AIDs Skrillex wasn't there this evening, but he's definitely working there. Will be trying again tomorrow. We're going to buy dozens of jugs of FUCKING WHITE MILK.
AIDs Skrillex wasn't there this evening, but he's definitely working there. Will be trying again tomorrow...
Other urls found in this thread:
Met a fellow Sup Forumstard in the parking lot.
this is just retarded at this point
lol good luck
need to go pick-up A carton of FUCKING WHITE MILK
-t. AIDS Skrillex
Sounds like a good use of your time and money. Well done, burger.
im calling the store tomorrow and asking for him
lets make him quit. ill do all i can from afar.
But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun. Left wing shenanigans are cruel and tragic
(314) 942-8193
I want to get video of him ringing out dozens of pints of milk first.
then you should precede to come in and return said fucking white milk.
whole, white, fucking, milk
Buying milk, that'll learn him good OP
Absolutely this. Don't ruin him. Just make memes.
faggot, buy shit that isn't taxed that totals 14.88
if you do this gay milk shit so help me god..
Record/video him saying "1488"
>what was that total again?
>$14.88 sir
>repeat 5X
Why the fuck are you fags bothering this homo..
Everyone bitched when the left doxed Trump people now you go and harass this faggot.
Because digits decide yes.
Ruin him and every hint of a life he has. He is a commie, not a human.
This must be him
Eat a dick, sageblue cunt
What a fucking shit show
He actually looks somewhat normal without that long greasy mop.
he's god awful ugly
Wait we found him? Someone give me a quick rundown
Because we don't take the moral high ground of faggotry.
Who the fuck is AIDS Skrillex?
>Wait we found him? Someone give me a quick rundown
Found out where he works, the best idea I've heard is the $14.88 total. Get him on camera repeating it over and over...we can make some good shit with that.
Fuck off sageblue
okay i felt bad about hounding this fucking failure at first
but the funny always wins more converts than the true
I usually sage threads like this but I can support this
Just because I'm not in my mom's basement on here every 24 fucking hours doesn't mean I go on reddit
Did we figure out what is name is? Legit curious what kind of fucking miserable life he lives
It's not true unless it makes you laugh
But you don't understand unless it makes you cry
Don't forget to wear your MAGA hats.
Get a better camera first then Learn How to point it properly.
what is happening? some one fill me in please?
>Did we figure out what is name is?
No idea, seems someone has it if people are bringing up calling the store and asking for him.
David duke found aids skrillex and now these faggots want to fuck with him.
Lurk moar
Someone found out where aids skrillex works.
His name is Ben, people knew this back when his original video came out.
You drive a fucking white Ford!!
>David duke found aids skrillex and now these faggots want to fuck with him
All I want is a video of him saying $14.88 3-5 times. I only care about the shitposting
This, def wear MAGA hats
you are a fucking WHITE MALE
Tommy Wiseau underpants ? WTF
Benjamin Allen Teter
It's not like we're going to hurt him. We may fuck with him a little bit for being racist against us, but that's it. It's truly no different than what tumblr sjw's do.
Cheers comrade
Literally one of my favorite memes of the 2016 election. You're doing God's work, user.
OP here. The 14.88 thing is hilarious.
do it for kek
is it the lucky's in ellisville?
They might not return it though, through policy.
A lot of places won't return dairy.
T. Cvs
>How much will that be
>Fourteen eighty ei-
>...Fourteen eig-
>Sir it's F-
Those shoulders. looks like he hasn't touched a dumbbell in his life
Give him exactly 14.88 in small change and have him count it all, then at the end ask for your change back and make him recount it.
I just found his myspace. Apparently he's in a screamo band...
Holy shit, how the fuck did we find this guy? It's just a random video
>Sup Forumsack intellectuals
the AUTISM IS REAL OP, what will happen when you realize he has more of a social and fulfilling life than you have?
That surely won't make him a fuking white male
Why can't we have someone buy milk and other items, with a total of $14.88?
FFS they look like senior citizens, no muscles, prune body.
Do they eat rat food to not be sexist or wtf?
Jesus Christ, he has mastered the art of parthenogenesis. We need to stop him before it's too late.
>1:41 Top kek
stalking is a crime
you all are not different from criminals
>white people
why am i not surprised?
>every 24 fucking hours
fucking sodomite
this is some Sup Forums tier level shit...c'mon, you guys won the meme war and got god emperor elected and have already humiliated aids skrillex...getting him to kill himself isn't going to help the cause.
nigger looks like he's in training, did he just start?
For quick reference. Always nice to see the left wing suffer.
Not buying dozens of bags of flour and yelling "White flour!" as you place each one on the belt.
I hope he kills himself and you kill yourself.
Lucky's Market?
I'd think he'd work at Whole Foods.