This is the culture you've created Sup Forums, look what you've done

This is the culture you've created Sup Forums, look what you've done.

Other urls found in this thread:

who here /basedkekistani/?

I blame pleddit for this

it started here and then the cancer spread to plebbit

yes just so we could blame pleddit for shit like this.. are you new?

why is tim pool such a babby fag

he should just join big media like wants

he was never our guy, just another cuck trying to be an e-celeb, where was tough guy 'break your teeth' tim in malmo?

>rthedonald fags are pol

Schlomo pls

Kekistani bullshit is started by an actual cuckold kike who denies white genocide. Youve been warned, you meme that shit, youre a race traitor.

thedonald is Sup Forums-lite and you know it

thedonald is a speedbump for the equally aspie lefties that try to subvert Sup Forums after they deal with thedonald and its tism they usually come here decide they agree with most of our shit and then return to plebbit, its not exactly our fault that they are naturally autistic

Kekistan was literally made up by Sargon, it didn't come from here. That's why it's such an unfunny forced meme.

It came from here, some random nigger came up with it because they knew we could use the lefts love of istan muzzies against them

It was all Sup Forums till Sargon of Akuk decided to heavily promote it




The fedora atheist meme is about to be replaced with these autistic fags

>I speak on behalf of my people.
This kike stinks so bad he'd need at least 3 more layers of subterfuge before people stop recognizing him by scent alone.


it's time to give your toys to the kids and grow up

These arent kids, these are adults that that completely ruined the kek meme just like how spencer ruined the alt right movemnt once it was gaining popularity

>these are adults that that completely ruined the kek meme
it has always been this gay

The closest thing we ever had to this was the seasteading threads make by russian user and tuvulu invasion threads.

We had flag design threads and shit on here. A Sup Forumsack made that flag based on this one.

Wanna ruin kekistan?
