What would you even do once you landed in a shithole country? sit in a shitty restaurant?
I'd love to travel, but I work all the time, maybe when I retire in a couple of years.
You're right. You should stay in the basement.
Why not?
I don't want to travel; I want a job.
To escape retards like you
fuck trannies and do drugs that are illegal in America
I actually agree that travel is overrated. Something about it being the football or hunting equivalent for girls. Girls seem to put travel hobby near the forefront of their identity. And travel is really just consumption at the end of the day.
Traveling sucks. Everywhere is the same shit. People are dumb no matter where you go. The same multi-nat corps line every corner of every city of every country. It's time consuming as fuck, it costs a ton for no real reward.
And most people haven't even seen all the sights close to home. So fuck traveling. I hate having to travel for work, and I sure as fuck am not going to start traveling for "fun".
its fun to see and experience places for yourself, not on a screen
I have a friend like you. He's a millenial. Has zero interest in travel. Doesn't see the point. "Why would I waste all that money to go sit on my ass somewhere when I could sit on my ass here?" He's the biggest asshole I've ever met.
Me? I like to travel. He has more property and money in savings than I do. He will likely be more well off in retirement.
We'll see who makes it.
>Yes, just travel forever and dont buy land or property millenials.
protip: not you
this picture is such a fantasy. ever city is surrounded by a 50 mile radius of suburban strip malls.
I traveled all through my 20's. Been on every continent. Spent a month in the mountains in Vietnam. I've been to Siberia. It was fun. You couldn't pay me to get on a plane to go anywhere now, I suppose you could, but it'd be cheaper to give me the plane, honestly.
WHERE EVER YOU GO, THERE YOU ARE - Truer words were never spoken. "With Jews you lose" is up there, though.
Why not? it's fun and you should try it out
I've been all over Europe, Japan, Australia, and a few Pacific Islands (Hawaii, Vanuatu, Easter Island). It's something that everyone should do if they have the opportunity.
Truth. I fell for the meme in my 20s and got as far as the continent before I realized I was pissing away money and time for fictional "experiences". But boring women never fail to tell you they love to travel.
>boomers always ask why we want to travel so much
>when they were our age they sat around in a van smoking weed and rolling around in mud listening to music for weeks on end
Go to Europe -- see a bunch of fast food chain restaurants inside old buildings.
+ Muslim and North African infestation.
Why bother.
Mr. Zuckerberg is making us all VR so good we'll never need to leave our designated rooms again.
The women just travel so they can fuck a bunch of foreign men, no strings attached.
This. Brother in law goes fucking everywhere for his job. Nearly every major city in the US, half the countries in south america and europe, a decent part of Asia.
Says it's the same damn shit everywhere and he doesn't understand people who want to travel.
They took anything of meaning out of life and continue to do so. Whether it is traditional love, religion, politics; they corrupted it all and don't realize that what they are missing is belonging. So they travel to places, often places where they see those things but they fail to realize their counterparts and the jews have already done their deeds there.
They are trying to run away from their shitty existence rather than taking the redpill, ironpill, and vargpill
Because being a traveler fits perfectly with my schizoid tendencies.
"Travelling" promotes a nomadic culture in which you don't create roots and families.
"Travelling" is a meme to promote white genocide because it invests you in other countries/cultures instead of your own.
TL;DR other cultures are shit. The west is the best in the world. Why go anywhere else.
Because everything is a competition with Millennials. Look how worldly I am, look how stylish I am, look how social I am, look how much I live outside my means and complain about previous generations spoiling everything instead of putting my head down and working hard like they did. Millennials are literally white niggers.
I go to the carribean and go the beach. hike up to the waterfalls. snorkel. meet people. help pull in fishing nets. drink. listen to music. shit talk. go to the beach etc. you know, have fun user.
this is the only thing millennials get it right
if you have some spare money, you have 2 options
>1 - buy the latest smartphone/computer/whatever
>2 - travel
if you choose option 1, in a few years your electronic device is worthless and forgotten
but if you choose to travel, memories are eternal
20 years from now you'll look at the pictures of that great music festival you went back in the day to see your favorite band and it will fill you with happiness
can you say the same about your electronic device?
stop buying things
start buying eternal memories.
