He's got a point you know

He's got a point you know

This. See: Steve Jobs. An apple a day keeps pancreatic cancer at bay, until it doesn't.


I'm glad to see that he's a 'retried physician', that sounds like a good person to get information from.


fuck off kike

>antibiotics-all of them
>ihnhaled glucocorticoids, LABAs, SABAs, and albuterol
>beta blockers
I could on for a week you ignorant nigger. And it's "retired", not "retried" though that would make sense that this fucking quackjob was once tried. We're having a measles outbreak in MN right now because of people like him that prey on fears.
Don't get me started. I work in family practice and I cannot tell you how many times retards bring their child in for help because they put essential oils on the skin. Or worse, had them breathe it. Fucking morons, the lot of them. They really think we should go back to the 1800s.

man has to sell his book, nothing personal

That's what Steve Jobs thought. He had a curable type of cancer but he insisted on muh homeopathy.

Wow! Looks like Dr. Bagelberg really cares about my health! I guess I'll just get off this chemo and drink liquid green shit out of a jar of powder.

Spoken like a true Slav.

>pancreatic CA
Pick one.

I meant treatable?

It was resectable at time of diagnosis, Jobs is just a dumbass

He's a kike, but its nice to know someone doesn't shill for big pharma.



Not trustworthy.

that's how the past tense works

Retired, as in forced to retire for malpractice

kek, nice list of useless medications

Steve jobs had enough money to have the best cancer doctor in the world but natural selection took its course.

Ya and if he lived a healthy life from the start he probably would never have developed pancreatic cancer.

Hes prob referring to people who make poor life choices, and honestly medicine should always be prevention before cure.

>trusting a jew ever

Name one medication on that list you consider useless and why. I'll wait, Mohammed.


Every. Fucking. Time.

fuck off

levothyroxine for starters can be replaced with NDT, and it works much better too, mr 48%

I'll take the naturalistic fallacy for 500 Alex.

Literally retarded, he didn't say it was better because it is natural.

>oy vey avoid modern medicine goy its evil devil magic, just go with these totally legitimate (((natural))) treatments

Yeah fuck surgery I'll just eat some fucking lettuce to cure my cancer