Is there any right-wing version of George Soros thats fighting and funding our side?


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we need one... desperately

>is there a right-wing jewish mogul

Isn't Israel your best ally or something?

Koch Brothers

Hiro mod guy

We don't need funded because we are in the right.

only a shill doesnt know or even asks. sage



The Bogdanovs, obviously.

Robert Mercer and its Renaissance Technologies.

The same kind of AI they used for investment management has been applied to social media for the meme war. Both try to predict and influence people.

There are powerful forces on both sides behind the new cultural war.

The CIA is backing us. That's why (((Trump))) wants to shut it down.

Donald Trump?

nice try schlomo. (((CIA))) has been toppling regimes for Israel and globalism for many decades.

Martin Shkreli

The great professor in Toronto, Jordan B. Peterson.

Gives less of a shit about left-libcuck kikes.

The CEO of Redbull is /ourguy/

Me. I cant reveal who I am for obvious reasons. But fear not, i am fighting from the inside.

He's a contrarian.

Rupert Murdoch

>Anglo Ancestry
>Donates to right wing causes
>Oxford Educated
>Red-pilled sons
>CEO of Fox

I'd say he is our right-wing equivalent of Soros

Netanyahu, he apologized for the USS Liberty and knows the truth about (((them))).


This and to some extent Sheldon Adelson. I think Trump cut some kind of a deal with them. Let them have greater Israel as long as they cut the neocon shit out and let nationalism flourish in US.

All of the intelligence community has been working for the shadow government and the globalists since the 1950s. You can't trust any 3 letter intelligence agency, they're all a bunch of murderous assholes that prioritize protecting the wealth and power of the globalists.

They all need to be dragged out onto the streets and have their limbs beaten into goo with sledgehammers.

You're a fucking retard. He handed fox down to his ultra liberal sons and they are in the process to start ruining it. Also he's not as bad as Soros for Fox but Fox is still utter shit. Only great relative to all other stations.

witnessed and appreciated

This. I knew this and I'm not even yank


The Koch Brothers supported Hillary last election.

they're Neocons thought not real right-wingers

He is in the top 30 richest people in the world, and he is republican. He invests in right-wing causes, I'd say he is a similar figure to Soros, but on the political right-wing

>pro immigration, open borders billionaires that just want cheap labor
>right wing

How does it feel knowing that an Aussie shitposts straight into your living rio on a daily basis and in your papers and magazines. Australia's greatest shitposter. Builds a multi billion $ empire just to fuck with your governments. Look him up. Surprising as fuck how much he influences governments. He shitposts on your life

Why would anyone rich and powerful want to leave people alone?

Doing so would make them less rich and powerful.

All those people need the government to maintain their status quo.

None of them would want less gov.

>Let them have greater Israel as long as they cut the neocon shit out
The neocon shit is their method of achieving greater israel...

Can someone explain to me how this man is allowed to live freely in any country and hasn't been killed or put in prison?

> pro open borders
> ((())))
> pro citizens united
> buying elections
> christfag abortion-tier social issues

fuck those assholes

This. Bibi is /ourguy/.


Wealth and power. He has bought the CIA and the NSA.

Putin is funding your cause generously.

They libertarians and support ron paul types.

what is your side burgerfat


I'm getting there.

Prince Ali

I'm Canadian, so he doesn't shitpost me at all

I kinda wish he did, Fox is the only mainstream media source that's worth a dime nowadays.

>mainstream media source that's worth
No mainstream media source is worth anything.

Trump was literally the last candidate they wanted to win

Serious answer though: Peter Thiel

I'm pretty sure the Koch bro's would have supported Bernie Sander's over Trump, had the election come down to it.

I do not trust Thiel in the slightest

>$27.32 billion in revenue last year
>$48.19 billion in assets
seems like it's worth quite a bit there, boss

Soros rules the world. We need someone who can copy his entire network and challenge his hold on the world


You're a fucking idiot.

George Soros

>implying he isn't supporting both sides

He is as much a globalist as any of them. Sure he fund a few but nothing to the scale like Soros and he couldn't give two shits about what Soros does because he's safe and in the same club as him.

On a scale of 1-10 Soros is a 10 and Murdoch is a 4.

You don't trust a homosexual Bilderberger?

We don't have any funder/shadow guy like Soros. He's too good at that.

What we have is leaders (Trump, Putin), and some scatterred low level funders here and there (mercer, thiel, NRA etc).

Oh, money, yeah. You just can't believe anything they say, that's what makes them worthless.

Peter Thiel and Trump are probably the closest answer to the question, but the question is inherently flawed. People who are against authoritarianism do not use authoritarianism to rebel against it. The group that you are trying to rally will see through the gimmicks and lose trust in the purpose. In order to lead a group against authoritarianism you need to pick strategic battles in order to expose its power and destroy it. George Soros exposes weakness and bias through his tactics. We do not need someone like him on our side.

That's a shame. He really has potential - he's a right-wing non-jew with lots of money, and he is self made

He could've been /ourguy/

Danny phantom


you fucking morons, we're not Jeb!

>Corporatism is only bad if they aren't on my side

you forgot
>hacks phones of dead teenagers
>his personal army calls their parents

define your side

Palmer Luckey is /ourguy/

is he rich? I don't think he is that rich. And ((())) also.

I was just being a smart-ass

What is it about being rich that also makes people cunts? Why couldn't there be a modern day Hank Rearden, who just works hard and focuses on his field, and spends money on innovating his business

it's like every 1%'er has some "change the world" agenda

Sheldon Adelson

smartest thing straya ever said

Vladimir Putin

Don't worry. There is

extreme right: things that range from reactionary ideology to white nationalism, absolute out of the mainstream.

is this a harry potter reference?

why do you think anyone would finance that
capital doesn't give a shit what your ethnic background is, it's only interested in efficiently allocating factors of production

Hi mr shatner :D

It's the business man from Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Kek

The rockafellers

I know, just making the point that the Koch Brothers aren't supporting any really reactionary/right wing ideals. They're just giving shekels for neocons(read Israel lover) just like the other jews.

The Koch brothers would be the closest analogue.

They don't have nearly as much global reach as Soros and frankly I don't think they're as ambitious (read arrogant) as he is and nowhere near as malevolent. That said they do give a lot of money to right wing and libertarian causes.

just past.

>Is there any right-wing version of George Soros thats fighting and funding our side?
The richest man on Earth.

Same, I am deep inside a large (((bank))) and I'm working my up

The red bull guy does actually.

And the Monster Energy Drink Guy.

Fun fact, the maker of Monster energy is Michael Savages Son

>too many
>too soon

High energy. Pun intended, checked.

>The Koch brothers
They barely tolerate Trump and they're probably giving him loads of trouble. They almost put in 500 millions or some such to try to stop him after he got the nomination.

Look up what his dad ifyou want /ourguy/

hough Murdoch pushed for the appointment of Major General Brudenell White as the new corps commander while denigrating Major General John Monash (who was of Jewish German ancestry), the latter was given command when the Australian Corps was formed in 1918

This x9001

Atlas Shrugged is literally the Harry Potter of AnCraps

no. (and thats a good thing)

OP asked for a Soros analogue, they're the closest thing there is.

Unless you count Trump himself.

They were SUPPOSED to be libertarians but somehow that went out the window with 2016 election. If they truly were then Rand Paul would've had extreme primary funding from them (they're GOP Republican libertarians traditionally not Johnson lolbertarians)


Just to be clear to you guys if we lose this fight we will be the 1st to die, they dont like people who question this joke of reality.


Liberals try to prop them up as a boogeyman, but truth is both sides served them well. The republicans just a bit better so.