This destroys flat earthers

Visit google earth.
There you go, i just debunked any "flat earth" theory you guys ever had. without satellites orbiting the earth google earth couldn't have been made

>Bonus: live stream of earth from the international space station, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is spherical

Other urls found in this thread:


nice cgi

1. The atmosphere is less dense the upper you go, not more dense. if the signal doesn't get reflected at the lower air levels, it won't get reflected at the higher levels.

2. You dumb fuck i literally showed you a live stream of earth from the international space station. how delusional can you be to still think it's flat

bots once again promoting other bot-related domains.

Google earth is largely aerial photographs, so that doesn't exactly help..

I stopped reading when I saw the flag.

Not even a kike is impervious to kikery

look i know the flat earth thing is a meme but trusting google for anything is just lol

Google earth uses some aerial photography however since its way too expensive to have a plane flying over any place in the world, the majority of it is satellite imagery

what is a coordinate system?

Fuck off with your CGI Shlomo. Earth=flat get over it.

Your methodology of determining what is true and what is false is fucking retarded.

You would post your jewish tricks schlomo

everyone knows the earth is flat

So you believe that the entire world is pretending to manufacture satellites orbits earth, and that the live footage of earth from the international space station is all fabricated?

Holy shit you guys are fucking delusional

well i think the earth is flat now

>8 inches per mile squared


Have you ever exercised the notion that flat earthers are just common opportunists shilling a conspiracy to coax schizophrenics into watching their youtube videos to make money off of them?

Explain this flat-earthers?

Flat-earthers, more like flat out wrong! lmao.

Didnt know that earth has natural borderlines

>unironically trying to debunk flat earthers
holy fuck bro

Ancient Greeks knew the earth was round. Flatties eternally btfo

Sadly flat earther is a common belief in Sup Forums.
They think all the imagery from the international space station is fake, they think the moon landing is fake and they think the entire world is committing a conspiracy of fakes satellites

earth is hollow mates, and the nazis live either inside the earth or in antarctica building UFOs

sure. anyone who looks into it gets turned off of ball earth lies

weird that 20 years after the war there is still a UFO around that looks almost exactly like one the nazis build even with weird symbols around it like the ones of the nazis

>/x/ is next door

Go shitpost over there schlomo.


Didn't Eddie Bravo destroy you round Earthers?

>schlomo spherestein has found Sup Forums

You might as well not argue with them. A lot of them wouldn't change their opinion even if you took them into a low orbit to see the whole fucking planet with their own eyes (which will be commercially available for reasonable prices within 40 years)


1. You fucking retard. some cameras have a round curvature, the people who flew in those planes never claimed its supposed to represent the curvature of the earth

2. the 4 other pictures show portion of the earth that is roughly at the same size. the height is not what makes you see the curvature, its how much of the earth you are actually seeing

Look buddy, here is a photo of the entire earth, not just a portion of it, from the moon. the fact every single image of the entire earth shows that it's spherical completely destroys your arguments, to be honest

the livestream cuts away everytime it gets dark too and jumps to when its bright again. you never get a full circle weirdly. i assume they fear to film the polar opening though or do some other fakery. you also never see city lights no matter how dark it gets, as well as stars

>Sadly flat earther is a common belief in Sup Forums.
thats bullshit but i believe it
wait no i don't
just like i dont give a fuck about the Mormon spam or that water fasting retard
where do you people come from

You're wasting your energy, seriously. Let them stay retarded, we get the satisfaction of knowing we're right and we have something to laugh at it. A lot of them are Christcucks who are desperately trying to "prove" that God is real and science is fake.

ultimate testing methodology: get a good hunk of high density whatever, tie it to a 300km long cable and shoot it into space. If the cable never falls back to earth then you have proof via centripetal force that the Earth is both round and spinning.

Stop namefagging tripfag. No one gives a fuck who you are you narcissistic piece of shit

The second is a fake made by a retarded flat earther

>literally basing your world outlook on shitty memes made in photoshop.

also nasa is pretty much obviously fake.
weirdly that thread 404s quickly with a 3 day ban because of offtopic even though NASA is obviously related to to Sup Forumsitics since its a government institution

>Siding with the Israeli.

