Daily reminder: Niggers are the worst thing on this planet
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They became this way because of microaggressions.
seems like the problem sorted itself out.
asfor the father, I wonder if his last thoughts were regret of raising a coal burning whore.
Is this ruled a suicide btw?
it's actually white peoples fault
thats fucking brutal
Am I suppose to feel bad about this shit? I think they got what's coming.
I get my daily reminder eveyday at work, user. Good lookin out though.
ITT stupid things that totally have never been done by non-niggers.
they just should be sent back
Back where?
I wonder if her fathers dying words were "....burn the coal".
3 less criminals
Nah, that's Jews. Niggers aren't really malevolent, they're just like violent and stupid like animals.
>Shitting on black people who are mostly hardworking loyal citizens while subhuman russians are blatantly attacking western civilization
explain ticks
burn the coal
>Daily reminder: Niggers are the worst thing on this planet
Daily support of your Daily reminder.
Thanks user for keeping the fire going.
YES niggers are scums
niggers go back to Nigeria of course
Who cares? Just a fucking lawn shitter.
Niggers are all mixed with whites. Should the black part cancel out the white one? Should 5-10% stealth niggers go back as well?
Burn the coal, pay the toll. Thank god he killed the abomination as well.
fucking cia niggers
do be so nigger loving nigger
Dey wuz JOrdans
you pay the Toll
That guy was a Jamaican who moved to the US. One more reason to control immigration and to not let foreigners into the military.
>mfw coal burners pay the toll
hey you nigger lover looks like you don't understand something here, there are blacks and there are niggers.
picture related is niggers
as bad as this things are I have very little sympathy for white bitches being abused by niggers
they went after black dick they got the whole package, severe physical abuse as well
fuck those stupid white cunts
Blacks are trying to destroy civilization before civilization destroys the planet.
1 drop rule
>buying into the field/house nigger meme
They're all the same, worthless subhumans
cum skins are so sensetive about dogs
I love how we do what we want to them and cumskins can only cry "muh animal rights" top kek
>le niggers and blacks are not the same thing
"Nigger" is an ethnic slur that means "black". There are no exceptions to it.
If you want to deport them only because of their socially unacceptable behavior and not just their race, then why not deport white trash as well, since your concern is to make the country safer.
God, these leaves...
Niggers wouldn't be a problem without jews, they're objectively worse.
These are just young boys doing some harmless antics, you piece of shit.
At least the half breeds are dead
Send them back to Niger, it's even shaped like friend chicken for them
go and suck black anus Mr.philosopher
This is great news, I have no reason to be upset.
>1 drop rule
You probably don't even realize how many people in the US would fail that test
filthy nigger from Denmark detected
A leaf
t. Tyrone
>Michael Wayne
I bet he browses /r9k/
>Sees flag
You sound a little defensive there Magnus.
it was Africans selling other Africans to other Africans as slaves.
it was them not whites responsible for starting slavery business.
Fuck off niggers with your broken feelings, your own ancestors were captured and sold as slaves by your own black people.
Go and suck your dicks in silence now.
Holy shit, that's what I call an argument. Good job, leaf
>Graduated from Uni yesterday
>Class of 1000+ getting their diploma
>75% of the nigs would do some stupid little dance to show off in front of everyone
>A few of them even did some stupid shit where they stomped around on the stage making a fuck ton of noise
>Cuck professors tacitly approving their bullshit by laughing and smiling at them
Why do they do these things Sup Forums?
Why wear pants?
you don't deserve anything more with your stupid posts
>mongrelized race-mixers and their kids are dead
Why is this a bad thing?
toll: PAID
imagine letting off firecrackers behind them and watching them trip over their own pants trying to run away
Cut your fingernails you wangblows 10 using faggot
you have a very nice hand Ivan
big nog asses already provide enough warmth
A cop I know said that he likes people who sag aggressively because they never make him run too far in a foot chase.
because we care more about dogs that we care about niggers the chart would be
> dogs/cats
>any other
>you have a very nice hand Ivan
he puts his hand deep into black ass of his boyfriend
You're really obsessed with the gay sex acts involving blacks
I hate them both equally, and that includes you you homo fag
he speaks from experience
Is this where you find people?
I'm not gay, but you seem to be really frustrated. You keep making angry posts, the subjects involving gay sex and negroes, are you trying to tell us something user?
you calling niggers people?
>I'm not gay
>strong denial is proof of deep guilt
Minnesota >1%, doubt that.
>Minnesota is like the nigger moslem capital in the usa.
I.e. i doubt ivans meme
You have very feminine hands
like most fags do
No mean I saw internet historian about Shia and he will not divide us flag
How is animal abuse illegal? Who's going to testify against you in court... the dog?
Strong denial is repeatedly posting gay sex content involving people of the negroid kind and then calling other posters gay
> no control over own life
> beta
> has to pick on things weaker
> thinks they're better than niggers
I ain't responsible for no nigger that hangs puppies. Someone should hang him, by his balls.
As for the rest of you racist white bred limp dick cucks I got two fingers for ya's
>windjews 10
>faggot hands
>girl nails
Kill yourself, you worthless cumdumpster
lol 9 months cause of a dog hope it was worth it lol what a idiot
>Fucking beta
I bet you are also MGTOW
>guy does a video on the history of the world
>literally one thing happens in Africa and nothing else
You will die by the rope.
Further iterating my point, you're posting a framed photo of Justin Trudeau at a gay pride parade.
they were probably, "reply to this post or your mom dies in her sleep."
Doggo lived.
Wow. Dude has slave genetics. He still needs a heart transplant and can barely keep fit. That's fucking sad. Your ancestors were bred to be workhorses and that's the best you can look?
> faggot hands
Teenager hands* (not underageb&)
>girl nails
Girl nails are neat and clean, those are lazy fuck nails
Yes, dogs don't leave wounds like that on themselves. We also have these things called witnesses, cameras, etc. Are you really that fucking stupid you needed that spoon fed to you? Probably a nigger.
>hurricane katrina
lol explains the drop - too bust looting and moving into Houston
>octoroon hands
"barely keep fit"
.....Dude is ripped. You're one of those autistic chad dude lift lmfaos aren't you?
lol that was pretty gay of him. "you're all so normie..."
Sorry but no take backs. Those slaves are way pass the return date. All sales are final. Reap what you sow. Sins of the father. You want to be mad be mad at your ancestors. No one forced them to buy.