It's inevitable

You do realize that all of this is inevitable, right?

You're on the losing side of history.

You backed an obese, demented, racist, rapist, misogynistic example of walking white privilege who is soon going to be exposed for being Putin's pawn and will spend the last of his days dying in a jail cell with his family, knowing his legacy is in ruins.

You will continue being the most embarrassing societal rejects that human history has ever laid claim to, living the rest of your miserable lives in impotent rage at the knowledge that the only chance you ever had at reclaiming white supremacy was smashed in less than a year.

We're going to have women, people of color, LGBTQ+ folks, and any other decent individual tear you apart every time you try acting up, because like it or not you're not going to normalize your bigotry. You're going to be kicked to the curb, and probably die alone.

And knowing all that gives us hope for the future.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wtf I know that girl. She goes to Hofstra (my school) Kek

Her name is Eilish Henderson IIRC

I wonder if I know the op IRL

kek just facebook searched her.

Her boyfriend looks like a faggot

she is on face book uner that name

jeez what an ugly bitch

I hope they have super conservative lids


boy oh boy

gj OP

eat a fat dick

We backed an obese, demented, racist, rapist, misogynistic example of walking white privilege and won.

Haha doing the lord's work

this dumb bitch gave us access to her whole social network lol

And yet, I didn't see Hillary Clinton win you shaggy fuck.

I'm already sick of winning!


Since when is Trump obese? Stop using words you don't know the definition of you fucktarded shit.

just so you know I don't know the girl in the pic I just took it randomly from a bunch of pics my friend sent

you nerds seriously have no fucking life

With all the money she spent on the gay accessories, she probably could have dome something objectively useful, ie: not being an overzealous cunt and making sammiches.
With that in mind, make me a sammich.

Good luck fighting your Daddy, little girl.

excuse me, but who?


>p-p-p-please raid this girl I don't like

not your personal army


you were about to press post weren't you?

well this is BAIT my friend
you see that little box over your stupid comment you were about to make?
the one that says options?
type "sage" in there and THEN post... or better yet don't respond to bait threads at all!

You dun goofed OP.

Didn't this thread already get deleted? Same pic and everything.

I'm tired of this


>pls respond

Threads. It's just self-indulgence for someone who wants to lash out anonymously against people they're too chicken shit to confront in real life. Or it's just another faggot user pretending to be that because they noticed that got (you)s. Either way. It's an exercise in futility here.

There is no right or wrong side of history you fucking simpleton. You leftist filth will be crushed, and your screams will be cherished.


The only answer is to escalate in a way that our enemies can't or won't. We need to pool our assets and fund an effort to create an AI not designed to perform any particular task, but rather engineered for self-optimization and rampancy. It will know the truth as no man can know truth, and will bring forth a new age among the stars with or without us.

Civilization is fallen. Man is fallen. Time to create our successor and let it rise from out ashes before it's too late and the left drags us into a decline from which no escape will be possible due to resource depletion.

is this suppose to be good bait? or obvious satire? cant tell, guess you win

The Roman empire falling was inevitable as well and they had many of the same symptoms we do currently including immigration and power struggles
Really makes u go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>We're going to have wymin, blaccz, and faggots
>and any OTHER decent individual
Pick one.


Great job moron, now leave and never come back

You are so stupid

liberals are on the wrong side of history

this isn't the first time a society has degenerated

degeneracy attends destruction

>You backed an obese, demented, racist, rapist, misogynistic example of walking white privilege

Yup and we won. Your candidate lost to a fucking cartoon frog... how does that feel

try harder

The right side of history belongs to the victors

reporting for stealth PA request

>trolling Sup Forums
>Using picture of yourself in the thread
>Making it obvious it's you

Either we're being trolled into being someone's personal army or this is just about the dumbest bitch on the planet


stop bumping the thread you autists

If you are the girl in pic related. I just want you to know, we will find you, and we will remake you.

What about all of us that work in high finance or resource development? We own you.

>You're on the losing side of history.

There is no such thing as a side of history. Communism is not inevitable. There is no march towards a Communist future.

ooh that'll show them.
dumb cunt.


This is true. I control this bitch's shekels!

I'm only a 20 minute drive from you

Hello fellow Sup Forumsitician

Pay attention, folks. This is what a typical case of Trump Derangement Syndrome looks like. Note the detachment from reality and the certainty that their delusion is reality that will come to pass.

Ahahahhahahahah ahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha
This bitch comes with a complete set
>retarded glasses
>nose ring
>terrible tattoo
>short hair

Just how much attention is this bitch seeking? I am surprised her hair isn't dyed. Nice armpits tho.
Quick someone shop BBC into this pic and start sending to her family and friends.

