Childfree life

Is childfree life really the best life? I simply think I will never want a child. They are expensive, stressful, change your life whether you like it or not, and require insane amounts of attention. Besides the family structure is destroyed and promiscuity, divorce, premarital sex etc. are essentially apart of western culture at this point. Seems like a waste of time. Besides from an ethical standpoint it seems cruel to forcelife upon a non consenting sentient being. I can come up with thousands of reasons not to have kids and not a single one for having them.

And besides, you don't want to lose your wizard powers anyways, right?

>I simply think I will never want a child. They are expensive, stressful, change your life whether you like it or not, and require insane amounts of attention.

Yes!! Very good goy!! Why pursue happiness and purpose when you could just seek pleasure? Become a good consumer and fornicator goy! Here's a nice gold shekel for your efforts!

you'll undertand when you get to the 60's

True. I am a 20 year old virgin but I might get it in with a coworker soon

The childfree life story is one that will kill out white children.
Since only whites can read, time has produced this so that young couples see this, decide not to have a child, and let the white race die out. Then, the writers at time magazine who are doing this to subjugate the non-white world into slavery. It's essentially slavery but instead of race, it's class. I don't like it because whites won't be here. 1488.

Why would I want to have kids in a civilization that is in its death throes? You faggots always talk about how this society is shit and the culture is shit, yet you want to raise kids in it?

I'm not raising kids in a society that values consumption of resources as the paragon of achievement, I'm not raising kids in a multi cultural hell hole of a mixed bag of ideologies. Western civilization doesn't have long, if you want to have children in it then fine, but don't shame others for deciding not to have children in a dying world.

All of what I said doesn't even account for massive over consumption of the worlds resources (only because of oil, which is running out and there is no alternative for, renewables make up less than 20 percent of total energy production world wide), mass extinction of the worlds species which we require to survive, and over population. All this happening in a time with increasingly unsteady economic and social dysphoria.

I'm sure YOUR children though will so unique and special, just like the other 7.5 billion humans on this heating rock.

Why is this even an issue or some existential dilemma that people think is worth discussing? Who gives a shit? I come from a pretty conservative slavic family and lived there for the first half of my life. No one ever gave a shit or questioned someones personal choices. You don't want kids? Fucking do it or don't do it. Stop seeking validation from cucks, take some responsibility.

If you cant come up with a single reason to have a kid, then you probably should just go ahead and let your genetic code disappear into the nothingness of time. If you have siblings, convince them to follow your lead.

$0.05 has been deposited into your account.

>Just accept your genocide, goy


What the fuck are women good for other than impregnating?

Tell me I'll wait

This is where I'm at. I am walking among the ruins while Mount Vesuvius erupts.

>Is childfree life really the best life?
It really depends for a man yes for a woman no sine they will grow old with cats and dildos.
>Seems like a waste of time. Besides from an ethical standpoint it seems cruel to forcelife upon a non consenting sentient being
Wait for society to fall and then that culture will die.
>Why pursue happiness and purpose when you could just seek pleasure?
If your sole purpose in life is to have kids you are a fucking loser and there is nothing else about it. Your whole existence is to repeat the cycle and not try anything new or invent anything but just having a kid which in a thousand years will barely be genetically related to you (meaning you are less then 1 percent of its DNA).

I've had a vasectomy.
No kids.
Homeowner, career, nice cars.

Fuck having kids - we will all return to the stars.

Do what makes you happy.


No you won't

Enjoy dying alone.

haha (((they))) only show a white couple when its endorsing being childless. Article by (((sandler))). wtf they dont even try to hide the bias since sheep refuse to see it.

>Enjoy dying alone.
>Implying your kids are not gonna stuff you in a nursing home when you become to expensive to care and are a burden.

>>The family structure is destroyed

Holy shit what in the fuck does this even mean, it's not a fucking family until you even have a kid. The only thing before that uniting you and grill is a ring, a baby that came out of her is the actual proof of bond

Raise your kid right you fucking retard; good parenting existed for decades before our current rotting epoch - it's not that hard to instill basic values in your kid and tell them the dangers of degenerate media. If you're really so lazy as to have an excuse to not have kids that amounts to "too much effort" then the state of white America is far worse off than I ever thought.

If no one ever had kids because "the future looks bleak" the human race would've been doomed from generation 1. If you think not having kids and letting sub-saharans breed like rats is going to help solve global warming, I've got news hot off the press for you: It's called psychometrics and it's pretty damning research.

