Diversity Is Our Strength

It's science user

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diversity in political views is strength.
diversity in demography is mostly weakness.

Funnily enough over diversifying in stocks actually has diminishing returns, so why wouldn't the same apply to whatever garbage leftist logic this is?

So i guy in pic related is willing to step down from his job to let a woman or a dindu take over I am assuming.

It's too bad the left is destroying all actual diversity and implementing a (((diversity))) where all opinions are uniformly the same.

Do your thing Sup Forums

Oh yeah? How many Noble Prize winners are from Africa? How many from South America? Fact is, most contribution to modern science is by white people. The only thing shitskins are good for is leeching government money and popping out more kids.

if they're better at it

Why is Sup Forums so easily triggered?

No he should step down because he is a white male and diversity is more important than merit and intelligence.

Correlation =/= Causation, unless you're willing to admit that inner city violence and gun homicides are the niggers' fault.

Did a better version

are you sure this is not an edit, since chalkboard guy usually wasn't political, far as I knew.

jesus christ thats terrible. here


While fables aren't literally true, they are meaningful fictions, often warnings.

The Tower of Babel is particularly relevant here.



10/10 would reshop. Great job on removal of text.


Kill yourself canuck

unbridled brainwashing

You first


weak bantz



