Being a cuck is natural for white race. Mary cheated on Joseph...

Being a cuck is natural for white race. Mary cheated on Joseph, got impingement by God and Joseph raised a bastard as his son. You should follow christian tradition, allow other men to sleep with your wife and raise your wife son as your own.

>ancient Hebrews

lets post Hitler pictures instead

nice b8 m8 would r8 8/8

talmud much?

Why is there so much bait lately?

Jews are not white.

Reasons why I'm not a Christian
>1) Jesus isn't white
>2) Jesus is a jew
>3) There is no god

Nice edge, I hope you get rectal cancer, you Blebbit kid

This thread is 100% kosher.


Daily reminder the 7th Commandment is Thou shalt not racemix.



>Jewish God

>Jewish Jesus

>Jesus tells you to get beat up and never fight back

>Father of Jesus gets cucked by Jewish god

>A jew named Judas jews him

>Cackling Jews

The only thing good about Christianity is that it picked up some greco-Roman philosophy along the way


nice copypasta

You obviously haven't read arabian nights, the opening scene is literally a BLACKED episode.

It's natural for low test fags like OP who couldn't even get a woman if he tried

>Joseph and Mary were white
>Jews aren't shitskins

Needs one of those buttons
"Joseph is a white cuck"
"Jesus was a KANG"


We wuz not kangz n shit, we wuz Chieftains and Consuls at the time.


>mary cheated on joseph
HAHAHA typical victim blaming. must be a mudslime. Being a rapist is okay as long as he pays the father 50 shekelz amirite

>he hasn't read the bible
>he gets his historical knowledge from family guy
>he won't inherit eternal life

Is there anything lower than a Redditor?

>Mary cheated on Joseph, got impingement by God and Joseph raised a bastard as his son.

But Mary and Joseph were Jews.

He thinks the atheism fairy magically exploded nothing into everything, for no reason, and had it magically form sentient life.

lol I thought this exact thing.

eat dick rosenberg

Wich is basiclly what christians believe, huh who would have thunk?