is it manly for a male to be completely transparent with how he feels when he's around a woman he's interested in, Sup Forums?
Is it manly for a male to be completely transparent with how he feels when he's around a woman he's interested in...
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No, you should never tell a woman the truth about what you feel.
only during cuddle time
what is safe to tell, then?
>being afraid to speak your mind
Pick one
You shouldn't give a shit at all until it's a done deal. Women smell desperation and weakness like a dog smells bacon.
Unless you know she cares too, put it off.
Showing emotion towards a woman changes the way they feel about you, usually for the worse. It makes you look weak and gives the woman power.
Ordering your woman to do something and compliments for your woman. Save your miseries for your male friends.
Just don't feel like a cuck
ITT: virgins
Whiners don't get young pussy.
enlighten us, then
This guy must like bananas in his pancakes!!! What are you, a faggot?
I'm actually American I'm just using a Canadian VPN
If you don't reveal your emotions to a person you are potentially selecting to spend an entire lifetime together you are in for a bad time.
You are human, you will experience emotions. People try to delude themselves into thinking they can shut them down but eventually they will bubble to the surface. You will lash out, and the "calm cool and collected" dude persona you have crafted will be lost. She will retreat, as she has been lied to, the greatest sin in a relationship.
larping virgin
this. honest and accurate communication is key
absolutley not. Do NOT reveal your weaknesses or vulnerability to women, EVER. She'll beg you to do it, but when you do, consider yourself cucked.
only if you're already in a committed relationship
>voluntarily ends the hunt by giving up and laying down.
>later on Sup Forums
>how we fix wite wemmens from being stupid elitist malet hating whores?!
If you can't be honest about how you feel and still keep a woman's interest, you're just not that attractive in the first place.
I feel sorry for you if you have to suppress your real self just for a vague hope of getting your dick wet.
My condolences to the virgins in this thread.
In all honesty you should never let anyone close enough to do any damage. Especially in a work setting. Lie your fucking ass off. You can literally trust nobody.
Talking about yourself there bucko?
These Anons get it
No, that's what your side woman is for
what happens when you do? how does a woman respond to your emotions? how does the relationship change?
this, and always ignore relationship advice from female therapists and women in general.
Great tip. Relationships 101 folks. This guy clearly knows what he's talking about.
No. They wouldent understand how we discover the truth
So fucking true.
Wtf is this shit teir thread. Mods what the fuck do you do all day?
No, you should never show your hand.
No. Never show emotional weakness to a woman, they'll immediately lose respect for you. A woman will constantly shit test you to try to get you to "open up". Don't do it, it's a fucking trick.
What you want for dinner and when you want it.
If you can't be real to her you never really had her OP.
there are 2 different groups in this thread circlejerking each other with no real conversation going on.
No, you don't pull that shit until your engaged at least.
Short answer - no
Long answer - women expect men to be calm and composed in all situations. Women are emotional creatures who react to their external environment, and are intuitively attracted to a man who can be their "rock", and ground them. If you are an emotional character, they will not respect you. Hold frame, always be calm and rational - your woman can be erratic and emotional, but you shouldn't be
This this and this.
Women will ask you to open up and show a softer side of yourself. But they will never like what they see. They suddenly realise men can be vulnerable and fallible. Feminism teaches then that its ok to be stronger then a man, reality makes them freak the fuck out when they realise they might be in charge.
Power in a relationship is something they scream they want but are shit scared if it happens because they are incapable of making it work when they wear the pants.
Keep your emotions to a fairly basic level. Even if you're dying inside. Women can't handle weakness in men. It will turn them off you completely, they'll no longer see you in a sexual light. They'll just see a boy who can't meet their needs. The first step to tossing you aside.