>Yess, goyim, the earth is round. We must help Israel expand to Greater Israel because of global warming and satellite missiles!


pic 2 (Blue marble 2002) has been done from 700km height
>Flying over 700 km above the Earth onboard the Terra satellite

the 4th picture (Blue Marble 2012) was made with the NPP/Suomi NPP sattalite orbiting at 824km
>A 'Blue Marble' image of the Earth taken from the VIIRS instrument aboard NASA's most recently launched Earth-observing satellite - Suomi NPP.
>The satellite was placed into a sun-synchronous orbit 824 km (512 miles) above the Earth.

Do you really believe this size difference is done by this small difference?

where did i side with him? in that very post i stated that nasa is fake which is against his views. i just dont think the earth is flat, but hollow as you see in the thread i linked in

You don't actually understand what he meant. The oceans and the tendency of water to form a level surface whenever possible are what give the Earth its spherical shape. It's not a literal "pear" shape, but to suggest that the Earth is anything but a geoid proves you don't actually into science.

You're wasting your time. Most flat-earthers are either trolling/baiting the mentally retarded, or are one of the aforementioned mentally handicapped individuals who have been baited into believing this retardation.

It's not a fake.

The difference can be attributed to perspective and deformation caused by changing camera technology.

pic related

>the science is settled goy, you just don't understand science
Tune back into Bill Nye you fucking cuck.

>Issues in science are never largely settled

Alright then, i guess people in Sup Forums will never know if humans breed by putting a penis inside a vagina, the science isn't settled and its not like they are ever going to make this experiment themselves

everyone is still free to come up with another explenation if he can proof it. if you have an idea how it works you should check it yourself

Quit being retarded.
Some things are established so strongly that they are facts and they should be treated as facts.

So some cameras can make the earth look round?

Why does Greenland and Antarctica have no detail when you zoom in?

Everything NASA show from space is fake. They shoot the ISS stuff underwater, or in a studio. Greenscreen all over the place!

Yes, but they wouldn't make the earth appear as a globe when you look at all of it at once

all things should be up to debate, otherwise its not science but another religion. here is one outcome of your thinkingstructure
rather attacking a fellow researcher than being happy about a new discovery and newly aquired knowledge

You miss the fucking point. some things are not worthy of debate because the arguments to support them are strong and there isn't anything credible that debunks them

If scientists tell you an hurricane is going to hit your town and you need to evacuate, would you evacuate or will you start debating with yourself if hurricanes are real or not?

1. You're wrong
2. Obvious fake job is obvious

Sup Forums is woke my jew friend, your tricks don't work here

>You miss the fucking point. some things are not worthy of debate because the arguments to support them are strong and there isn't anything credible that debunks them
thats like people thought about flat earth once mate. new knowledge leads to new insides in the workings of nature, and thus we can later on see where our assumptions were wrong which we could have previously not known because or lack of knowledge made it so. this could be with everything and just that you think right now "there is no way it can be any other way" doesnt mean it wont be proven wrong in the future

The reason spherical earth became worthy of debate is because there were evidence to support it.

If there were zero evidence or strong arguments for a spherical earth, it wouldn't be worthy of debate

that live stream is fake as shit. Why the fuck aren't there any stars???


I don't understand what you're talking about so I'm going to get angry and call you bad names!

Also, Bill Nye isn't a scientist. You are potentially retarded though.

Look at the sky during the day and tell me how many stars you are seeing

>reddit spacing
>u mad
>nothing of substance
>not a single argument

As much as I hate jews, he's right. If Earth is flat why are there so many different looking maps of flat Earth but only every map of round earth essentially looks the same?

but it can happen any time that new evidence for something pops up. thats what im trying to tell you. and because of this, there is nothing every completely settled in science. in (((science))) however, there is a lot settled. for example that gender is a social construct and that there are 6 gorillion genders, as well as the 6 gorillion jews that died in the holocaust which is also settled. also (((science))) tells us fracking isnt wrecking the groundwater and monsato round up doesnt cause cancer and will just ultimately lead to stronger pests which leads to stronger pestcontroll which will go on and on until everything is poisoned. we also those that say its settled that 2 planes (of which you apparently cant see one of, see pic related) can cause 3 buildings to directly collapse into itself like the best demolisher could dream of. lots of things are settled in (((science))), i prefer science though

if the atmosphere gets less dense the further up u go and space is a vacuum , what stops the vacuum sucking the atmosphere into space?

its currently daytime in space retard

I already look at enough of this shit.