>read any woman's dating profile
>Hobbies: Traveling, going out with friends, eating good food, settling in with a good book at the coffee shop ;)
Every time. Do women literally do nothing with their lives?
It's all about appearances with this generation. The most important thing to them is for their friends and family to be jealous from their social media posts.
So they don't necessarily have to enjoy travel, they just have to post pictures of them apparently having a good time because they think it looks impressive and glamorous to other people.
no thats how you get ziki/aids/ebola. NO TOUCHING!!!!!
w e w l a d
another level of basement dweller mastery you achieved
sure some of that sounds fun
the rest is gay
Other things you might forget with time, but traveling you rarely forget. Even if you forget that you did it in the first place, once you remember the initial fact you went, the whole trip comes back. Easy memory making.
I backpacked through europe, and thought it was the coolest thing at the time, looking back on it I'm glad I saw it but it didn't really do anything for me
Avoid responsibility. It has become a socially acceptable way for Millennials to further extend their stay from the exhausting, mundane grind of the real world. 16 Years in their hug-box liberal schooling environment isn't enough.
After avoiding any responsibility and living off credit for 5 years, they can then return to their echo chambers of "muh boomers" until they're well into their 30s.
Supose you fucktards haven't heard of traveling within your own country or state.
>traveling is a millennial thing
Holy shit kill yourself
>But boring women never fail to tell you they love to travel.
And they inevitably stick to tourist traps and nothing else. Except maybe some bars where they can get nailed by foreign chads. but it doesn't count as infidelity because they're traveling.
lol. Sure. Possible.
I still have property, just not as much. But one of us could die of a heart attack at 40, too.
So he makes his choice, I make mine.
C'est la vie.
Not if you hike the PCT, CDT or AT goy
if west is da best why did Winthrop etc. set sail in 1492/1600 etc??????????????
It's also the fact that everyone has already seen the Taj Mahal and gone to the good restaurants in Milan etc. And you have to fly a lot, which is just a miserable experience (and I actually like the "flight" aspect, thus I haven't factored in that anxiety yet).
This board is so fucking cantankerous lol
just another jew meme, designed to distract and delay
t. uncultured rural/suburban retard
I hitchhiked the usa for free basically. There was tons new to see, both man made and natural. You sound really pessimistic, try doing something besides being a basic bitch.
Well, what do YOU want women to do?
A relative who works in a medical clinic vaccinates these people before they visit third-world countries, and hears how all they did was sit on the beach. But what matters is that they went there. So they tell everyone.
Social media has made everything about appearance and grandstanding.
I've been to Canacuck, Swedecuck, Ireland and 20+ states and I feel like I have traveled enough in my lifetime, I was fortunate to be able to see the places I have with my family already. I like the Poconos of Pennsylvania and the Irish countryside the best.. would live there if I could
also I wish I could live in Indonesia and help Orangutans
everyone knows travelling didn't exist until jetplanes and millenials took it to a new level. before then everyone sat where they were born and never travelled more than 5 miles away ever.
To basically come out of their insecure shells and enact upon their true and evil shithead nature that they bottle deep down inside without having to have any social ramifications weight down their nefarious behavior.
Having time off is nice.
Doing something different than the daily grind every once in awhile is nice.
You should get out more.
They want to know what it's like to actually experience a culture rather than the sterilized, boring, legalistic, judeo-communist farce that is modern western """culture"""
You literally have two options, with few exceptions:
>travel to another pozzed country run by ZOG
>travel to a slightly less pozzed, but infinitely more hostile country run by shitskins
Did it ever occur to you cynical fucks that maybe people legitimately enjoy seeing shit you can't see at home or experiencing different cultures.
In some places the browns give you collars of flowers when you arrive.
>not going to other country just to visit museums,monuments. Are you a degenerate?
>Hobbies: sewing, gardening, cooking, volunteering at the local preschool, reading Scripture, cleaning the house for when my husband gets home
Because they've read too much bullshit by the rare few individuals that actually learned from long extended travels under special conditions. Truth is 99.9999999999% of them will waste years of their lives for nothing.
I'm an expat, not a chink.
>I hitchhiked the usa
No you didn't. Nobody picks up hitchikers anymore. I don't care what travel bloggers tell you.