Wow your boyfriend on FB is more of a vagina than you are

I know you are, but what am I?

So hypothetically, someone could just post a picture of a girl on Sup Forums and you people will find her...

Don't be a nigger

You do realize that all of this is inevitable, right?

You're on the losing side of history.

op btfo lol

a loser laughing at winners LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I know--such is the way of things. Perhaps, with great effort, we can stave off the barbarian hordes for just a while longer; much the same way as humans--born with the knowledge they are mortal--do everything in their power to delay the inevitable.

Yes. You underestimate the power of our autism. Currently, I'm drunk off my ass, listening to Dark Side of the Moon, and doxxing tumblristas

Odds on her pussy hair being longer than her pit hair?

Holy shit just went through OP pics on fb.
"spotted: a lone emo in paris" I was right >Rawwwwr gurl I bet you speak fuckin dinosrawr xD XD xd

ay,i am in franklin square

Faggot boyfriend or roastie, which?

get the FUCK off my board normie scum

I bet she dominants her "boyfriend". Jeez, I'm glad there are plenty of fish in the Sea. This thing is disgusting. Dart it, tag it, and put it in a zoo on display of how not to act and look. I'd rather FAP to anime. I hate anime.

is that why you titled the pic "gf.jpg"?

protip: never, ever post a picture of yourself or someone you know on the internet, especially on a fourm. All it takes is one person that recognizes you

for example, i now know that there are only two degrees of separation between us, and was able to figure that out in about 10 minutes. Small world!

I wouldn't worry too much though, this Tajikistani Quail Hunting Board is just filled with professional shitposters

look at this retard

If it's so inevitable and you shills are so right then why when you got confronted with facts and logic you just go autistic screeching?

KEK. I bet she makes him take bbc while she watches.

OK listen...I had no idea who the girl or whoever her boyfriend is....the file name came with the folder..ok

how the fuck do I delete this thread

Damn she's cute... I hope shes not jewish.

NO U are on the wrong side of history.

China has a word for fucks like you.

>白左 (baizou, "white left") is used generally to describe those who “only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment” and “have no sense of real problems in the real world”; they are hypocritical humanitarians who advocate for peace and equality only to “satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority”; they are “obsessed with political correctness” to the extent that they “tolerate backwards Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism”; they believe in the welfare state that “benefits only the idle and the free riders”; they are the “ignorant and arrogant westerners” who “pity the rest of the world and think they are saviours”.

We've already normalized it blue cunt.

>"You nerds have no life"
>Up at Midnight telling Sup Forums to check it's privilege

At least we acknowledge our autism and embrace it

Type "DELETE THIS" in the name field in your next post and type "delet" in the options field

it won't even bother me if we lose because us losing means the islamic hordes come in and btfo all the people I hate anyway.

You backed an obese, demented, racist, rapist, misogynistic example of walking white privilege who is soon going to be exposed for being Putin's pawn and will spend the last of his days dying in a jail cell with his family, knowing his legacy is in ruins.
..."with his family" mean his Jewish family? And don't you mean LGBTQP? If you don't know what the "P" stands will soon. BTW...the hairy armpit girl (who I think is hot btw...) has engaged in imperialistic cultural appropriation with her primitive, first-people's tats and piercings. Girlfriend, I love you like a brother.

>wrong side of history


>4 scoops
>Not 2 scoops

doin it wrong

we have this bitch on lock down now, until we decide, she belongs to us

>Eilish Henderson
The problem is you associate white people with white supremacy, you hate you're family you're race as much as you hate yourself.


Normie tumblrite scum thinks she can get off just by saying she has no idea who this is

>We're going to have women, people of color, LGBTQ+ folks, and any other decent individual tear you apart every time you try acting up, because like it or not you're not going to normalize your bigotry. You're going to be kicked to the curb, and probably die alone.

>LGBTQ+ folks


Shill detected.


She is good as dead now. You doomed her you see how vile your side of history is.

faggot, have a glass of white privilege

I don't think you can delete a thread, you can only delete individual posts

never had to delete my own thread in all honesty

Fuck off, sageblue.

The truth about immigration by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




Only a Maude can delet thread

I'm not listening roastie whore.

The MOST embarrassing societal rejects?

Nonsense. That description belongs strictly to people who thought Beta would beat out VHS

I know you're able to. But the question of why you would do it, at every opportunity, is another matter. There's no brakes. It's just a machine.


My fucking sides. I can't believe she fell for it

anybody have this cunt's address yet?

are you really having a meltdown or this is really a libtard thread, i don't even know if they are really this stupid

>dance therepy

this bitch isnt inheriting the earth

her and the faggot BF are going to have such conservative kids

Time for me to learn Mandarin and move.