None of this arguments stand under the slightest proper scrutiny.

Multiple nations around the world, not just Nasa, sent satellites into space and took footage of earth proving that it's round. you have to be a special kind of moron to think there is some sort of a global satellite conspiracy

Can give you use a proof that this ''live'' video isn't fake?

i wonder what user thinks gps is

you wont see the stars at night either. citylights neither despite weirdly being on this camera. or are you telling me that they shoot a camera into space that cant even adjust to lighting?

Sorry but you can't make me believe the Earth is flat
now fuck off back to wherever you came from with your "THE EARTH IS A BALL HURRDURRR"

seriously have you ever seen a map? It's flat lol

Abusing greentext, completely ignoring the rules of grammar, incapable of understanding basic, fundamental concepts, brash, aggressive... All signs of low cognitive function.

Also I never thought I'd see the day I'd be defending a Jew, but Jesus Harold Christ you people are fucking retarded.

My hand looks bigger when i put it closer to my eyes.

I claim that my hand is changing in size depending on how close it is to what is seeing it, its not just an optical thing, it actually changes in size.

This is a completely "legitimate" evidence, amiright? XD

>you can't see the stars at night either XD
>posting a picture clearly showing stars at night

Are you fucking retarded? It's called glare from a brighter source of light like, I don't know, the fucking SUN?

Also, I don't know if you've ever tried to take a camera and snap pictures of stars at night, but it requires specialized equipment, and if I remember correctly the camera in the ISS is a god damned webcam. You figure that part out.

Holy shit, the day I become keenly aware that Sup Forums is full of dipshits.

if you can meassure it somehow visible for others that such a change would occure, sure.

on the lifestream you fucking kike
>inb4 its daytime
yeah, i mean when it becomes nighttime up there and gets completely dark

You're both writing empty-looking posts but 's posts look empty because he is describing the idiotic Round Earther's empty posts.


>even using ellipsis unironically
hey reddit

Here is the livestream at night. you can CLEARLY see the stars

I hope this settles it


im speaking about nighttime , and up there when the sun is behind the earth should have a lot less lightpolution then i down here in a city. and i was able to make a picture of a star with my phone camery. not a good one, but you see the star. yet the camera they shoot into space cant do that in better conditions

You're a moron. I have always been keenly aware through experience that you can't reason with the stupid. I am proved correct yet again.

I thought so. The google earth camera has a fish eye lens giving the appearance of it being round. You don't need to be a scientist to figure that out.


Pretty sure that Reddit doesn't have a copyright on proper spacing and the use of an ellipsis. But yeah sure I lurves reddit durrXD


Yes, one uneducated man with a Youtube channel single-handedly debunked thousands of years worth of knowledge.

The Internet has made our species dumber.

Okay, so if the Earth is flat then the means gravity is bullshit. In the flat Earth model the sun and the moon rotate around the Earth. Why does the sun and the moon keep rotating this flat stationary Earth if gravity doesn't exist?

what is gravity, where does it come form and why doesn't the Suns gravity pull mars and the earth into its core?

so at some point the gravity wears off and it becomes a vacuum?

Its scarey how many people think the earth is flat. Like think about that for a sec, there are people who wake up and genuinely think that the earth is flat.

America is going off the fucking deep end

Because it's all Illuminati/NWO/Freemason/Jewish tricks didn't you know that!?


Newfag, no one actually believes in flat Earth, it's just fun to b8 with.

why would you trust government and the science community under their belt? don't you know that knowledge is power?

now everyone happy

fuck you blue pilled faggot

The moon is flat too

I wish you were actually correct in your assertion. But you are indeed dead ass wrong. There are a large number of people the world over who unironically believe the Earth is flat, most of them Muslim and Christian.

Also, you call me a newfag but I have been coming to this cesspool of a website since I was 16 years old and that was 12 years ago.

Yes, and that's why you get constantly decreasing pressures until it hits zero as you completely exit the atmosphere. Particles are lost to the vacuum however most are "held down" by gravity.
If you graduated HS or took a physics class you would understand the math behind gravity.

what is gravity