Okat Sup Forums what do you think about louis ck

okat Sup Forums what do you think about louis ck

He is bald and kinda funny sometimes.

Mexican Jew sexual harasser

He made me watch him jerk off


The Eternal Cuck

I think he fucked a guy

Louis C Cuck more like...

I think he could maybe kick Patton Oswald's ass. Two east coast pussies. Colbert could have them fight it out in lieu of his monologue.

stand up is getting increasingly insufferable, just trying to be an edgy teenager.

His show louie is actually really good in my opinion.



He needs to go back to Mexico

Meh. He's sometimes funny. But mostly he's just a mopey jew

i watched horace and pete. i think maybe everyone in the cast was abused as a kid.


someone dump lous ck interracial breeding grounds plz

depressing as fuck

He's buzzfeed mixed with the black/nihilism pill

Pretending like being shitty is something to be lauded


he is def killing himself like robin williams

there's something comfy about that show. except how they were all probably abused as kids. i think it's the sets.

Can't spell "cuck" without CK

He was somewhat funny until he started changing his routine to please the left so he could make more money and get with Colbert.