This is the Miss USA winner? Really?
How did we let this happen?
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She clearly has white grandparents somewhere.
Im sure this can be spun into a liberal shitstorm over how pic related didnt win
who gives a fuck about these things anyway
ooga booga bitch wide noses and brown complexions are in get over it
>gave conservative answers
Beats some liberal propaganda winner
Doesn't this pageant belong to President Trump?
She answered quite well and is decently attractive... What more do you want
She had great answers to questions:
Not a feminist, women aren't discriminated
Healthcare is not a right
LOL, this is the sheboon that won it last year. Also from DC
Healthcare is a right you fucking clowns
Beauty pagans are fucking retarded bro.
My sister is an Aussie beauty queen and a quite successful one too and she tells me all about it.
Ironically enough it's not all about looks, but she said that political correctness and rigging does happen quite a bit in it too.
She's triggering niggers so I like her
boogie pls go
>I have the right to other people's money and labor on demand
Really? Find that for me in the constitution.
Here's all of them. What do you think goys? I think Miss North Carolina ftw
>she's conservative!
>liberals btfo!
At this point I'm just glad they picked an actual American woman and not an illegal mexican tranny muslim
>what is a public road
Fuck off, lolbertardian. The only issue that matters is immigration
these competitions just filter out the best looking fuckmeat for billionaires, they're private clubs that dont mean shit
whats the runner up look like?
he sold it
liberals are having a bitch fit because she gave redpilled answers
you really really really need to move to canada (and reddit)
Say it to my face
Who gives a shit dude. Its a shallow competition. Why are you watching this crap television for anyways? Sheep! SAD! DISGRACEFUL!
I will when we amend it.
In the mean time, I wish you clowns would direct your energy toward immigrstion
she's an army reservist IT who think her opinion on having women serve in combat roles is valid.
even though she's a captain, she's useless. Only reason they'd need her is if someone forgot their login password and have to reset it.
>"as a soldier"
STOP. just fucking stop.
affirmative action at its finest.
Runner up was a poo from NJ.. She probably deserved to be runner up.. North Carolina shouldve won
She seems pretty cute. With that said, nobody cares about beauty pageants.
She's an accurate representation of your country's genetic makeup, Jaykwon.
>t. Neetsoc whose shitty system has never worked
True, we do have a lot of british heritage.
>caring about amything besides immigration