Sup Forums newbie here. I've been curious to how things roll in Sup Forums. All advice, rules, etc. are apprieciated. Cheers
Sup Forums Pleb
Rule 1: If someone disagrees with you call them reddit
Rule 2: If that fails call them a shill
Rule 3: Have fun
beware the merchant
Posting as a Canadian is never a good idea. I'd reccomend not wasting time on posting well articulated ideas.
The rake is awlays in season at Sup Forums.
Go back to lurking. You're not nearly ready.
lurk moar faggit
fuck off leaf
Lurk more newfag
Okay, sorry.
Eat a cock Trudeau
Kill yourself, its the only way.
You have to go back
lurk more
That's the spirit! But lose the trip it shows how big of a newfag you are
fuck off
Lurkmoar newfag
Prepare for day of the rake, leaf.
>All advice, rules, etc.
you're not only new but actually did not read the rules.
i trought this was against the rules btw.
>such let speak
Don't expect spoon feed and help, this is a free place, never defend jews and more important, enjoy it.
And remember, you are here forever.
lurk moar faggot
KEKING shadilay!
Lurk for two years before posting.
Shitposting is discouraged. Only post when you have something to add to the conversation.
Read the FAQ.
Well, that is what most people should do, but all these newfag redditors don't and juts shitpost 24/7, so you might as well do it to fit in with them.
Lurk moar faggot leaf. The fuck if I'm gonna check your shit either newfag
Also, praise kek
i remenber those times.
>you forgot to add
if someone else asks you to execute a java code that you found hidden a PS photo, just dont.
>a newfag calling an oldfag a newfag
Take your gay beta personality and you're jovial faggotry back to where you came from
First rule (that is sadly not followed by many) stop mentioning Sup Forums.
Also whenever a big event happens, don't take credit and point fingers at reddit instead. Do not act like the e celebs that mention pol all the time.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Never start a "HAPPENING" thread because it's never happening.
You wont like it here. I can tell by by your fucking fagotty picture from tumblfuck. Take the bog pill or go back.
You want to head over to /ptg/ and get yourself suited up for your eventual voyage to /r/the_donald! Make sure you don't forget to grab your shill spottin' guide and Iheartkushner pin! You'll be a magapede yet! And remember, "we'll just have to wait, Trump knows what he's doing."
pic related
lurk more, do not post or comment for at least 2 years.
tits or gtfo
Thanks man.
Holy shit you are the biggest faggot of all time.
Don't take shit from no one.
You must act as if you were better than everyone else. But respect the anons that post facts and make well-articulated arguments, else you'll be considered a faggot.
Don't post.
Lurk for an extended period of time - 6 months, maybe a year or two.
Observe the local customs and culture before posting.
Wait a minute, you're a leaf. Don't post at all.
Only rule I'm aware of is that op is a fag and fags should kill themselves so please fuck off and kys
Why do you do that to yourself? You purposely brand yourself with a giant "I'M A FLAMING HOMOSEXUAL" sign like "Chrollo". Why?
You're posts are the epitome of cringe. Please kindly fuck off newfag.
You can still leave. Do so before you reach the event horizon and this place consumes your life. Before it penetrates every thought. Before you start seeing it in your every day life.
Imagine the sensation of someone pointing out a blatant issue that will forever be unable to unsee in your favorite movie, and extrapolate it to every bit of your life. This is your opportunity, leave before you're consumed into miserable and frustrating truth.
Lurk moar newfaggot
Read the fucking sticky and lurkmore you assfucking gay faggot
I look exactly like him desu. Plus i want to build up enough notoriety to cause anons anxiety to read my posts out of arguments sake. Like this faggot over here . aaaaaaaaa
how new