Has Sup Forums Improved your life, or deteriorated it?

Has Sup Forums Improved your life, or deteriorated it?

Improved. I can see with greater clarity why things are happening in the world.

It made me have some hope that traditional men are still out there. I'm a 22 year old virgin girl who can't even find a decent man at my church (the ones my age are all chads who flirt with me and only want to have sex)

Sup Forums is killing me
Fucking addictive.

A bit of both i'm fitter and more determined however I'm less social and get along with people less.

I want a girl like that too ? where are you ?

Vastly improved.

tits or gtfo

It's killed my ambition.

I don't see the point in anything anymore.
We are all going to die, and literally nothing anyone does means anything because the Universe is going to die anyways.

The only reason I haven't killed myself is the thought of missing out on some new vidya.

Hmmm.... I guess both? I can bring up some ways how Sup Forums improve my life and ways how it hasn't? Like right now:

Pros: arguing about how Brazilians are filthy fucking monkeys.

Cons: too distracted to focus on nursing homework and getting ready for the gym.


Sometimes I think Sup Forums and getting fit has turned me into a stealthgeek in a pseudo-chad's body. There are more of us lonely conservative men out there than you think.

I'm in Atlanta. I'm black, btw, I don't think any guy on Sup Forums would want to be with me tbqh

I spend too much time making fresh new memes only to see some normie instagram page stealing them

>Pros: arguing about how Brazilians are filthy fucking monkeys.

kek looks like someone got BTFO so hard he had to migrate to another thread

>pink id
black magic

>I'm a 22 year old virgin girl
>traditional men are still out there
25 y/o man. Be my wife.

Improved, both Pol and the Daily Stormer (Ikr edgy but if you give it a shot you'll love it. Andrew Anglin is hilarious) have given me insight not just into race but also the the human condition and the nature of humans. Also it's gotten me fit and given me purpose: living for my people

I mean it redpilled me for sure. But now I don't really enjoy anything.

And I hate jews, which was absurd to me 2 years ago.


Btfo how? Brazilians are monkeys.

Sup Forums makes me confront difficult questions that most people are afraid to ask themselves, let alone talk about with others. Sup Forums also offers me a safe space in which to have those conversations while challenging me to defend my beliefs in dialogue with a truly diverse, multi-ethnic crowd from around the world. Just look at the flags.
In contrast to Sup Forums's reputation for unmitigated and unreasoning hate, I find that Sup Forums has actually taught me a lot about love and respect and acceptance. I love my country more now that I have better come to understand America's problems, its strengths, and its place in the world. I love my family more, because Sup Forums has taught me the importance of family as a foundation of my nation and people. I love myself more, and I love myself, my family, my people, and my nation enough to want to improve myself. I respect other nations and peoples and individuals even when their views differ from my own, and I accept that I can respect people who differ from me and treat them with dignity, provided that they are not fucking leafs. I also know that borders help strengthen that respect, and I have come to appreciate Westphalian sovereignty and non-interference as a consequence. I find that Sup Forums has taught me much about Socrates' definition of justice, and I thank Sup Forums for that. Finally, I eagerly await the Day of the Rake.

it made me swallow the black pill real hard.

In what way?

>Pros: arguing about how Brazilians are filthy fucking monkeys.
you needed pol to discover this

Probably deteriorated it. I'm one person with people and another here. Hiding your power level can't be good in the long run

Improved, except for the conditioning of seeing merchants everywhere


Gj keeping the way you have been if that's true. I can understand the difficulties you face.

Been lifting and running consistently, going into the armed forces as a reservist, want to start a business. 6'4 200lbs, fixed being slightly overweight and am now in good shape.

Physically Sup Forums has made me want to be better than I am. Mentally Sup Forums kills me as I watch the destruction of the west aggregated through a single medium.

Post tits

It will keep you strong. A master swordsman never puts down his blade

>Improved your life
it has enriched my understanding of far-right knowledge. and some wiser anons have provided valuable input (though it is few and far between).
>deteriorated it?
no because im not the kind of retard who just blindly believes stats. Most stats shown here have no existinc cited sources that are valid.
I did not fall for the "race determines value" meme. Nor did i dedicate my life and machine to Sup Forums. In other words: i am better than all the retard neets who waste away screaming they are right in arguments that ultimately don't matter.

Overall it was a very mediocre experience.

here is some Hebrew to fuel the Jew accusations that will inevitably come:
היהודי היחיד כאן הוא אתה

Li = 21
21 = 21 ÷ 7 = 3
3 = pyramid
>illuminati confirmed

Before Sup Forums I needed my ass kicked. After Sup Forums I do good deeds and wait to pounce.

*lols in jewish*
*rubs hands*