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That father is a tool

>daughter looked at nazi sites
>lol time to kick her out, report her to the police and ruin her life

>I want her out of my house.
What the hell. How brainwashed can you be to turn on your own children? Especially over political beliefs.

Sounds like my dad.


>illegal nazi material

Gotta be Germany

Does Germany have different laws regarding up how long you have to take care of your child?

Ikr how are the germany this fucking cucked

Traps aren't women

Good, that's what she gets for being an evil anti-semite! Never forget the six million innocent Jews killed by Aryan monsters like yourselves, goys. This is why the white race must go quietly into the night, just accept it.

>political beliefs
This is like your kid being radicalized by Isis memes. I would want that fucker our of my house too.

>Take her to Dachau. Walk around. Watch the film.
Yes, goy. Too must dissent. Consume the propaganda.


tfw no qt aryan nazi gf


>Never forget the six million innocent Jews
Skype here who happened to go to school in Germany. Apparently the total is actually 5.7 million. Everyone always rounds up...

get out kike

If my kid became an isis supported I would think she is an idiot, but I wouldn't want to kick her out. It wouldn't even cross my mind.

verpiss dich du dumme Drecksau

Unless the mother posted the chat log, I have doubt about her claims that her daughter is a true white supremacist.

halt die Fresse nigger

>A terrorist group
>an ideology
nearly made me use >1% of my power

except most teens into nazi shit are either going through and edgy phase or reading sites like Sup Forums ironically for the memes.

>turning Nazi memes into 1950's equivalent of doing something degenerate outside the house


Problem, Hans?

I want to mind break her with the BJC

>looking at nazi website

I mean, it's germany, it's probably for the best

Do parents just not talk to their kids anymore? Not lecture but have discussions with their children. Growing up all the kids around me in school would always complain about their parents, but I always had a great relationship with mine. They never hit me are yell at me. We would just talk. Since there was a mutual respect, I would never try to do anything that would disappoint them. I never had that incentive to be "rebellious".

Parenting now just seems to be made up of self help books, daycare, and memes.

>from germany
there isn't a worse combination

>Kraut wants to sell his daughter out rather than talk with her

god reddit is full of the faggiest cucks

>click on controversial

How the FUCK anyone can use leddit is beyond me.

Boomers and gen x'ers need to be killed. They are cancer.

This sounds like something out of a book about Nazi Germany. I'm not even joking. Of course, in those books, it would just be, "Oh no, my own flesh and blood things Nazism isn't the way to go. How do I turn her in to the gestapo without making them think we're all traitors?"
Same lack of freedom. This is honestly disturbing.

chances are this is a fake story

Und wenn nicht? Was wirst du machen?

fuck this earth jesus christ

>How can I turn her in without implicating myself or other members of my family.
Fucking bastard faggot cocksucker. That fucking "father" deserves a bullet between the eyes.

does he define nazi white supremacist sites as fox news or anything that isnt radical left propaganda?

lets troll the thread boys

This is horrible! Her dad needs to go out and find her a Turkish bf as soon as possible!

>you should take her to some holocaust memorials
>I don't condone her behavior and want her out of the house

Jesus fucking christ. The state has literally replaced the parents.

Thankfully, I had a similar experience. But it seems like a lot of parents and their children struggle to get to that stage of their relationship.

There is literally nothing to see in Dachau and no one even claims that it's an extermination camp.

>Thousands of women have been sexually assaulted, raped and killed, including children
>Beta subhumans like her father smile and happily cheer for state sponsored coverups of migrant crime and even more importation of brownskinned animals
>He's surprised that she's reaching out for protection since the left is happy to let her die and cheer over her dead body

> 17yo is being edgy
Are teens not allowed to be teens any more?

>1 post by this id

>locked due to excessive offtopic comments

Is every thread on reddit cucked by mods?

Did he specifically say Sup Forums? you cant save personal chat logs eaither. Also, hes totally in the right. Fuck nazies

You'd be surprised how many Americans still think it was a death camp. A lot of vets don't want to let go of the "beat the nazis and liberated the jews" thing.

It's just swollen from your rabbi sucking on it.
slightly uncensored version

>1 ID by this post

actually nvm it has all the deleted comments

Well Americans seem to think that WW2 was fought to save the poor jews from masturbation machines.

damn, the state propaganda is strong with this broad

I would love to die by a masturbation machine

>Explain yourselves bigots!

all in a good day's work

Goons love it.

>Nazi's daughter fucks a nigger.
>Gets kicked out and excommunicated.
Same shit. At least the retard in OP is sticking to his misguided principles.