If you want to haphazardly walk through life as someone who capitulated to our current rotting paradigm then be my guest: live a purposeless life revolving around chasing pleasure, but you will always know that in the face of the abyss, you cowered and glided through life. You can get a dog and find a career and LARP as someone who succeeded, but you cannot trick biology nor feign purpose.

Not everyone has a choice whether they will have children.

Im 26, i want a family and many kids, and create a family, but besides the fact that im a NEET living at home, with no prospects for friends let alone a girl friend, i want to travel and see the world and have experiences before i settle down

Most intelligent comment on Sup Forums

Every single organism before you reproduced - and this happened for billion of years, through many miracles - only for you to shirk the duty and waiver to your nihilism.

I'm pretty glad you don't plan on having kids, you'd pathologize the gene pool with your utter weakness.

>tfw 20 kids with 18 different women
Oops, thanks for covering the bill lads

>this thread
Are you all lost? This is not

>only for you to shirk the duty and waiver to your nihilism.
If i have kids i will not be married or even fucking raise/have anything to do with them.

If i have kids it is likely because i am dumb fuck who did not want to wear a rubber and the woman decides to give birth to it anyway. Either way reproduction is not the only goal of the species because survival is a bigger goal.

Creating technology and scientific advances that will help us survive in the future with increasing populations is the goal.
>you'd pathologize the gene pool with your utter weakness
You are a fedora fag who probably is not even gonna have kids or fucking marry a single mother in hopes of her having one with you.

Ill i will have to do is get a cunt pregnant and then have her give birth and then my duty to the gene pool is complete no matter what the fuck i decide to do afterwards.

If you don't breed you're failing at evolution.

If you want me to reproduce so much i will but don't bitch when i get you the bill because i end up in prison for back child support or just live on the lam.

Completely false, evolution does not mean that mean that every new iteration of a particular species is 'better', evolution only guarantees change. Read a fucking book.

If you want proof, there's plenty of trash having babies right now who are going to be just like their parents, dumb and shitty and offering nothing to the species as a whole.

>tfw never paid child support
Thanks for taking care of my kids you cucks

>africans are the most successful people in the world

>Humans face literal extinction in the next few centuries
>"Raise your kid right you fucking retard"

Amazing, people can't just fathom how fucked humans really are. I'm sure your child will survive the coming calamities though, you are so special since you raised your kids 'right', whatever the fuck that even means.

Nowhere in that post did he define evolution, and by the definition you gave he's right because if you don't breed then you don't evoke change. Take a trip to your local library

>equating yourself to an african

Cmon lad

>shilling for degeneracy

>Not everyone has a choice whether they will have children.

yeah women choose if we have kids or not these days.

and they will bitch about saving planned parenthood every now and then and for what reason? to protect them from ever having the misfortune to be a "forced mother" of your kid.

which could be fucking anything.

kids fart and shit and stuff but they are like having an ultimate little animal and 10x as cute.

Dude you got me, A man should admit when he was wrong. A trip to the library it is.

About the only thing that all life on earth has in common is reproduction. It's not a stretch to say reproducing is the purpose of life. You're a complete failure as a human if you don't have kids.

What calamities?

Nah you should have as many as you can
The strong ones will survive

You're right

If I have a job and contribute to civilization, then I am not a failure. This meme of everyone needs to have kids because 'muh genetic lineage' needs to stop. Dumb and shitty people are reproducing at much faster rates than intelligent people, which is a major problem. Not everyone needs kids on a planet of billions of humans, there isn't enough resources for that.

yep, i agree. you should never reproduce.

>not a single one for having them

All of the parents in my extended family say it's the most rewarding thing they have ever done.

sage this awful psyop

Once you've raised kids, Nature has no further use for you

I'll not sacrifice my happiness for the sake of some screaming cabbage I don't even want.

>be child free
>become elderly eventually
>don't like my wife as much as I used to
>be lonely and depressed cause no children or grandchildren
>die alone

What a nice life.

The worst part about not having kids and having the extra money to spend on housing, food, etc. is that it causes inflation on a scale we haven't seen since the 70s. DINKs make everything cost more. And since they aren't having children which will provide for them in their old age, they're even more dependent on government services when they get older than the average couple.

Houses cost more than just a fortune now. You'll be paying that mortgage until you die.

More like jewvolution

(((Nature))) doesn't care about what you really want

>If I have a job and contribute to civilization, then I am not a failure.

Yes you are lol. You'd be the biggest and worst kind of failure. I don't care if you create a way to transcend light speed and travel the galaxy, if you're white and don't have kids you're a fucking failure and nothing more

I can think of a ton of great reasons to have a kid, but one massive reason that will probably stop me. I don't have any desire to tie my own financial stability and that of my progeny to the whims of a woman. In the United States if you are a man and you have a child with a woman you are effectively her bitch. You're worse than her bitch. You can do everything right and still lose it all just because she's bored and wants to fuck Chad for a little bit.

