"STIs aren't a consequence. They're inevitable."
Need she say more? THIS is what a powerful, independent woman looks like. U triggered, Blumpfkins?
"STIs aren't a consequence. They're inevitable."
Need she say more? THIS is what a powerful, independent woman looks like. U triggered, Blumpfkins?
Are you saying she's full of STDs therefore Drumpkins are "blown the fuck out"?? I'm so confused these days... Yea, sure, whatever...
>NYC subway
Droompa loompa
Drompfhly doo
I only got one scoop why'd you get two?
Droompa loompa
Dromphly dee dee
Release your damn tax returns you have until three.
I don't have herpes.
Neither my wife or I have STDs..
What a disgusting whore.
the slippery slope of relativism. Satans law of inversion is nearly fully realized.
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Need I say more?
>DC subway green line, yellow line, redline
They're only inevitible in a society which encourages reckless sexual activity.
>STIs are comparable to allergies
I've gotten tested and don't have any sexually transmitted diseases. Maybe people shouldn't try justifying extreme lifestyle choices. Maybe TED shouldn't justify the types of people who make these lifestyle choices. Should I even watch this garbage?
>tfw pretty sure you have HPV
not a good feel lads
far from it actually
It is the Coudenhove Kalergi plan.
It is no coincidence.
The game plan of the elite.
In his book "Praktischer Idealismus", Kalergi explains that the citizens of the future “United States of Europe” will not be the people of the Old Continent, but a new mixed breed, the products of thorough and widespread miscegenation. He states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and other non-White races, to create a multiracial population, with not clear sense of tradition or identity and therefore easily controlled by the ruling elite.
This was written in 1925.
Let me break it down...
Create a fictional bad guy, a boogeyman, Al quaida, taliban, isis, to justify illegal wars not only for monetary control but to destabilise a continent.
Label the aftermath a "refugee" crisis.
Flood white countries with Asian/African immigrants.
Emasculate the native males.
Install multiculturalism, and political correctness to silence those who appose.
Hypersexualise and actively dumb down society through "pop" culture.
Subliminally encourage mixed race relations.
Give it a few generations and bang there you have it...
One world
One race
One religion
One government
Complete control.
dude that's sick have fun with hpv
>i thought stds only happened to sluts
>but there's no way i'm a slut, so stds are unavoidable
i'm fucking done
i can't watch this shit
>TED Talk
Into the trash it goes.
Feminism is to vaginas what the OTC market is to securities.
STI used to be STD.
Now change it to, "diseases aren't a consequence. They're inevitable."
Over 90% of women aged 50 has or has had HPV.
It's extremely fucking common and your body gets rid of it after 9 months, if you don't reciprocally infect yourself with someone who also has it.
You can also get HPV from bullshit cases like sitting in a toilet where someone else who had HPV did before you.
t. I got HPV when I never had a sexual relationship without a condom.
She looks and likely smells disgusting
>puss volcanoes
>THIS is what a powerful, independent woman looks like. U triggered, Blumpfkins?
she can power herself right on out of here too
you suck dick through a condom?
TFW I don't have any kind of Herpes or any other STD either.
>STIs aren't a consequence. They're inevitable.
Irrelevant but I was freaking out for the past 2 days that I might have genital warts because of a lump on my dick.
After having a near panic attack of this sudden life change, I sat down and squeezed it.
Fucking puss came out.
Today I learned pimples can appear on the shaft of your cock.
>STIs aren't a consequence. They're inevitable.
Good fucking God.
Of course not, you'd have to have sex first
> "depending on who you asked"
lmao, her whole argument is thrown out the window in the first 30 seconds
wow u got the joke good job
You want me to explain it to you?
>Coudenhove Kalergi
the first Hapa r/asianmasculinity Elliot Rogers
mad that his dad fucked a Nippon and his Nippon hated asian men.
Hory Shit!
i'd never heard of him before, will check out more.
>tfw 26 years old
>tfw in a comitree 4 year relationship with no condoms
>no STI's at all
Pro tip, have standards and don't be s degenerate normie.
She got herpes because she's a NIGGER FUCKER.
I can just tell from her stupid, vacant expression and slightly chubby physique that she is a NIGGER FUCKER.
She got herpes from fucking niggers!
Fuckin'... people have oral herpes not genital herpes. They are two different things.
Manjaw. Check.
Thousand cock stare. Check.
The clap. Check.
Single.and childless at 40, Working on it.
no faggot i understand wojak fine
>>STIs are comparable to allergies
Wrong. They are comparable to Mitsubishi Evos.
Who the fuck calls STDs STIs besides retards?
DC Subway redline, anywhere in maryland
>I don't consider myself promiscuous
>I plan to have sex this weekend
What a cunt
>anyone have allergies
>anyone have herpies
>i raise my hand
what the fuck have you done to me Sup Forums
>"STIs aren't a consequence. They're inevitable."
What does a subaru have to do with politics?
Say it again into my microphone
she sounds like an 11 y/o and i can no longer fap to this
>I plan to have sex this weekend
humble-brag to all the women in the audience that she is of a sexual status where she can go and get the man she wants.
Let them breed themselves out of existing. Meanwhile, you raise a good, strong, loving, and "well sorted" family.
I will take my dick and shove it down your throat you little faggot don't mess with me
Are you coming on to me?
>getting uterus cancer and telling others to get it
top fucking kek
>Comments are disabled for this video.
you'd like that huh faggot
How the fuck do you even get an STI? I've slept with about 20 women and I've never had an infection, always wrap that shit.
