My grandparents across the board are traditional, devoted, hardworking religious people. They have never had...

My grandparents across the board are traditional, devoted, hardworking religious people. They have never had, and do not: smoke, drink, gamble, have premarital sex, or do drugs of any kind.

My parents are traditional, devoted, hardworking religious people. They were highschool sweethearts, and got married when my father entered medical school. They have never, and do not: smoke, drink, gamble, have premarital sex, or do drugs of any kind.

Some of my siblings, all of my cousins, and almost all of my friends are millennial, progressive, egalitarian atheist/agnostic/nonreligious people. They (and I): smoke, drink, gamble, have premarital sex, and do drugs.

What changed? Why is this happening? I find myself so incredibly conflicted with all of this. On the one hand I want to better the West, to be a beacon of dignity, class, and civility. I would like to not drink, do drugs, smoke, gamble, and have premarital sex. But on the other hand, everyone around me does these things. The music I listen to, the films and TV shows I watch, and the advertisements I see all promote these themes. The pews of my neighborhood churches grow emptier every day. Are these traditional values deceptive and empty? Is practising the use of alcohol/drugs and having premarital sex the proper way to go about things? I feel I am missing out on a great deal of enjoyment and fun when I abstain from these things.

Why is this happening and what do I do?

Other urls found in this thread:

>what changed
TV shows pushing liberal kike feminism, then when the media was subverted they started their attacks on the catholic church, then the internet happened and every man in the west got his lust fix without leaving the house and every woman got her vanity fix without leaving the house, and then all sense of community collapsed into the now normalised societal norms of single motherhood and sodomite acceptance.

>What changed?
Nothing changed, more on this below...

>Why is this happening?
because there is a group of people who view themselves as superior to all others in the eyes of god, the jews. their aim in life is to create a racially mixed underclass to rule over and to prevent their own """"unjust"""" persecution.

the main and most successful method that they have derived to achieve this goal is called marxism. where jews once used it to cause massive upheaval in the october and german revolutions, a jew by the name of jacques derrida came to the realisation that you can not only apply it to economics but to culture as well.

to make a long story very short, jews have been perpetuation the destruction of white identity, namely (and via):
>christianity via atheism
>family unit via feminism
>gender via transgenderism
>heterosexuality via homosexuality
>purity via liberal sexuality
>racial homogeneity via multiculturalism

the latest affront is now race, there is currently cannibalism a the leading feminist """"""philosophical""""""" research publication about transracialism. arguments that are """"valid"""" for transgenderism are equally valid for transracialism.

in short, everything that white people once identified themselves by is being currently """""deconstructed""""" (attacked) by jewish efforts.

jews want the white race dead and you dont even have to dig deep to uncover their blatant efforts

>What changed?

Your grandparents lied to you about their youths at a formative age dummy.

Why would they turn their own countries to shit? That would just disadvantage their own position. Or is it a "better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven" type of deal?

I sincerely doubt it.

you're gonna here a lot of autism from people saying "THE COMMUNIST JEWISH FEMINAZIS SJWS DID IT!!!" or some bullshit

honest response?

your parents grew up in different times, and so did your grandparents. they grew up in a time where there was little beyond their town. everything they learned came from the church, the library, the TV, the radio, and the school.

you, on the other hand, had firsthand access to the newfangled internet. most of your generation is generally progressive mostly because of the internet. we're the first to grow up with it, so we soak everything up like a sponge. thus, we are a generation with less superstition, less faith in god and more faith in science. we know everything, we have the combined information of humanity at our fingertips.

and who's not to say your parents had a little fun back in their times? who's to say they didn't have premarital sex, drink, smoke, or what not?

none of this is an inherently bad. do not reject it; we're living in a new generation with new traditions, one of the Internet and computer, rather than one of the radio.

enjoy it.

You type like an extremely straight laced person. The word autism is thrown around a lot here, but it may just apply in this case.

You really think two full generations of people were all amish without the farming? Hell, even the Amish let it go sometimes.

What your family is doing is called 'keeping up appearances'.

>what do I do?
read up on jewish subversion of western society (particularly germany and russia then, america and scandinavia now), cultural marxism and deconstructionism. educate yourself and spread the message as far and wide as you can while retaining your anonymity. you cant let others know that you know... to learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize

>Why would they turn their own countries to shit?
are you talking about jews? because they arnt doing this, israel does not have open boarders and adheres to a more nationalistic ideology than western europe and america. they have not however been able to avoid the poison of feminism and many israeli men wont touch jewish women

or are you referring to those in the west and why they are destroying the white identity?
in that case the answer is most likely somewhat complex or at least there are various different reasons:
>a. they might truly believe the only way forward is to racially mix whites away. due to our global ambitions and superiority, mixing our race away might somehow cause less suffering than allowing us to subjugate those less powerful than us.
>b. guilt for past discretions the white race has "perpetuated" against non whites
>c. successful brainwashing by jewish influence into believing the myths of equality, both sexually and racially
>d. long term greed: having a dumb mullato underclass would be easier to rule over and control by a racially pure group of oligarchs
>e. short term greed: bringing in millions of non whites to the west and having them replace the current whites will shift political spectrum leftward. non whites vote left. thus the left is incentivised through power to bring in as many non whites as possible.
>f. to deal with the damage caused by jewish influence, whites have half the birth rate they need to maintain a stable society. the leaders of the west need to bring in people who actually reproduce in order to keep the ball rolling

They fled their home country to escape religious persecution. Trust me, they aren't the type. And judging from how much trouble I got in when I got caught drinking underage by my parents, they aren't the type either.