Wham! Suddenly your child is being raised by their whore of a single mother. She hates you and will convince your child to resent you as well. Alimony, child support, whatever else the court says and it's all pretty much at her discretion. Your child ends up a degenerate criminal and you and the world would've been better off not even bothering.

I would like to have children, but women are way too fucking volatile to form a loving, cohesive family unit with.

The complete destruction of every ecosystem on Earth because of industrial civilization and it's irresponsible application. You know, just little things like that. Western society has seemingly forgotten that we require healthy ecosystems to survive in the first place.

Don't worry about it, technology will surely be able to mitigate the rampant extinction of species that is taking place. For example, what are we going to do about the currently ongoing decline of bees which pollinate our crops? We know it is happening, and yet, nothing changes. We're using more pesticides than ever before, which kill bees. This is just one of thousands of examples. I have more, if you'd like.

It's why I'm not having children, I personally think it is already too late. We got all this technology way too fast without proper time to consider and reflect on how it will affect the natural world around us, which we are a part of.

Humans are obviously a very creative and intelligent species, some of us anyway. But we are certainly not wise. Any wise species that has sentience wouldn't have constructed ridiculous socioeconomic paradigms of infinite growth on a planet that has finite resources.

The hubris of Western civilization hasn't figured out yet that the Earth does not need us. I think we will discover this the hard way.


Hahaha, have you ever been to a retirement home? Most of the people there have kids, and their kids don't give a shit about them. Nice meme though, I'm sure you'll come up with some kind of rationalization.

>I don't care if you create a way to transcend light speed and travel the galaxy, if you're white and don't have kids you're a fucking failure and nothing more
The one who created the way to transcend light speed would remain in the history books forever unlike you which will have a kid, die and be forgotten.

>not having kids because of a bee meme from Bill Nye's Facebook page

millennials really are the most useless generation in human history


>dont think ill ever have kids
>find virgin girl, eventually gf, eventually wife
>still not sure about kids
>twin boys

>get mad cause they break shit and make messes
>go on business trips
>realize how much I miss playing with them

Pretty much worth it imho. Kids are one of those things which "ruins your life" for a couple of years, but not something I think you would ever regret.

>be my aunt and uncle
>life great childfree life
>travel world
>get older
>realize no close family to take care of them
>eventually one or the other will die
>be alone forever and be old and unable to do anything

What are auto-pollinating crops? What are vertical farms?

Childfree is easy, unfulfilling, and a betrayal to your people. You owe the white race your contributions to the future. Even on a personal level, you'll come into old age and resent yourself. Nobody should fall into that.

Bill Nyes new show is garbage, and really, it is mentalities like yours that have doomed this world. So bees don't pollinate our crops that we use to feed billions? Um, OK. I guess you are actually retarded then. Sorry that you don't understand anything about the natural world around us.

I've experienced both sides of this. Dated a girl who didn't want anything to do with kids. I asked myself why am I stressing myself out dealing with woman if I'm not gettting anything out of it. It's not like your having sex 24/7. 99% of the time your stuck with dealing with a woman. Got rid of her. My new girlfriend has been redpilled from birth. Raised by her farther who used to run half of Detroit tells me stories of going to Columbia with judges and politicians. She grew up on a yacht club in Miami but was raised very conservative and made to earn her keep. She goes to church is extremely frugal and hard working. Put herself through college even though dad would have paid for everything. We are now planning to have kids in the next year or two. I never wanted children till I met her. She told me the samething. I have money, I have looks, but it's empty without a beautiful child that you and the woman you love create. You need to ask yourself what am I living for? Is my life empty? Your whole purpose on this small blue dot is to create life? Nothing in life worth anything is easy. Same goes with children.

Wait until your wife's looks have faded, until you've been to all the trendy restaurants/holidays, your parents are dead and ask yourself what the real purpose of life is.

Someone redpill me on existence. Why bother having kids? Why bother living at all? Why shouldn't we all just kill ourselves? What is mankind working towards?

Are you coming out of the closet?, or just a fucken Gaybo?

Lmao, are you a fucking retard? Vertical farms are a meme, they absolutely do not have the capacity to feed billions like conventional farming does. The world is also losing topsoil and arable land every single year, which takes thousands of years to recover. Good thing that humans are running things sustainably and have good population control and aren't just fucking like rabbits, right?

I'm in my 30's and my wife is 28 and will be too old for kids soon. Canada is fucked and I will be fulfilled with my unlimited spending money and cats desu.

