. It's almost religiously venerated.
>india has a low average iq. thinking you can use them as techs is crazy talk
Don't underestimated the eternal poo.
Indian has a population of over 1.311 BILLION people.
This means that their top 10% of intelligent people is a whopping 131,100,000 people. That's about 41% of the the ENTIRE population of the united states of America.
The only thing that can stop them spreading into your country and ruining American opportunity and values is to say no to Indians entirely.
H1B and H2B are corporatist policies, specifically made to benefit large corporations at the expense of Americans. It was sold on the lie of "Americans don't want to do certain jobs."
H1B to Resident here. In all honestly, at the beginning I undercut other American engineers in the field earning way past the 100k mark. Also, the company I work for has very large US and Spain branches, therefore I was already had a history with them. In my case, no one lost a job because of me, the job just wasn't available in the first place. H1B is an interesting animal, but as far as immigration goes, there are far greater problems to address, primarily, the whole dreamer and daca bullshit, along with the pending demographic timebomb. Good luck ever having a president that shrinks government. You've gone from a foundation of simple liberties to needing the government determine which bathroom you should take a piss in. You've gone way off the deep end, from taxation without representation to representation without taxation. Soon you'll either be paying more than half your income in taxes due to a population that is represented but not taxed, or simply have a worthless currency (inflation can be viewed as a form of tax). Either way, those children will soon be able to vote, and will do so against the worker, which by now is a minority.
india is a plague on the world
they are like chinese except dumber and smellier
>therefore I was already had a history with them.
I should go to bed. It appears I combines "I was already a known quantity to them" and "I had a history with them"
i had a job doing data mining through 12 petabytes of data. the Indian workforce here was huge with a constant turnover. on my team was me, the token white male, a she boon, shitskin, and a red pilled mexican. the shitskin spent at least 6 hours a day on his phone watching bollywood movies or talking. guess which one got let go because my numbers were low.
What I dont understand is why someone would willingly train the person the company hired to replace you against you will.
If my boss came to me tomorrow and told me I was being let go in a month, and gave me some poo in loo to train to do my job, I would just straight uo walk out then and there.
You are already losing your job, no need to be a cuck about it.
Pajeets are literally why it's hard to get into IT. Asshole companies push ridiculous requirements for entry level positions.
>10 years experience in Windows 10 required.
> nobody meets that requirement.
> "we tried goy government! Now let us hire poo in loos for less shekels"