We live in Weimerica

We live in Weimerica

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I don't have a foot fetish but I don't think that's how it works

Footfags will be the first to hang on the day of the rope

Its footfags. They're just weird.


There is always a calm before the storm.

What a time to be alive.

Who knew that pussyfooting around would finally lead to something productive?

top kek

Jamal bants

I think that this statement truly transcends all political boundaries and differences.


Now that I have your attention...


Missing the joke
It's a pussy foot

Dad why are you on my computer?

How degenerate was the Weimar Republic?

I'm guessing the "official" narrative doesn't really paint the most accurate picture of it.

Someone post the image of a guy wearing a fleshlight as a sock

Does it smell like foot or vagina? Oh wait.

it's normal


Peak levels of degeneracy. I'm impressed.

I just patted myself on the for never, literally never, visiting diarrheafeed

fucking kek

Well, the only differences between us and them, is that they had open 100% legal pedophilia, and they had completely legal public nudity/sex.

Top notch Sven

Imagine what it would be like to have a foot sticking out of your crotch.

how much further will it go? How close are we to the breaking point?

This was an inevitability of capitalism


god fucking dammit
top kek

thought this was a gore thread, I couldn't be more disturbed

jesus i should go to /ck/ more often

Easy there. More than 1 model may be available.



would purchase

Not sure why they had to make it the ugliest looking vagina they could come up with.

topped my kek


But i get off on smelling feet and sliding my cock inbetween the arches and feeling those fucking toes wrapped around me.

Not fucking an amputation injury.


footfag explain to me why all footfags also have a cuckhold fetish?
there must be some connection now explain it

I have a strong foot fetish and that's just retarded

Foot licking is pretty much foot worship which is femdom

well shit i thought we have surpassed weimar already. i thought if we ever tried to go 1488 it wouldnt be as 1488 as Hitler's Germany. this time sadly i think once we are literally weimar we will be stuck there and we will never have the numbers to have another country similar to the Third Reich. most people ive talked to care more about the economy of the country and "if the people had the same values" than whether or not everyone in the future would actually be anything like them at all. theres also the "muh 6 gorillion" shit that most people cant accept that 6 million jews werent killed, and also that "National Socialism is litterally the evilest thing ever" and wanting to perserve your race makes you litterally hitler. i think the jewish brainwashing has gone too far to a point that most people cant break out of it.


Why isn't it on the sole

Atleast someone is asking the right questions

Am a footfag and cuck shit is repulsive

because roasties have no soul


Nope I don't like cuck porn

Footfag here, that's fucking retarded.

Some foot fetishists get off on the submission aspect
as in a foot is the lowest part of the body

and theres not much more degrading than someone fucking your wife

Im a foot fag.
I also enjoy the scent of my wifes holes.

Cuckholding however is gay af.
We value our marraige and we value our bodies as a treasure for each other.

If you are a cuck, you dont deserve to be married.

You dont deserve to have anyone for that matter.


>foot fetishists fetishize feet
>fuck hole is in the ankle

Shouldn't the fuck hole be in the actual foot?

Us footfags aren't just attracted to the feet, the feet has to be connected to a hot woman. Duh

come on that would just be weird

>not calling it a Footpussy.
Fucking faggots.

Buzzfeed Presents $10 Vajankle vs $1000 Vajankle

come on buzzfeed, at least use a nice looking foot, those has the be the least lickable toes ever...

Absolutely disgusting, this only reaffirms my belief that footfaggotry is one of the higher tiers of degeneracy, they shale not fare well on the day of the rope.

you should die in a fire. even though foot fetishists are garbage you are worse.

The other huge difference is we don't have the hyperinflation of Weimar Germany.

That's how white men get any pleasure in 2017. Hahaha, fucking losers. Meanwhile your white princesses are riding our brown/black cocks.

You fags are making a big deal out of this. We're attracted to feet the same way one would be attracted to boobs, assess, or vaginas.

if youre looking at the feet I have some bad news for you.

What? I'm not a foot fetishist.

you need to die.

Got a reason why?

but you are a WEEB
so, see for information

Quality post, give this man a waifu.

I love you pewdipepe

I'll look at whatever I want, thank you very much.

Wew, so THIS is what they meant about threads on Sup Forums after dark

Got proof?

You can't handle my proof

degenerate. you worship a foot. you are garbage.

nice post


lol, I never said I worship feet. Are you a second language English speaker?

We don't literally worship feet.

We just wouldn't mind a footjob every once in awhile.

Those who worship any part of the body are usually cucks to begin with.

I had a fucked up gf that cared about feet. she would tell me how I dont have attractive feet. shit was bananas. I would just tell her to stfu and she would. you feet fags are weird as fuck.

I guess there are varying degrees of how weird they are. Everyone's different user.

You'd be lying if you told me if this girl offered you a footjob, You'd say "no."

>marauding bands of orphan fraternities raping each other in hazing ceremonies turning into the waffen SS
this is a story told to me by a professor in a class about weimar germany, i wonder if it's a jewish lie?

>mass transvestism
>berlin was the sex capital of the world
>not in a sexy way
>in the fuck anything anywhere you want, we jews don't care! kind of way

people pretend the jew shit came out of the blue. like the nazis just happened for no reason.


Fuck you northern nigger monkey rape baby

I would allow it and I did but I felt like a faggot afterwords and dumped her ass.

I would say no, fuck her in the pussy. I'm not Dave "You forgot your socks, PYAHHH" Chappelle

This doesn't make any fucking sense, the part of the foot you fuck is the soles because it's the beginning of the pathway up the legs to the vagina. I'm offended.


you dont want to pussy foot. you really dont want pussies for feet.

Was she hot at least?

I get the best of both worlds m8.

you're alright, sweden

this is next

pls don't

no she was an acquaintances normie gf. I asked her why she's looking at my feet and before she could say anything her bf, my friend said its because shes a weirdo. but I let her do it. and he deserves it. he ended up being a piece of shit and we both knew it.

Looks like something you'd see in a Cronenburg movie.

Well, there's your problem. If she doesn't look like pic related then what's the point?


she's jerked me off goofball. its degenerate as fuck but a handy is a handy.

Next they will design one as a camel hoof for Muslims.