>climate change blows bro
>let me not have high IQ kids that can prevent it I'll just let the sub saharans breed top kek
>hey man lets go light up and swipe through tinder hehe we're so enlightened

fucking useless degenerate, at least you're not breeding to pass those retard genes on

You're not having children because of pesticides?


I buy organic pretty much every time, from local farmers markets, but you're just going to die sad and lonely.

Well done: you've been taken in by the anti human arguments.

Lucky for the rest of us; you'd probably breed social worker children.

The only reason to bother at all would be if you believe in an after life with hell and heaven and accounting for your actions.

I'm on the fence. Don't trust the old lady enough to give her the eternal power over me but don't want to die old and lonely. Don't think the world needs any more people anyways. I think a lot of you guys understand that we're fucked but are in denial. Do you really think white people have a chance to compete with the brown horde? I don't want to have to explain to my sweet children why they're the only white kids in their class. Idk guys maybe I'm depressed but I don't really get the "save the white race" meme.

Niggers will keep having kids, so if we don't they will steal our lands and take our shit

Girlfriend tells me she doesn't want kids. Ok, let's breakup then since we're not compatible as I want them. I leave, she's miserable as expected. "Could we talk this over and see how I feel a year later?".

She asks her mom, friends, coworkers who have kids who all say it's not bad at all and incredibly rewarding, while they bitch about it every other day.

Now she's on board but I'm pretty hesitant as she just changed her mind like that. Like she's doing it just to keep me and would resent them later. Both 30

This has to do with their attempted strategy. Tradcucks on Sup Forums will never promote taking the rights of women away (such as voting rights, marital rape laws, domestic violence laws and other bullshit) but they still must have white kids so they magically believe if you just have enough kids and go through the meatgrinder of marriage that the whites will beat out the brown hordes.

This is pretty much a last ditch shamming effort to get more kids out of people even when even if you have 10 kids there will still be far more brown kids outnumbering.

The problem is that whites are now required to take on a boat anchor for 18+ years. Before, children were considered economic assets to the family. You needed slaves to run and operate the farm, children were the next best thing. The reason mudslimes and Mexicans are having so many children is because the state takes care of them. They don't pay a cent or lose any sleep with children thanks to the state. Most of these parents barely spend a couple hours with their kids at most, the rest of the time the kids are at school, daycare or some sort of child care. White people are forced to pay for these children whether they are theirs or not.

Can you imagine your grandparents saying that?

>Initially opposed to fulfilling her only purpose in life
>Only accepted biological imperative after comparing herself to other women in her peer group
Run. She doesn't want kids she wants you (or more specifically the money and attention you bring into her life) which means someday she won't want you or the kids. She'll leave and take as much with her as she can get.

Damn user. Your wife made all your friends go away huh?

No, it's White Suicide

Children are fucking great. Op is a massive fag

>Happiness is a screaming little shit draining all your resources
>Purpose is cleaning up shit, vomit, snot and piss from every surface in your home

Kike reverse psychology: You won't be truly happy without kids goyim. We want you to not have kids.
Obviously they don't want their only hope for survival to disappear. Who will they try to mooch off next? Niggers? Ha.


Could they really not find real nigger hands? They're fucking everywhere. In you pockets, in your purses even in your daughter. Oh wait you don't have any. Guess that's one less thing you have to worry about. Good job.

Whats his name again?

Don't worry, Muslims are having PLENTY of children. Which is amazing considering how much camel sex they also have.

Thats what happens when your women arent "liberated" and are at home, raising families, being good wives instead of hellraising race traitor cuntesses.


>burgers won't have kids because they are overrun by brown people
>choses lonely consumer life of defeatism and frozen pizza


>there are only two options
>totinos pizza
I know which I'm choosing tbqh famalam

thanks israel i want to fuck my daughter now.

>implying kids don't force you to become an even bigger consumer

The guy who doesn't have kids views
money as the ends of the means, where as a family guy views money as a means to and end in securing a fulfilling and full life. Short pleasures are not human nature.

Can you really generalize two huge categories into such simple statements though?

welcome to Sup Forums, home of hypocrites and degenerates

literally the best source of happiness in life is to fall in love with someone who also worships Christ and shares your political believes and genuinely loves you and then you have children together and share everything you love about life with them

Then you're in your 80s with dozens of grandchildren around you and your house is noisy and happy and everyone loves you

compare that to being alone, even with just your wife. No way compares

Your kids are your immortality. They make you realize there's a purpose for your life, something to make you want to be better than you are.

There is also a special kind of pride you feel when you see your kid do something beyond your expectations.