What is your state? Is it home or do you consider it home? Tell anons why they should come visit/live or stay out of your state?

I live in Ontario. You can visit but never stay. Hydro prices through the roof. Liberal government that sucks balls and has for years but is somehow still in power. Constantly growing debt. Housing prices through the roof Antifags everywhere.

Only come if it is to liberate us from this horrible oppression.

SC. Originally from MD but DC gentrification is pushing all the undesirables into it. Low cost of living, tons of work, small business friendly, and friendly in general. SC is home now

Originally from fagifornia
Now happily in Maine
Went from a police state to a free state


Don't go to New Orleans. The niggers will kill you or worse.

The rest of the state is actually varying degres of okay to pretty nice, and the cuisine is top notch.

AZ. Fuck off, we're full. All the spics and Somalians need to be eradicated first. Then come on over.

the south is full of dirty niggers, spics. fags & jews good fishing & hot chicks!

Orlando- liberal shit hole full of niggers, sjws, fags & theme parks! good place for music in some downtown spots & decent car scene

Tampa area. shit like orlando..but big Republican crowds still niggers fags..sports, bush gardens tons of strip clubs ! lived there 10 yrs ago for almost 2 years havent been back since! place like Sarasota, Siesta key and that are is fun and laid back.. less niggers around there!

north FL.. ?? only been to panama city for spring break long time ago old people and everything fucking closes early as fuck where i was!
Keys.. Alcohol..Chicks..fags & great fishing! everything is fucking $$$ tho!
I live near the beach Central Fl..its nice..low amount of nigs & spics..decent enough low crime Surfers, rednecks great fishing, large majority republican .. pretty laid back..we shoot off rockets..don't come here if you don't like water activities..not much else to do! It's home will stay..looking for 2nd home in Tennessee mountains tho!

Don't come to FL is you are Liberal! We are a Red state and plan to stay that way!

hawaii. weathers pretty good, ocean views are nice. whites are a minority, but it's not that big a deal. also, 5 dollar footlongs were 5.99

i also forgot to mention the "illegally annexed" guilt trip that makes its rounds on my facebook every so often so that's always fun


Constitutional carry
Cheap to live here
Beautiful rolling hills in the south
Mostly white state
Beautiful lakes and rivers
More civilized than most of the other southern states while retaining southern hospitality and charm
Too humid for most, but most are pussies.
Enough woodland to get lost for days if you wanted to.
The less populated areas are extremely unpopulated, and it's not rare to see land of up to 100 acres go up for sale. Also it's usually land that you'd actually want to live on with hills, rivers, springs and pastures unlike the barren states up north.


The cities suck, but you don't want to live in a city, you're not a nigger.
Can't surf
No huge mountains


Stay the fuck out, faggots! That is all.

I live in what's affectionately refereed to by its millennial residents as the northwest Arkansas bubble. It's a diverse place for sure, and leading in liberal politics for its region and the nation. Bentonville is the fastest growing city in the nation, last I checked. It's also a place of extremes. Right smack in city centers are cow farms occupied by traditional conservatives. Hill people live on the periphery of the cities, and its highly polarized around here. My advice, if you like traditional conservative racism, you'll be disappointing, and if you like progressive liberal racism, you'll be disappointing. Don't come here please, unless you want to become a Walmart drone.


Massive shithole atm

Northeast TN is best TN

Same but I don't really know what you refer to

I'm /rural/ so I'd just say come and see the pretty wilderness we got

California, as long as you avoid the big cities you're fine. Drive along hiway 1, one of the most beautiful drives in the country then check out the redwoods up north. It's really not worth living here though unless you're up north of the bay area. Southern california is a shithole, the big cities are prohibatively expensive and disgustingly leftist obviously. Tahoe is pretty nice if you like skiing, nature, and being literally next door to nevada casinos.

SD, come here, buy any gun or knife you want, enjoy the scenery, watch out for prairieniggers (they're not as bad as regular niggers unless you go the the reservations). everything is cheap, no liquor tax (fuck you, WA), Trump bumper stickers everywhere, even the high schoolers and college kids aren't stupid enough to march in protest of Trump or "because science" or whatever dumb bullshit.

the women are conservative, God-fearing, largely white, and more often than not, girl-next-door attractive, slender, and not above looking hot as hell in a loose-fitting flannel shirt and trucker cap.

God bless this great state. whites, asians, and Mexicans welcome (the Mexicans who can stand to live this far north are pretty much all good, Catholic folk), niggers and sandniggers stay the fuck out, we have our prairienigger situation under control and we don't need your additional niggery nigging the place up.


Fucking nuke it. Can't wait to start work and move the fuck outa this God forsaken state.

Indiana, cheap housing, great (mostly) white population, stay away from Gary or anywhere in lake county were the niggers have spread out after destroying Detroit and Chicago, Indy used to be a big but peaceful as hell white city about 5 years ago but niggers and spics are starting to infest the area.
only state on the great lakes that isn't super cucked bullshit.
can have pretty much any and all guns, no wait times, same day buying, permits lifetime and like 100 bucks and the cops don't give a shit if you're white.

bad thing is nigs are infesting our beautiful state because they're done destroying the ones around us, and the spics have been increasing their meth and heroin making operations here because it was so laid back. so avoid the spics and nigs and the white trash and you should be good.
the only other downside I can think of is that you might be bored in the sticks if you don't have a few hobbies or friends you can drink or shoot with. but the whites are friendly and chill.

Mild state of euphoria from 5 g of Kratom

I like these. Post more pls burgers.