black people are stu-
Black people are stu-
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checked Sup Forums is going to have a hard time arguing against this because it proves the black race is superior
>black people
We wuz Jackie chan
Were his parents Chinese?
some Blaisian with a strict asian dad?
Not surprising
apparently too stupid to understand what averages and outliers are as confirmed by OP
autism is so tight
Chink dad sheboon mom.
This is the future of africa. I like it.
>universities hand out diploma to dead nigger treyboon Martin
>implying this isn't in the same vein
Carson Huey-You, but for some reason I can't find a picture of his dad..
Outliers =/= Average.
>at a liberal arts school
>universities now have affirmative action and quotas to get niggers in to college as quick as possible before they start committing crimes
It's like scoring 10/10 for Walking in a class full of wheelchair-bound children.
Poor kid. He's got some Chinese genes in him so he'll be good at math and science. But because he's black, his black peers will call him Uncle Tom and beat him severely to make sure he never leaves the plantation.
wow an outlier.
Child prodigies are always fucked up by their mid 20s. Letting your child skip ahead to college is about the worst thing you can do to them.
He got his degree in dindu studies with a minor in being a minority.
How is that black? mulato maybe.
>will call him Uncle Tom
Sadly this was very true growing up.
If you don't act like the group 24/7 you're an outcast and receive harassment.
hes like 60% white
africans dindu nuffin
>an outlier case of a chink nigger hybrid at a 3rd tier school is evidence of blacks being smart
>a plethora of studies showing average IQ distributions among blacks are significantly lower than that of other races isn't
>80% percent of blacks are dumber than 50% of whites
That's the point.
is he really a child prodigy though? 1770/2400 SAT?
that puts him in the 80 percentile...
Few here have finished high school
>thats the joke
>minor in chinese
we talking mandarin or cantonese ? technically there are more but you would only pick one of the 2 and still not actually be able to talk to all chinese people
bet the yakuza have people who could talk circles around this kid. they took over the criminal element in east asia as a whole. triads answer to them in china
1770, what?
I got 2180 on my SAT2
>Huey-Youous and the Jews
SAT scores aren't everything you dunce.
that's a hybrid senpai
>most egalitarian conservative state
you would never see shit like this in commiefornia ay
unironically impressed
Did you graduate college at 14? No
So pipe down sweety
Given how pathetic most college courses are, it's not really any great feat to graduate that young. It's more a testament to how pathetic our public schools are that there isn't that much taught during high school that would make it meaningful to skip.
Chink here, I scored 2070 on the SAT and didn't even get accepted for UC Irvine or UCSD.
A couple Mexicans I knew scored lower than me and got accepted to USC/UCLA.
I ended up going to Cal Poly Pomona and dropping out after a year for a $50k/yr job, not a lot of money but I really don't care.
but he graduated from a christian liberal arts college which is like the equivalent of a middle school. if he had gone to a real school you could say more.
if you're a child prodigy i'd expect better than the 80 percentile though. he probably just has autism...
With some hard work and if the law here allowed it, I could of graduated from university at 18. I remember I jumped 3 classes in elementary school because the teacher taught I was bright enough, then the principal put me back in the right class because they were not allowed to do this.
i bet he majored in divini-
This. He is essentially the equivalent of a bear that can ride a bicycle. It's not a natural thing for him, he's only doing it because someone is beating the shit out of him whenever he falls off, and eventually he will get sick of it and end up mauling someone when his instincts get the better of him.
But it's fun to laugh and watch him dance until then.
lol i think a texas christian liberal arts university is probably the equivalent to a middle school. so i don't think anyone is impressed.
it's clear that this and that are just cases of affirmative action
if i had black skin i would...