>Muh culture!
also op as someone's who travelled, I don't regret it for a second. We'll all be made into worm chow anyway, why bother with the rat race of who has the most retirement monies
Women take to traveling because it's the only respected hobby that involves nothing but consumption. It's literally hurt a romanticized form of shopping that isn't seen as bourgeois.
Im young and don't look like a criminal. I'm also white. You don't know anything fool
>never hitchhikes
>thinks no one gets rides hitchhiking
It's like you were born a faggot.
I always wanted to see Europe, but I might as well go to Minneapolis if I want to see it in its current state. I'd be interested in based Japan though.
Wow you're so worldly being an expat! lmao fucking loser bragging on an anonymous message board.
You mean boomers? That go on a vacation once a year and even more when they retire if they aren't poor asfuck.
>hitchhiking around the US
This is the redpilled way to travel.
Going on a "Girlz Trip Woooooo!!!" to Spain is retarded.
If you're going to travel and get anything out of the experience you need to live somewhere with a local who isn't going to cater to your needs and force you to see the way people in those places really live.
Basically what I learned by traveling is that every country outside the Anglosphere is a shithole to some degree, and even within the Anglosphere metropolitan cities are dumps.
Cause there's shit in the US or your country you cannot find or see unless you travel.
Shit like the massive cathedrals and picturesque mountain towns in Mexico, the absolutely clear beaches of Jamaica, or the unique architecture across Europe.
People who literally go and just get fucking wasted and party are only getting a fraction, if that, of what the country can offer.
>and it will fill you with happiness
Why not just buy drugs?
Really? Could you please explain this to me?
People who pick up hitchhikers are usually the most down to earth and cool people you will meet, this fage doesn't understand that cool people exist
hitchhiking is illegal and a sure-fire way to get raped in less than one week
Faggot mils feel it is their right to travel.
Graduate and travel.
They know they wont get a job so really it is a "last fuck fest" until they hit the " real world "
Problem is the real world is unemployment checks and living with parents.
I literally have to post that so shitheads like you don't assume I'm a chink.
Does anyone actually know the answer to this?
>why do millennials travel so much?
Could it be because their home town is shit?
Could it be because their family is shit?
Could it be that the education system teaches them they're shit and unwanted?
How about all of these things?
Ooooo, that's making my gray goo jiggle.
Yeah you might be on to something. Got a bunch of early 30's women friends who brag about how many passports they've blown through and they've got nothing to show for it.
Any anons want to travel the US with me? I'll pick you up, driving from FL
We can see the country together, shitposting all the while
We don't have long before our country falls into turmoil
Go stick your thumb out and see how far it gets you. And stop LARPing like you've actually left your computer and done it before.
HI John Gacy
I'd rather spend 500$ on top tier opiates, 40-60$ on different take out food, 4x35 bottle case of water for 5$ each, playing call of duty on a week vacation then go traveling. Speaking of which, my vacation is coming up in june.
Heh I love to travel and live this irresponsible childless life in which I can get stoned anywhere in the planet! If I'm ever in trouble I can just call dad!
Nevermind how my parents managed to provide this way of life for me! You ain't taking your possessions with you when you die so why spend the money on a legacy and respect, when you can get E X P E R I E N C ES! You won't even imagine the tremendous amount of likes on instagram you will get!
Fuck these people to be honest
I very much care about the cash though. One of the reasons that I grasp chink minds so well.
For men: cheap underage shitskin pussy (this is what any man who willingly goes to South America is doing there, guaranteed)
For women: gangrape at gunpoint by a pack of wild shitskins (most womens' deepest fantasy)
Nah they've just been gaslit into thinking seeing the world is some kind of worthy cause. Rest of the world is mosty a shit hole but I doubt they'll ever even figure that out.
I swear I won't kill you, why would I? I would surely be caught
C'mon take a chance
I would love to travel just not with a fagget back pack and a girlfriend. Would like to trek across some country with little planning and not knowing the language
Just got back from Thailand.. was amazing.. and super cheap. Round trip from California>Bangkok was $600 (EvaAir)
I like traveling the western USA in a reliable car and checking out stuff in rural and urban areas . I live in SW Idaho can be in anywhere out west in 12 hours
oh my god why do you care? What does this have to do with politics?
Check out Molymeme's latest video on how the Western civilisation is dying.
Gouvernment schools, parents sending their kids away, shit parenting, shit teachers, etc. All of them interlock.