Federal Reserve

What would happen if the Federal Reserve was ended?

Jews would be mad.

we would be free again.

anyone got a morphed red angry merchant like those colbert memes? you know, except funny.

A war would break out, just like every other time it's happened. (((I wonder why)))

>What would happen if the Federal Reserve was ended?

Let's find out


monetary policy would become very difficult and destructive

A long overdue market correction would occur.

The person who ended would be dead.

You would need to pay for everything upfront with money, no more credit.

Thats the best scenario if we went to a stable gold based currency...which we probably wouldnt...so the gov would just print the shit out of our money and its venezuela/zimbabwe for us if they go that rout.

Oh and if we end the fed look for a land based invasion by any number of countries (probably china/russia/mexico) just a hunch,

Realistically our ability to buy anything (cars/homes/electronics/phones) on credit has been because of the federal reserves fake funny money system. You would still have credit, but it would actually be expensive and reserved for maybe homes and cars only, and even then not everyone could have it until now.

the world would be free

The jews would destroy us all.

bank runs

Read tragedy and hope, first two chapters and preface. Credit existed long before federal banking system. Credit in itself is not bad because it allows the back to loan you clients of the bank without having to produce the capital, since it's already in the bank roll. All it is doing is changing account numbers.

Federal banks printed money though. That is a sin, along with usury

America would be debt free motherfucker

>land based invasion of continental USA
Is it even possible? You'd have the military plus armed civilians in full on guerilla warfare in land that they know like the back of their head.

I've always been convinced that invading the US is an absolute shit show and I feel bad for anybody dumb enough to take that challenge.

I would throw a party

The US economy would get too strong and people would become too wealthy for (((their))) liking.

Eventually cryptocurrencies will organically replace central banks but if the fed were to end tomorrow, America would be fucked because we can't pay our bills without creating billions of dollars every week.

Right away you'd probably see lots of economic growth since money held by the reserve requirement would be returned to banks. Interest rates would go back to market levels (low) because they won't be artificially created. Inflation and recession might be harder to correct for but pretty much the market will even stuff out.

Nah, even Ron Paul was saying we can't totally end the Fed all at once. Too many people and things depend on it. And that's how they like it. There's no political will to end it if it causes short term pain and genuine loss.

Soros would have to force his hand into open opposition of American sovereignty

Cash would increase in value while cards would become useless.

the welfare state would be come untenable and people would have to take care of themselves-- resorting to the only functional unit of human organization: the family

>land-based invasion

and how might that happen?


opinion discarded, you clear got no idea what credit is nor how the our economic system works


You end up like Kennedy

Congress would have to take care of the money supply.

That should go swell.

We could balance the budget and bribed, bank-sponsored politicians would not longer be on office.

Also, all foriegn wars would end.

last world war
space colonization if "we" win

Better to have elected officials incharge of our money supply than unelected kikes you fuckin queer.


a happening sticky would happen.

>congress is shit,lets have crypto jews we know nothing,who answer to no one but themselves,and their own rules, control the a monopoly over the money of our state,instead of publicly accountable public elected individuals,

>1 post by this id

Bitcoin would moon.

>What would happen if the Federal Reserve was ended?
I will trade you 2 shoes and a tire for 4 loaves of bread, and some a1 sauce.

Judaism would literally declare war on us.

Peace and prosperity. They are nothing more than thieves.

second post best post

jfk was killed for trying to free us from the federal reserve

Not much would change, except that the people in charge would be public and held accountable.

Also, unless we really fucked the system up, it wouldn't instantly be debt.

The dollar would collapse since it has no security backing it up

You realize we have had like 6 different federal reserves right?You realize you do not need a private government issued monopoly private bank to print money right?

So people would actually care about voting for congress?

>Better to have elected officials incharge of our money


the dollar already has no backing. The only thing that changes is that the government would not have to pay debts to the fed with people's tax dollars.

nope people only care about the presidential cause there is only one, there are so many elections that people do not care, they are all just names on a paper,but the president is the face of the nation.

Trump should just have the Treasury print United States Notes to pay for his infrastructure plan.

>United States Notes were issued directly by the US Treasury to pay for stuff.
>United States Notes were dollars that circulated along side Federal Reserve Notes.
>United States Notes exchanged 1-for-1 with Federal Reserve Notes by law.
>Federal Reserve Notes are issued by a private corporation: The Federal Reserve.
>The Federal Reserve lends Federal Reserve Notes to the Treasury/US Government.
>The Treasury/US Gov must pay back Federal Reserve Notes with interest to the private bankers/Fed.
>Borrowing Federal Reserve Notes creates enormous debts for the Treasury/US Government.
>Printing/spending United States Notes creates NO debt for the Treasury/US Government.
>The last president to try to print United States Notes was JFK. He was assassinated.
>Trump can have $1 Trillion of new spending on infrastructure with no debt!
>Yes, United States Notes are inflationary if you print too many.
>However, anything is better than being in perpetual debt to the private bank/Fed/hyenas.

federal reserve note are inflationary too


(((They)))say its not backed by anything, but its actually backed by Gold. Every countries monetary system is backed solely by its possession of Gold. Which is also the reason why Britain is as wealthy as it is without the same means of productions as other 1st world nations. China is also now in a gold acquiring spree as well. Hmm

Only good things. The Federal Reserve has been robbing us blind for decades.

Oh, really?
Try redeeming one of your dollars for a portion of that gold.
Tell us how it goes.

>falling for gold memes

Gold is how ((they)) started in power fag, even jesus saw this shit. That why he went on rampage in the temple. Cause ((they)) only accepted a specific gold/silver currency as offerings in the temple. They started the whole gold and silver scheme. They used it to control England too with the bank of England,before that England used sticks they are were cut in half and the king kept one half to make sure there was no counterfeiting.

NO one gives a fuck what currency medium is used the problem is who controls it faggot, ((they)) control the currency making in all the land

Sure it's possible, first you convince your populace that your standing government are evil nazi fascists and the armed civilians standing up for themselves are supporters of tyranny, now you have a situation where there will be support for foreign invasion under the guise of "liberation."

It would be very painful...4 (((them)))

Nonstop kvetching




> You would need to pay for everything upfront with money, no more credit.

> the gov would just print the shit out of our money

what the fuck are you talking about
you have no fucking clue

it's the fed reserve which prints money today
tons of it
how many QEs are we into already? how many trillions into them with no actual fundamentals improvement?

and credit will finish? bull fucking shit. cheap credit fueled by fed will finish, yes. but you don't want that credit. credit would exist, and be more expensive, and granted with greater care to endevours really needing it

keynesian monetarian fag detecteg

Jews would break the 7th seal

samson option

whoever is left standing after the bloodshed that's needed to make that happen would be able to enjoy financial freedom.