Homie, rubbers don't protect against everything. Notably the herp.
Lets just go slow
I've been checked, nothing down there bar pubes and shame m8.
they can appear on the head as well
I don't doubt you. You'll notice when you get herpes. Just saying that a rubber won't stop you from getting them, or any of the genital wart viruses (HPV is another, but since you're a dude, it doesn't matter as much to you if you get that shit).
This is the main thing I took away from her TEDx as well. The fucking emptiness in her eyes is something so haunting, only someone who has devoted their life to blogging and bragging about having herpes can attain it.
>social media manager
aids is cool now
>Fuckin'... people have oral herpes not genital herpes. They are two different things.
Not really in the way you think. The only real difference is where it's colonized (there's also ocular herpes). All three can be caused by the same virus which tends to colonize those specific areas because they are very nerve dense (herpes only infects nerve cells) and there are only three apparent strains to laypeople because there's a relative lack of nerve density for it to spread from one area to another on its own, and it's more likely for genital herp to be spread by genital contact. Gotta get to some of the weirder class of sex to get your junk infected from someone's eyeballs.
Know that feel senpai. Ride on is depressing too
>diagnosed with herpes at age 21.
Roastie detected.
that was the best part
Herpes is white persons disease.
Ma'am if you could please just take two steps to your right that would be wonderful.
I actually head from a while girl living in south africa that having aids in there was normal and nobody batted an eye to it. Nice to see the west is reaching SA levels.
this, what kind of filthy whore states she's not promiscuous and 30 seconds later tells the entire audience she will be fucking someone that very weekend.
Disgusting whore.
This reminds me of a conversation I had with a coworker a few months back
>"These feminists and SJWS are getting so fucking extreme that I wouldn't doubt within a year or two they make STD's 'normal' and 'a sign of sexual independence'"
>"Bullshit user, NO ONE is that fucked up"
>"you wanna bet? 25 bucks?"
>"Fuck yeah user, let's go double or nothing"
>mfw I get to collect 50 dollars at work tomorrow
How'd you figure that out
STD acceptance is an inevitable conclusion on the hedonistic "sex positive" ideology wrapped with the "don't judge" no consequence commandment of women.
This is another predictable slide down the slippery slope.
The simple truth is that they're not inevitable, they're the result of a shitty lifestyle. The less partners you have, the less risk you have. The more they've fucked around, the higher risk they are.
All this is just fact and pretty fucking evident. Which only means they'll spin that much harder to deny reality. Again. They have to do it, because otherwise they'd have to face the failing of their own ideology.
>feeling bad about hpv of all things
might as well also feel bad about contracting glandular fever and influenza while you're at it
Underrated post! Go to the link and read this based report. The chapter on rape is great. Fap fap fap.
>You will never be her marijuana dealer and get her hooked on laced weed and make her your sex slave.
If anyone bothered to watch the whole thing the woman said she had herpes and proceeded to date someone who didn't have it before they met. Did anyone catch that craziness?
Holy shit you just led me down the rabbit hole of Juden-revealing Wikipedia articles. How can one group of people always be so consistently awful?
Underrated post
>The rape package. The STDs acquired during a rape are often part of a “package” designed to cause the person to infect as many other people as possible with the STDs. The larger goal is to degrade the entire society. This has been going on for some years in America, Europe, Australia and other nations.
>The “package” consists of:
>1. Giving the woman a number of sexually-transmitted diseases.
>2. Increasing the woman’s desire for sex. This is done by depleting sexual fluid, which causes craving for male sexual fluid. Also, some STDs irritate the vagina, causing sexual feelings. Also, the pleasure of the rape is designed to addict women to sex.
>3. Weakening the woman nutritionally and in other ways. The reason is to cause the STDs to take a firm hold on her body, spread throughout her body, and therefore easier to spread to others.
>4. Reducing the woman’s inhibitions about having casual sex. Methods used to do this are stripping her naked, filthing her up badly, and other brainwashing.
So now I can ask women I'm dating straight up "before we go any further, I need proof that you're clean"
99 will end it right there, but that 1, that 1 will be a fucking keeper because she fucking knows.
W-what happens then? How do we ever go back to normal?
> speaking at TED talks
> scheduled to speak after some lady talking about the new allergies or something
>some hoser rushes up to you with your microphone for your speech
> its the same one the prwvious speaker was using
> that night in hotel room notice you're developing an unusual oral rash and hacking cough
gimme half m8
Comments disabled. What a surprise.
People in Heathcare you ape.
I'm all for equal rights. If she wants to consider STI as inevitable then be my fucking guest. How the fuck can this possibly trigger me? She is an adult, she can do what she wants.
I am also free to do what I want, no protection is 100% but that's hardly an excuse to stick my unprotected penis in an aids patient now, is it?
Or that 1 will be just as autistic as you and won't recognize what you just asked early on in a relationship is creepy and invasive.
>Hi, what's your name?
>Sara *giggle*
>Did you happen to fuck any niggers and have STDS?
>...... I have to go wash my hair.
>Proceed to get tasered.
>I need proof that you're clean
Is this a controversial statement? I'm sure a guy wouldn't mind if a girl asked him for proof.
Hell people who fuck around a lot should get periodic checkups.
There needs to be a way to do this simply
drumpfty dumpfty won't build the wall
drumpfty dumpfty gave putin a call
collaborated with russians and guilty of treason
What the fuck is wrong with her? You are not proud about your weaknesses or stupidity (=STD's).
Fucking stupid cunt.