Austria caused both World Wars, I wonder how it will cause WW3.
Austria caused both World Wars, I wonder how it will cause WW3
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go home kentuky, ur drunk
because they are germans in disguise.
>Hoffer wins round 2
>refuses to take any refugees
>EU threatens to impose sanctions
>Hoffer leaves the EU and goes into explicit alliance with Putin
>EU chimps out and invades with new glorious EU army led by Martin "Israel will rape Germany" Schulz
>Reinhold Mitterlehner resigns after months of internal power struggles
>2017 elections result in a landslide win of conservatives
>Austria joins V4 stance on refugee acceptance, joins lawsuit against EU quotas at Europeat Court of Justice
>ECJ resolution in favor of V4+Austria
>Germany, France and Sweden going tits up by this time, decide for military action against pesky racist refugee-hating EU members
>bodies start piling up, conflict spreads across the globe
>eu flag
The fuck?
Their government crashed and burned.
New election this year.
Watch as they elect far-right neo-nazi untraconservative neoliberal russian puppet party into power.
Watch as germany invades to "save europe"
Watch as the EU crashes and burns and Russia invades it.
Watch as the US has to save that shithole once again.
Watch as when it has to do this, the US takes troops out of SK to fight in the european theater.
Watch as norks take this opportunity to start the next Korean War.
Watch as China and Japan intervene.
Norks ally with Russia.
Australia sends troops to fight with Japan and SK. China might go either way or do nothing.
Watch as Venezuela and Cuba start their kikery with Russia to cuck the US, send weapons to North Korea.
Watch as the US attacks both.
Watch as south americans are dragged into the conflict.
Watch as muslims take this opportunity to chimpout worldwide and start allying with different sides for maximum destruction
Welcome to WW3
general idea
>russian puppet
There is no disguise. They're mountain germans.
>Italy not purple
When will the Habsburg monarchy be restored.
Not only in Austria and Hungary
But also in Spain and the Netherlands
I need this to happen
beppe wins and goes full madman in this scenario
this is how our local media talks about politic
Do you mind disclosing your location? How does one procure one of those flags?
This needs to be a thing
Is it weird to be German but not live in Germany?
Posting in Brussels, capital of EU
Lol as if I have anything in common with those PC cucks
calling an austrian german is one of the biggest insults you can give someone
>Wanting inbred krauts who don't understand what inflation is
No thanks
How does this make you feel?
Nah that will be turkey and Japan Vs usa china India. .Germany and frence will join the evil side halfway through. It will take place around 2050s. Russia is long collapsed and China is also not the China you know of. They both went south economically in the early 2020s. The usa remains the only super power both centuries. Your welcome.
T. Jose tito, us military time traveler from the early 22nd century
Posting from work, no idea about the proxy details of my employer.
And I work in IT, in Czech republic. Got nothing to do with Brussels or EU itself.
Basically ww3 2050AD usa, Britain, India, China Vs turkey, Japan, Germany and France.