Daily reminder every white person should have white guilt

Daily reminder every white person should have white guilt

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>name that country
Almost forgot, that's an entire continent.


I don't have to feel guilt for my ancestor's actions you fucking neck cheesed loser

Daily Reminder there was no Indian Genocide.

They did it to themselves with Spanish horses through war and spreading Spanish STDs before the Pilgrams even arrived.

How fucking stupid are you to think we killed 100,000,000 savages when whites didn't even reach the middle of America before the 1800s?

Also Jews ran the slave trade and we freed those fucking worthless apes so they could side with their slave masters against us

jokes on OP
theres no white people on pol

>genocide of one race
>Eslavement of another

>he was overpowered by his indoctrination
everything you think you know is a massive exaggeration or an outright lie, user. lurk moar



We should feel guilty for giving them the right to vote.


Its not the white mans fault that gunpowder beats a savage with a bow and arrow. It's the natives fault for not being technologically advanced. Muh Atlantic slave trade, if you want to whinge about slavery, go the to Muslims, they committed it on a much larger scale.


nice try nigger most indians and blacks were already dead by the time whites immigrated in the mid 1800's


>5% of all slaves that left Africa came to America
>America is bad
try harder

The answer to the images question is every country ever made, every tribe ever formed, and every nation created.

I only feel guilty that I didn't emigrate to the states in the 19th century to make sure to kill every last injun. And then for my son to kill that cunt Lyndon Johnson to make sure niggers always know their place.

Welcome to Earth, kiddo

>Daily reminder every person should have guilt
there. now you're catholic. good job.

>kek tells me I'm catholic now
Wat do

forgot pic

>White people everywhere in current year are guilty of some stuff that happened when they a weren't alive that other people did
>X people are owed Y because white people that did some stuff in the past equates to everyone in current year who is also white being responsible
>I'm anti racist


Ps- I'm part native American you racist fuck.

Fuck off and KYS, OP.

I would only feel guilty if my European ancestors hadn't exterminated the native Indian savages.

Why would I be guilty about defeating our enemies? Besides, African and Native American tribes were constantly involved in intense inter-tribal warfare(including genocide and slavery) with each other before we arrived. They never showed any guilt for their behavior or concern for "the other", they demand that which they would never grant.

I second that.


The only guilt I have, is we never finished the job.

Zimbabwe comes to mind...

come to think of it so does the entire african continent...

and the entire middle east...

and almost all of asia...

and almost all of europe...

but I'm sure us americans were the absolute worst when it came to that, you see all those armenian reservations in turkey, and lets face it life for a black is hundreds of times better in Chad right now...

Fuck this makes me hate being a white american... (((who))) should I give my money too to ensure I repent for the terrible deeds my ancestors did...


Every tribe


wtf did we do

either a cheat troll, or a stupid nig nog.

> Turkey

Slavery is in Africa now . What do you do?

> Jews ran slave trade
> Slavery was right

So were Jews the ultimate red pill?

I always thought it was the most foolish thing ever to expect someone to feel guilt over something their ancestors did.

We need to be more concerned with helping the people who are currently being enslaved and slaughtered.


Every nation.


Why didn't we wipe out all of you people? The shame. The guilt....

Teh Spain?

Ottoman Empire

why should i feel guilt for something done by americans 200 years ago if i live in present day flag related?

Why should i feel sorry about climate pollution from plastic bags when prince charles flys around in a private jet?

The only thing we should feel bad about is failing to exterminate every last one of them. Imagine how great this continent could be without a bunch of retarded chimps ruining the inner cities and without a bunch of retarded half-caste rapebabies colonizing from the south.

>part Native American
>red ID tag

That's a hearty kek, if I do say so myself.

>but in all seriousness I'm generally pretty PC for politeness sake IRL
>Native friend hates it
>gets mad when I say "Native American"
>says nigger constantly
>around black people
>keeps trolling when I tell him it isn't wise to call your 40 something black landlord your "bitch nigga"

Explain, Sup Forums.

slavery all over the fucking world, including in africa and asia to this day

africans sold other africans to white people

indians came from asia; they conquered each other, fed each other to volcanoes. it's not our fault they didn't have disease resistance

fuck you


"Lol.you guys are such losers. You guys on pol have no personal accomplishments so you boast about your ancestors who you have nothing in common with".

Two minutes later...

"OMG guys you should feel personally responsible for all ills in the world. We demand reparations for slavery and stuff you ancestors.did 100+ years ago."

Oh, damn near every arab nation?







Literally all of them?


Any south american and latin american country

remember to report slide/bait threads guys.

Imperial Japan
Mongol Empire

What do i win?

Shills and plebbitors. Sup Forums is looking like shit these days.

you did this to the minorities! white people should have nothing but guilt for this!

Very weak troll.

It's more than gunpowder.

Cortez was manufacturing it in Mexico 7 months after he landed there, locals had thousands of years, all the resources they needed and couldn't figure out how to build a fucking wheel.

Even without gunpowder though, savages had no chance. European warfare, with focus on disciplined heavy infantry fighting in formations was simply too much for any other civilisation to handle.

Except that I don't and I'm not gonna.

Life's not fair, soooooooo. Nah.

>indians sold their land for beads and trinkets
>first slaves were white
>everything black slaves built was burnt down during the civil war
>all your modern cities and infrastructure were built by whites

daily reminder, you should have nonwhite guilt

im ex-muslim (berber), white guilt is pathetic and has turned whites into a weak race; in north africa we sell niggers for $200 each

sad, because western culture was the first culture in earth to embrace freedom

jews didnt want that, now you have hordes of muslims coming in

muslims are slightly more intelligent than niggers but 3x more savage so equally uncivilized

You forgot what we did to the chinks out west and the Irish during their diaspora.

Define White.


Germany, but stop, it's a Muslim country! BLM btfo!


Race is a contruct.

You know and they know who is white.

Every successful country to ever exist. I guess people forgot this was the way of life until about 300 years ago. Conquer Enslave Profit for thousands of years and I'm suppose to feel bad why?


Its 1% if you count arabic trade laddie

You're right! I feel guilty we didn't kill all those shitskins.

Nope. "we Good"

You don't need to feel guilt over the bad things your ancestors did, but you should feel proud of the good things they did.

If you go back far enough, every single country.


1 post by this id

You dumb niggroots can't even history correctly. Literally your own ancestors sold you out before white people sold you anywhere HAHAHAHA

Jewish filth

How did he say slavery was right?

>Daily reminder every white person should have white guilt
Well I don't and never will. Deal with it faggot.

Gun beats spear you guilt-ridden cuck. Hop in a tub and slash your wrists faggot.

And yet I don't.

Rome, britain, greece, persia, byzantium, every empire thats worth a damn.

I live in europe and have nothing to do with native americans so you can jump off a bridge that would be appreciated...

LNd ownership as in property no. But area of dwelling n hunting grounds yes.
Property is just autism

Russians too did this to siberians ans caucus


>most native americans died of disease
>capitalism in the north grew the economy

>Arab slave Industry which sparked the western worlds slave Industry because hey a whole new market to take part in
>Armenian Genocide

>white people don't exist
>white people should feel guilty
W8 wut