Why are libtards on pol? No one wants them here, Pray for civil war?
This is Sup Forums m8.
Why are so many actual neo-nazis on a degenerate Cantonese cartoon image board?
I pray the leftist women find Islam. Inshallah their husbands will ban them from using the Internet.
I have no idea, the socialist nationalist Nazi shit is fucking retarded.
>create a site where anyone can say anything
>liberals cant tolerate it and continually get upset on it
Now you know why libtards have always been a problem here.
Have you considered that you just see nazis everywhere?
I agree 100% they would be in shock from all the beatings they got from their religion or peace.
>Have you considered that you just see nazis everywhere?
This is quite literally the only place iv ever seen actual neo-nazis (though they are a minority). And this coming from an oldfag who use to larp as a nazi for edgy points.
Did ol' Hitz actually do nothing wrong or is it just a meme? are you guys actual skinniggers or just larping?
Every time I try to larp as a nazi I end up hating myself because it's so fucking gross.
I mean in some scenarios it's fun but god damn
>actual nazis
>anonymous board
They like playing CTR in their spare time. It's pretty adorbs.
I am pretty sure he isn't the first black stormtrooper, in the end days of the empire most of the troops where civilians.
The movie was utter shit though.
seen people actually seriously arguing in lengthy posts about how great Nazism was.
>I larped but nobody else does
Boy, oh boy. How does it feel to be that naive?
I bet you think that the enemies that you're fighting against aren't larpers to inflame debate, but full-time nazis?
they are here because this is the last bastion of free speech, if you censor them you are literally no better than ribbit
I don't want them here but I am still open to their stupid views on the current situation
I barely notice them other than shit posts. I think cuckservatives are the real major problem.
Maybe they are asians?
its some soros faggotry. hes bitter and wants to vent. hes all "bad goyim wont do as they are told" and "we run the world god damn it"
right now some "nugget" sex slave is probably having her diaper changed on his chest and he dictates a letter of concern to the U.N about the nature of anti semitism and how all goyim are guilty of it to be read by john stewart
>Boy, oh boy. How does it feel to be that naive?
>I bet you think that the enemies that you're fighting against
>Thinking liberals did not vote for trump
>Thinking the democratic party is not splitered as fuck
>Thinking liberal = progressive
Digits confirm
Well over 70% of pol is liberal. We memed trump into the whitehouse because we were bored, and conservatives have lost for too long to possibly recover. We have
>gay marriage
>affirmative action
>permanent funding of Planned Parenthood
We're content
It's complicated cause, even if we wanted the dems to be literally shaken, republicans, the smart ones, use Trump flamboyansy to hide their evil deeds from our vigilant sight.