Just my daily reminder that whites are losing to blacks in South Africa.
White losers, Black winners
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Eh, it's their land.
If some hoard of creepy people took your land and tried to pretend they belonged there, you'd fight back, too.
You must be very proud of your kinfolk, moor.
fuck you nigger white south africans build that country from the ground up and now blacks want what they built in true gibsmedats fashion
Reported for racism fbi will knock soon for advicating for racial murder
South Africa has turned into a shit hole because niggers can't into self sustaining.
Let them have it, let it burn.
We should take the white South Africans as refugees. They would be great refugees. That way both sides can be happy. Blacks get their land and whites get to live in a 1st world nation.
Whites can't even defend themselves about being replaced in their own homeland, why is it a surprise when they're getting massacred when they're the minority?
Op is in clear violation of hate speech law on a protected group, whites. some conspiracy theorists believe whites are the incarnation of evil abd responsiblr for all ills wars crime failure if life of other races in tge world, these anti-aryanic people are of course delusional and simply criminals and losers anti-aryanic people habe no place in our society of peace and tolerance.
When the whites are gone, the blacks will lose harder than they've ever lost before and will beg for the whites back à la Zimbabwe.
Either that, or the Chinese will show up and send their extra men from the one child policy to rice up nubile negresses. Then whatever bantu chimps in SA that exist now will be genocided by Chink dick.