>id: MadLevy
>enjoy it.
fuck off jew

fuck, my disguise! how'd you know I was a member of the tribe of Levi? Quick, Joseph, to the Matzahmobile!

id prefer it of you took a trainride to the ovens you fucking degenerate hook nosed subhuman filth

They're giving you what they got when their parents caught them during their own rebellious phases, and they're doing it because they figure it worked for them, they turned out alright. A rebellious phase in the home country might be a little different, but the emotions of youth are the same.

You'll catch yourself doing the same when you have kids most likely.

No way to tell, but still, I'd be surprised to find I'm wrong.

To abstain is to delay gratification. The generations before us built up all this wealth, and ours is the one to consume all of it. Society is built in rags, but collapses in slippers.

>Is practising the use of alcohol/drugs and having premarital sex the proper way to go about things?

you obviously read the bible wrong or got nothing out of it. It will only lead to more suffering, you'll be looking back 30 40 years regretting all of it and come back full circle.

what happened with millineials was they ditched religion. By doing that they'v become egotistical and become occupied with themselves. What you're seeing is people devolving back into into the primitive man wtihout religion. Without religion men are only concerned with themselves and have no regard for others or the world around him.

Early pagan religions were all about sacrificing animals and food to gods, the entire point of religion is to be selfless and develop a sense of objective reality.

If everybody is preoccupied with themselves they rarely think of the well being of others. Civilization then seizes to exist. Religion is the base for civilization. Why did civilization come into existance? because living as a primitive cave man alone in the wildnerness is pure suffering, working together and acting civilized is the only way to have a decent life.

Yes, but the idea is that if society is indeed going to shit, should I at least enjoy the ride downward? What is the value in being the only "pure" guy among the throng if we are all going down the drain together?

OK modern morals suck but why Christfaggotry, how about Greek philosophy

so you want to drown with the rest huh? All of the things you perceive as enjoyment lead to further suffering. It's really up to you but I can pretty much garuntee none of it brings a fufilled life and only causes further troubles.

Literal faggotry

oh and forget about thinking you're pure or not, none of us are pure, we're all sinners according to god and prone to corruption.

The entire point of the sinner argument is that humans aren't perfect and its easy for us to fuck ourselves up without at least making a minimal effort to straighten ourselves.

religion is just a lot easier to take in, and has a proven track record. Philosophy is actually a good start to understand the metaphors and what religious stories are trying to tell us. Ultimately though religion gives the final answer on how we should live.

Religion uses fear of punishment to control mankind. Being free of religious fear is what allows us to truly find out who we are both as individuals and as a species. Religion does nothing but cover up faults and blind us to what we really are. Do not deprive humanity of it's chance to be genuinely better than what it is today by pushing religion. Let us explore, reason and understand. Let us have the chance to fix our problems instead of pretend there are none. If we fail there was nothing worth saving to begin with. If we succeed then let us enjoy the fruits (no homo) of that success. You have a chance OP. A chance your parents and grandparents never got. Do your best. Be your best. Hopefully enough other people will do the same and humanity will finally get it's wings. You need to let your children grow up. You can't keep babying them forever.

Post more joshua screencaps

Done me posted my Adam saddler "gun" picture so I can't use it

>we know everything

You must be young

Oh honey. You do realize your family is just trying to set a good example for you and probably did smoke, gamble, and have premarital sex. They can tell you anything they want about there youth how would you know if they were lying? Your too old to believe everything mommy and daddy tell you. Grow up. I'd hate to be around when you find out about Santa.

>What changed?

even more tv

It's funny, because my Family is the exact opposite.

My great grandparents were very traditional folks, then in reaction both my grandparents and parents werr neoliberal degenerates, and now me and my brothers are becoming more traditional

the traditional family model is ill-equipped to deal with a direct assault. Living by example was all you needed when all your examples were your peers and family. Now the examples to live by are broadcast electronically in the most degenerate manner. To maintain standards in your family, you actually have to fight back.

>I would like to not drink, do drugs, smoke, gamble, and have premarital sex.

and keep in mind that this doesn't matter anymore. there is no more dignity, in the minds of people, by not doing this. it has just become common. they have abandoned this idea of honor and dignity. it's just the do what you want to do, but don't hurt anybody creed. the pleasure man