What the actual fuck is wrong with peopl

Here you go faggots

>those digits

Germans are autistic about following laws and rules.
If you changed the laws in Germany tomorrow, and required every citizen to fly a swastika from their window, they'd do it. Likewise, if you require by law that Germans turn in their family members for thought crime, well... They do it.

ceddit is unsafe dude

Is she hot? I'm set to deploy to Germanistan this year.

no way that's real

Believing obvious trolls for one.

>the thing is, we don't now how deep she is into it. she might just be posting random shit she doesn't really believe just to fit in. or, she might be a secret nazi deep down. the first makes her a child making bad childish decisions. the other makes her a horrible person. the 2nd would be what i'd look closely at the parent for

Yeah I mean like some people got run over on Christmas by muslims but this girl is posting Hitler memes!

Just cuck my shit up desu

Yeah except for the fact that the Nahhhtzeee won't get an applause from his country and will get locked up himself you retard.

Yeah, jail time, fines and society will look at you with disgust and fear.

>Being arrested for larping as a nazi on the internet.

Didn't liberals always talk about how bad authoritarian regimes were because they had children rat out their parents for being enemies of the state?



>turn her in
Did this guy work for the stasi before he became a father?

Dude its entire sub dedicated to cucks with like 50k+ members a story like that isnt too far fetched

Surely better to live in a masturbation machine?
If the machine is fatal this seems a design flaw.

>Nazi's daughter fucks a nigger.
wow wo hold on there buckaroo
are you somehow linking browsing the internet after information on why your ancestors werent wrong and almost saved the world
to fucking a nigger
are you kikes this stupid ? you cant be fucking mental methheads all of you
if you wanna larp as a polack atleast try to switch proxies per pc btw
shit stinks and i can smell you from 3 boards away

Maybe he should take her to a shoah on broadway?

No shit dude. This is fucking sick. It's one terrible thing for a German to get put in jail for posting a swastika but for a father to turn his daughter in this is just turning my stomach.

I'm getting the fuck outta this thread.

When I said Nazi what I meant was average "white" American.

if she gets kicked out, she is better off. having a faggot like her father as a parent is a disgrace to her heritage and honestly who needs negativity like that in their lives.

apparently getting educated on other ideologies and exploring your nations history is bad. germany is beyond saving at this point.

>Dur look at reddit and go there and

No. No. No.

Just fuck off. You're not doing a damn bit of good bringing people to and from that shithole. And it makes Sup Forums looks stupid as fuck because if people disagree with you you tell them to go back there while you're literally posting shit from there.

Just fucking stop. Please Sup Forums have some goddamn principles and consistency.

>girl fucks a nigger and throws away thousands of years of heritage and will be a single mom burden on the state/family

>girl posts hitler memes online, dad reports her to big brother for rightthink treatment

Yeah totally the same thing. kys dude

but I want to die, so why not die the best way possible

What part of retarded and misguided did you fail to understand?


If a parent was like

>I caught my kid plotting a marxist rebellion and turning our house over to Antifa to use as a LGBT barracks! I'm driving them 10 towns over and kicking them out of the car and not looking back!

Every single comment would be anti-parent.

>They're just exploring who they are man!

But all of a sudden not wanting your country overrun by people who detest your culture and way of life is grounds to CALL THE POLICE ON YOU.


Fuck Europe.

>since before we were married she has cuckolded me

Stopped reading there. Kek. What is wrong with our generation? If my wife fucked someone I would instantly drop her and proceed to beat the shit out of whomever it was with my maglite

I'm done with the white race. I literally don't care anymore. Even on Sup Forums right now, arguably one of the few uncucked places on the internet, there are threads full of guys who don't care for having any kids because "muh pleasure" and "muh climate change"

And that's a selective sample of the least degenerate people. 99% of Western countries are so pozzed by poisonous ideology that it would take a miracle for things to change

I hope Europe falls to Islam and America to a slow browning to the extent that there is not enough IQ power to maintain such a sophisticated society.

The few whites left can rebuild but I'm fucking done with this shit, this guy is literally helping his wife pick out panties so some dude can fuck her and he can eat the cum from her ass,

I am fucking done with all of this, I'm going to live my life and fucking check out from this nightmare.

I have officially OD'd on red pills boys, I'm sorry but I'm out

>Fuck Europe

user, were all 90% white over here. It's been 50 years since you've been that white. Fix your own shit because you start trashing us.

his daughter is evilon lol

that's because of the jews


Try 1-2 million

You also have more Jews than Israel. There are 10x as many Jews in America as there are in Europe. Hell, NYC probably has more kikes than all of Europe. Fix yourself before you start talking shit.

Light yourself on fire mossad

I am so glad I gave up all hope on Germany
So much more fun to root for our destruction.

Germans like totalitarianism
Something about their culture


I guess so

This is fucked up on so many levels. Heil fucking Hitler.