Saviours of the white race:

Saviours of the white race:

>God Emperor Donald Trump
>Milo Yiannopoulos
>Mike Cernovich
>Paul Joseph Watson
>Gavin Mcginnis
>Alex Jones
>Benjamin Netanyahu

Controlled opposition:

>Richard Spencer
>David Duke
>Millennial Woes
>Murdoch Murdoch
>William Luther Pierce
>George Lincoln Rockwell
>Adolf Hitler

Other urls found in this thread:

Wtf i hate myself now

>not mentioning greatest ally Rabbi Shmuley

You are controlled opposition.

>Paul Joseph Watson
>Milo Yiannopoulos
Really made me think..

Why doesn't anyone like Steven Crowder?

WTF im for third world immigration now as long as they make the pledge of allegiance


>pledge of allegiance
Nazi scum.


Isn't there a billion white people on this planet? How does someone genocide that?


If those guys are the "Saviors" of the white race, we're fucked!

>Why does anyone like Steven Crowder?

You sure spelled your post funny.

Wtf I hate ethnonationalism now.
I am now a civic-nationalist centipede

You sure misquoted me

Inb4 buttblasted civic nationalists call everyone who doesn't agree with them shills

Your opinion pic related.

Why do these stupid threads still make me chuckle.

You can't be serious

Posting in a sageblue divide and conquer thread.

The truth about immigration by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




Europa needs to call her children home
send the hoards back
kick the money masters out
develop robot technology to do their work
let the money masters rule the US and run it into the ground
like they are doing now
or break the US up so freedom can breath again

Shoo, shills! Begone!

Who would trust a swede?


You forgot Stefan Molyneux in the "Saviors" group.


if there is an afterlife we know who is going to be super fucked - until your dying bed


ellen in OP's pic is a swedish actress who fucks muslim guys like samir badran lol

>fell for the shareblue meme
>supports the kike donald j kober


>Benjamin Netanyahu

I kek'd senpai.

The kyke lord Ben? White? A good person? You're an idiot

Why is white skin so special? Why are you white nationalists such fucking retarded autists?

are you evening trying, goy?

>Alex Jones
>cant even save his kids
>savior of the white race

Controlled opposition: you forgot Brother Nathanael, Ramsey Paul, Thulean Perspective, The Greek and Roman Philosophers


Styxenhammer666 belongs in a middle group along with Pewdiepie, Julian Assange, Luke Rudkowski, James Corbett, Adam Kokesh, Lauren Southern, Sargon and....

I was redpilled after the post election riots by Paul Joseph Watson. I guess that makes him my personal savior lol

I think Styxenhammer666 is a genius and I appreciate his political perspectives & gift for journalism

Glad someone picked up on that.


Get the fuck out of here

>>George Lincoln Rockwell
>>Adolf Hitler
Too obvious, sage.

>Implying the others weren't

t. Joshua Goldberg

The only interesting people to actually sit down and listen to them lecture are:
>Jordan Peterson
>Hans-Herman Hoppe

Alex Jones is fun though.

>pro-jewish, pro-racemixing/racemixing-tolerant people are saviors of white race.

>anti-jewish, anti-racemixing, pro-white people aren't saviors.

I'll admit that (((Richard Spencer))) is a plant. But the rest probably aren't.

What about Aaron Carey?

>Controlled opposition
>Adolf Hitler

Reminder that if you kill a leftist you do more good than you can in a lifetime working in a soup kitchen

>Adolf Hitler
>Controlled opposition
Is this satire? Please tell me it's satire.

shut up

white women love dark meat

>God Emperor Donald Trump
>Milo Yiannopoulos
degenerate faggot
>Paul Joseph Watson
>Gavin Mcginnis
kek made me chuckle
>Benjamin Netanyahu
I agree with this

white nationalists are tiny dicked faggots

filthy kike


You must have tight boy pussy then you butt hurt faggot


says the fag who probably takes big maori cock up his ass

sjws and incomplete circles continue to demonstrate how deluded the gene pool has become. there's absolutely no helping or saving them. thank darwin they will come to a quick end by blowing themselves up.

we've captured the flag and we're growing

history will repeat
it always does

shut the fuck up. i can almost guarantee you're a virgin like most of retarded white nationalists on this board


i see you suffering [._.]

try again fag

He's way to extreme for me honestly

>like most of retarded white nationalists on this board
lmfao, whatever helps you sleep at night nigger.

>Donald Trump
>Benjamin Netanyahu

He isn't good at wrapping his messages in a non offensive blanket


I can't tell if this is bait or not, since this place generally has low IQ posters.

Also calling Rockwell a shill?

Kikes literally killed him. You fucking disgusting swedish sand nigger.

>not putting putin in Saviours.


>George Lincoln Rockwell
Assassinated for outing the Jew, pretty sure he's not controlled opposition.

Is duke not our guy? Haven't listened to much of his stuff mostly just WLP

>Gavin McGinnis
Gavin McInnes

*blocks your LSD trip

Dear God that would be a nightmare.

Friends close, enemies closer, etc

It's not the skin itself, but what's held within that we care about. Skin color is the best predictor of that

Not true IQ is and Asians have higher IQ than whites.

Yeah I can't imagine a worse place for me, a white guy, to do acid. At least that dude is Arab, but still

It isn't all about IQ son

No, history proves that wrong.

You're an idiot


I used to be a Mug Club member, but I had to request a refund when he and NotGay Jared pissed on a portrait of Martin Luther King

Milo is absolutely disgusting and Alex Jones is a fucking nutcase. Im truly ashamed that they represent the "alt right".

>>God Emperor Donald Trump
>>Milo Yiannopoulos
>>Mike Cernovich
>>Paul Joseph Watson
>>Gavin Mcginnis
>>Alex Jones
>>Benjamin Netanyahu
>Controlled opposition:
>>Richard Spencer
>>David Duke
>>Millennial Woes
>William Luther Pierce
>George Lincoln Rockwell
>Adolf Hitler
>>Murdoch Murdoch

Styx is a trump cocksucking retard

Controlled Opposition

>God Emperor Donald Trump
>Milo Yiannopoulos
>Mike Cernovich
>Paul Joseph Watson
>Gavin Mcginnis
>Alex Jones
>Benjamin Netanyahu

Degenerates LARPing as white brothers:

>Richard Spencer
>David Duke
>Millennial Woes
>Murdoch Murdoch

Real savoiurs of the white race

>William Luther Pierce
>George Lincoln Rockwell
>Adolf Hitler

He's a fucking lunatic. Ever since he started White Power with Crowder he's spiralled into pure hatred

Too extreme for me

>ctrl+f Ben shapiro
>0 out of 0 results

C'mon guys, he sure is a kike, but at least he is critic and argument-wise consistent

>Murdoch Murdoch
>Not rated well
You leaf, i bet you don't even know about nice guy national socialism