Redpill me on Putin. Is he secretly fighting the jews or no?
NO, he works with them. But unlike goverments fucking a percentage of people wealth, putin has turn Russia into a banana republic sacking the entire wealth of his nation and replacing institutions with mafia-style hierachy.
Literally a state run by criminal circle. No democracy (even if its rotten it ensures hope of change) and no free speech.
But what can you expect from an ex-kgb and a ex-communist country.
Indeed, he does what he does for the benefit of the oligarchy
no such thing
Last Christian nation on the planet that has not bought into globalism. Also Putin is the real life Most Interesting Man In The World.
It's illegal to be anti-semetic in Russia. It's also illegal to own a semiautomatic gun in Russia. Freedom of speech is also banned.
No wonder conservatives love it.
Putin is comfortable seeing his people live in poverty while he encourages massive amounts of corruption in the economy.
He cares about power, he does not care about the well-being of his people.
In his mind he already saved the white race.
Thank you for that input Mr. Justin Trudeau.
Russia and Assad are against rebels/Israel
This is the Jewish community center built recently in the most expensive area of Moscow
He was the officer in charge of "normalizing east germany". That meant controlling public expending, social networks, black markets. From prostitution, to local hooligans, to opposition parties, to nationalizing key resources via any means (energy sector).
The KGB didnt wanted him to erradicate the corruption but to gather info, and hijack those networks. Why? Because that how they worked. Kim uses family to bribe officials, soviets used your drastical status change to bribe you. Russia still has that cosmovision: power gives you assets, services. Money is worthless. With power, you dont need money.
How it works? If your company succed, and start have millions in sales, the local governor will ask you to put his son as CEO. Then the judges will sue the shit out of you unless you pay, and sooner or later the owner will want to sell or bankrupt because he cant keep up with people bleeding him.
But what if your company is successful and you managed to have the commander chief of the airforce daughter as a friend? Only people above her dad can "bleed you" now. Local police and other little fish will ignore you, because they know that if they mess with you they will lose their positions in gov. So if she or her das ask the owner to "borrow them" a beach house, limo and whatever the man will do it instantly. Its either their friendship or losing his compnay.
This is children's hospital also in Moscow
he has Sup Forums and trump in the palm of his hand
He projects power, but it's mostly a facade. It's a shame the US media even gives Russia an ounce of credibility in carrying out anything, let alone be subverting the government from the very top.
It's just a perpetuated narrative orchestrated by the deep state to maintain their own self-importance.
This is why I favor open dialogue with Russia; there's literally nothing to fear. However, it's certainly not a place I'd want to live, given that it really has no tolerance for classical Western liberal values. Peter the Great was the only small window of light that ever graced Moscow.
>Implying Putin isn't a Jew
go on--
>implying every world leader isnt a jew
I was literally asking a question, man. If you have broofs, go ahead
all he is doing is "putin"g a show for his retarded fan base. It's all he can do anyway.
typical orphanage in russia
>hurr durr im just asking questions
okay there Alex Jones
A trying Christian nation that is moving to remove itself from our fiat system if debt
Oh well fuck off then, disinformation-kike.
(((Rottenberg))) lives here
>pic related
He is destroying America by infiltrating our government
He single-handedly pulled Russia out of the economic collapse of communism. He is the right-wing that the USA used to be.
He is a traditionalist, loves his country, works hard, and is extremely effective. He was named the most powerful man alive, and for good reason.
I think if anyone is fighting the jewish marxist plot, it would be Vladimir.
Residence of Russian banker (((Freedman))) in England.
House of (((Oleg Deripaska))) in England.
absolutely not.
russia is the original jew central.
they were largely kicked out/fled to the US and europe at the turn of the century, to israel after ww2.
>Cmon! Cmon! Feel it! Feel it!
............which is 80% kikes and non-russians
so if the Jews were kicked out, what's the problem with Russia NOW?
they aren't jew central anymore.
>This is what moderate Democrats actually believe.
not all were kicked out, there are still very many and still have connections to jews abroad. they are historically educated people who mysteriously the purges for the most part, and they plug right back into the international jew network.
Hes getting chummy with Iranians and Russian special forces in Syria have been directly working with Hezbollah terrorists (see pic related) He must be removed from power before he becomes an even bigger threat ro world security
youd be a fool to believe Putin cares about the common man.
Residence of (((Victor Vekselberg))) in Italy
>former residence of Mussolini
youd have to be a special kind of fool to believe anyone making decisions has the best interest of humanity in mind.
>Last Christian nation on the planet that has not bought into globalism.
Means next to fucking nothing when the citizens of said nation do not control it democratically in any meaningful fashion whatsoever. Fuck head.
Meanwhile, residence of the most prominent opponent of Putin within Russia, the founder of the Anti-Corruption foundation famous for investigations on secret wealth of Putin's closest associates, Alexei Navalny.
Raised his people's income tenfold since coming into power, created a middle class, conservative institutions as a bulwark against globalist insanity. Rebuilt Russia's military and economy and made it debt free until economic wars. Doing all this while holding out against western cucks on all fronts. Took back Russian clay and put neocons on permanent buttblast mode to the point where they run around accusing each other of being Putin's agents.
No wonder shartblue keeps trying to shill against him. But pol has always been a Christian Putinist board and will do whatever it takes to grow his benevolent influence over the accucked West
Democracy is a broken system. America isn't even a democracy - it's a constitutional republic
What's your argument?
And here is Navalny himself with his family. Btw he identifies himself as a Russian nationalist.
The shitblues are thick in this thread, user
>Navalny, pro-globolist Soros-jew shill.
what are you doing here, man? You think I don't see you?
> unironically believes burgers have more control over their government
ok faggot what is your point
>a celebrity, actor, or politician is shown shirtless in the media
Female to male tranny. Every damn time!
What I'm saying is what you're saying is dated an irrelevant, asshole.
Putin's been dead for years anyway
Truth is, all governments are playing games while they tighten the net together
Stop reading comic books
If you think Putin piloting a delta-plane and riding a horse topless is badass how about this: Putin's shills splashed green antiseptic dye in Navalny's face right before his weekly YouTube program, and his right eye was badly damaged.
He went on air nevertheless and hosted the program for an entire hour keeping the damaged eye closed.
What the fuck is up with that woman's legs?
The eye turned out to be seriously damaged and lost 80% of eyesight, so the next week he hosted his program with an eyepatch on.
There is no jewish conspiracy and he is using far right to divide western countries.
>Means next to fucking nothing when the citizens of said nation do not control it democratically in any meaningful fashion whatsoever. Fuck head.
When you have country after country falling to the JewSA, Israel, Soros, and Saud's all around you as well as them ringing you with NATO countries I wouldn't give up power either if I knew I was one of the only people alive that can stop them if it was at all possible. Seems like he held out long enough for us to start taking back control in the US. Drastic situations call for drastic measures. It's why he also took back Crimea in Ukraine.
That would be pretty retarded to give up power to someone new who comes in late and isn't nearly as talented as yourself, his previous profession being explained here: Does it give you a bad image? Of course. Is it necessary? Seems like it.
whats wrong with his daughters face?
Thanks for correcting the record
It looks like his daughter was tongue punching some fart boxes
He has his own lubavitcher handler, he is just another stooge of the NWO.
He stands where he stands only because of the total failure of the west and his puppets,
He does the same thing, only way smarter and in secret.
No. Humanity is doomed. China will lead the Commie NWO.
It will take a deity to save it.
Not long anymore.
What if the jews are a scapegoat? What if the real threat to the west is China?