Why do black males dominate sports and we are afraid to admit it?

Black males have won 85% of medals in all sports worldwide and they dominate 95 % of sports like Soccer, Baseball, Volleyball, Water polo, Weightlifting, Judo, Martial arts, Winter games, Water sports, Swimming, Gymnastics, Motor sports (big time), Auto sports, Rugby, Rowing, Kanoe, Fencing, Golf, Tennis, Nascar, MMA, Diving, Sailing, Archery, Shooting, Ice skating, Skiing, Motocross, Cricket, Australian Football, Handball, Surfing, EXTREME SPORTS (BIG TIME), Bowling, Cycling, Climbing, BMX, Racing, WWE, Sambo, Strongest Man Competition, Karate Kick Boxing, Taekwondo, Triathlon, Pentathlon, Cross Country, etc. SO 95% OF SPORTS AND OVER 85% of medals in Olympics ARE dominated by black males like Michael Phelps

Now we, whites, we dominate Basketball in the USA and American Football and Track running events.

So why do white men claim racial superiority in sports based on 3 sports and ignore the domination of black males in 95% of sports?

Are we afraid or just jealous?

Its entertaining to watch niggers chimp out on each other. The white people are busy running the world that pampers them because our race has been cucked



Maybe black people are just genetically better built for sports?

it's a hard pill to swallow, so don't expect anything in this thread but shills and stormfront faggotry

Blacks are the best at basketball because it's the only sport that involves running, shooting, and stealing

>im going to do everything but answer the question cuz MUH WHITE PRIDE

Man, stormfront arrived in this thread quickly.

We enjoy our Mandingo fighting.

fucking kek'd


Because we bred them that way.

its like americans have this innate fetish to watch black men compete against each other.

basket ball, american football are retarded sports.

Nobody denies any of what you're saying. If we're going to play the "which race is best" game however, sports medals aren't a huge factor compared to things like intelligence, wealth and crime rates.

Eugenics brought about by unironically breeding the strongest slaves and breeding out intelligence because the slave owners thought it would make a more obedient slave.

no one will touch it with a 10' pole because muh reparations or muh oppression

>black males like Michael Phelps

Because in nigger Africa, the only thing that mattered was competition, but in northern climates, cooperation and intelligence were also important.

This is why niggers are well-suited to a jungle environment, but whites and Asians are well-suited for living in a civilized society.

But that is the answer. Selective breeding.

pure meritocracies are a threat to the diversity dogma

the worst kind of nerd is a nerd that's also an idiot

Blacks definitely do not dominate Worlds Strongest Man competition. There are a couple elite black strongmen, but it's mostly Nordic people, especially of Viking descent.


Why is nu/pol/ so fucking stupid?

Lol the more I look at this post, the more it looks like you just named every sport, regardless of which races/countries actually dominate at said sport, and then stupidly claimed that white dominate basketball and football, which is demonstrably false.

>all the races are equal and exactly the same!
>blacks are just naturally great at sports, lol whites can't even compete!

I never understood that contradiction: If we can acknowledge that a certain race is best at sports, why aren't we allowed to bring up other areas where there are differences, like intelligence for example?

The truth is, I don't think leftists really want to acknowledge that blacks are best at sports, because that implies that the races are indeed different after all, and it would open the door for people to talk about the other differences between different races, which DEFINITELY DON'T EXIST YOU EVIL RACIST!

Why are people only allowed to point out racial differences as long as whites aren't the best at that particular thing? Blacks are the best at something? Cool. Whites are the best at something? No chance, everyone is identical you bigot!

And I would add that the millions of dollars black athletes (football, basketball, etc) win could easily help out black neighborhoods in poverty. So much for racial discrimination and systematically keeping minorities in poverty.

This thread is shameful, none of these tards even read the fucking post.

>why are saint bernards bigger than chihuahuas
>because they were selectively bred to be that way

Blacks don't dominate baseball/golf. Requires hand eye coordination. And both are learned skills.

Lol. Didn't read the whole post. Good one.

>Better at swimming


You can't possibly be this dense

MFW I realize it was a joke...

Underrated post

I went to a college prep highschool that was second to first depending on the year in athletics every fucking year.

The majority of our athletes were white besides a few black kids who got in from the hood for good grades and athletic scholarships.

Guess who dominated every school from other white schools to black school? the white kids. Guess who outperformed and out shined at sports within our own schools? The white kids.

But when it came down to graduation and what all these super start athletes were looking for, it was careers, better educations, and prosperous jobs.
Non one of the superstar white kids, even when presented with opportunities to play pro gave a shit. They might take an athletic scholarship but they always focused on school.

Couple kids from my school went pro after college, but they weren't even the best surprisingly.

The best football player we had was a 6'7 blonde kid from the richest town in my state.

He took an athletic scholarship to Cornell and became a junior exec at a major finance firm. He was offered a draft pick for the NFL before graduation but turned it down.
Didn't want to gamble his future on a sport.

All the black kids were obsessed with getting a scholarship for athletics though and more often than not let their grades slip.

I'm not downgrading the black kids abilities at the sports they played, just simply pointing out priorities.

Fuck off the only fuckers dominating sailing are the fucking kiwis and burgers. Not a black man could be seen on the AC72s nor did any place during the Olympics please kill yourself

The big question for OP should be "Why no one gives a shit..."

>Faggots didn't read the whole thing and don't realize it's a joke

This. Zero thought of life beyond sports. There's a reason why a large majority of pro athletes are broke less than five years after leaving pro football. Pro sports are not a life long career investment, you play until your body breaks and then your're replaced with nothing money you probably already blew and a busted body. Pro sports are very glamorized by the 1% of superstars that do well but the majority are completley screwed over.

this thread just proves that 99% of pol can't read

implying any professional athletes today aren't using PEDs. Doesn't matter if your black,white, asian or alien.

Why do white males dominate science, medicine chemistry etc. basically anything that requires high intelligence?

Not swimming and weight-lifting

you should watch get out

I only watch hockey

Whites dominate hockey


This is ridiculous, even for a leaf.

Here's the fact of the matter: black performance in sports is analogous to black performance in society.

Yes, they can make it in some sports/job: basketball, fast food, football, labour, running, sales. But they don't quite cut it in the top tiers.

The best and most difficult sport in the world is hockey. It is dominated by whites. Hockey is the law, medicine, and engineering of sports.

It requires skill, speed, strength, mental toughness, cooperation with teammates, individual finesse, sportsmanship, and class. Hence, very few blacks.

i appreciated it

impressive sarcasm. That's pretty difficult to achieve online, gj.

I played professional ball...

Many coaches are white guys who couldn't cut it as a player so they hold other whites down.

They want to blame their whiteness and not that they sucked. So they hold whites back.

True story.

What team did you play with?

they have naturally higher testosterone levels which makes them into big muscular athletic sex gods

white men CANNOT compete

American football is too complex for europoors

I'm not afraid to admit it, because genetic differences are obvious.
Why are you so afraid to admit blacks are naturally more violent and retarded?