Anyone needs a briefing: (OP) >haha trannies and freaks are the future you're on the wrong side of history ahha losers
>oh i know who the girl in the picture is lmao, here's information about her
>"FUCK OFF leave me alone its not me"
>maybe it's just a troll guys?
>haha yeah, i was just tricking you guys haha im actually a master troll, like u said. """lol gullible retards"""
>lol its not me guys, i just had a bunch of pics sent to me, pls dont dox this girl who definitely isnt me haha. im just a good troll okk??
>how the fuck do i delete this thread oh no help me lmao. >"im a troll tho? haha"
The Hunt Begins: campus info, interesting
normie tries to cover tracks
>her father may be this guy, also more campus info
>haha you guys are easy to fuck with, im definitely not one of her friends, or her on another device trying to damage control XD gullible idiots haha pls dont find me
Bump. Let Eilish Henderson be an example to what would happen to shills, Let the sacrifice for Kek begin!
Connor Long
((Eilish)) ((Henderson)) student at ((Hofstra)). Everything seems to be checking out so far.
Isaiah Rogers
ewww what the fuck lol
Jace Davis
>willowcrest >living next to a lake >thinks she's not privileged lmao
Kevin Ortiz
lets get those tits outs while were at it
spread out!!!
Adam Phillips
WE HAVE TO DO IT QUICK Before lastOP far tries to damage control we must work fast With that being said I don't have a fb but will help here as much as I can
Jason Anderson
Hey nice job getting baited into being someone else's personal army faggots
Gavin Morales
Ugly chest tattoo Nose ring Ear gauges Huge "problem glasses"
Women who do these things are so disgusting and worthless.
Gavin Campbell
we still need more information. do we talk to her?
Colton Ortiz
Let her off if she agrees to do girl on girl with moldylocks.
Brody Butler
This is like a fucking template for all the SJW types here. Every single last one of them hasnt ever lived on the streets for real or ever once had a fucking hardship in thier pathetic excuses for lives.
Jose Martinez
Yeah I don't use kikebook either
Eli Watson
Noah Clark
let me get some extra pepperonis
Xavier Lopez
No We are aware of blatant attempt to fool us We are going after lastOP fag now
Zachary Parker
fuck off white knight. She won't fuck you so stop dreaming.
Christian Richardson
>inb4 no feminists want to boycott pizza because it is their lifeblood
Christopher Williams
How do I delete his thread
Benjamin Reyes
Eh maybe you're right, whatever godspeed faggots
Ayden Perez
i dont see the point of this. we arent getting anything out of doxing this person that we disagree with, lets put our focus towards something better-and more important.
Logan Robinson
Yes See this
Austin Hughes
Yeah, like finding OP for being such a fag
Bentley Reyes
we need to know if innocent bystander
Isaiah Baker
ur hot garbage.
Mason White
cut up an apple and put the slices up your butt. its the only way.
Levi Collins
God speed goys!
Anthony Nelson
We are the smart minority I like to think, fuck kikebook And fuck lastOP
Liam Morris
Women who do these things almost ALWAYS have nudes!
Hey Guys, noice thread, faster than me fuckers..
Levi Hernandez
you put Delete as your name, DELET in the Options, and then "OP is a Faggot"in the comments
Brody Baker
>So who wants to talk to a girl? I'll just wait for someone else to do this part.
Isaac Foster
damage control
Jaxon Roberts
"You do realize that all of this is inevitable, right?
You're on the losing side of history.
You backed an obese, demented, racist, rapist, misogynistic example of walking white privilege who is soon going to be exposed for being Putin's pawn and will spend the last of his days dying in a jail cell with his family, knowing his legacy is in ruins.
You will continue being the most embarrassing societal rejects that human history has ever laid claim to, living the rest of your miserable lives in impotent rage at the knowledge that the only chance you ever had at reclaiming white supremacy was smashed in less than a year.
We're going to have women, people of color, LGBTQ+ folks, and any other decent individual tear you apart every time you try acting up, because like it or not you're not going to normalize your bigotry. You're going to be kicked to the curb, and probably die alone.
And knowing all that gives us hope for the future."
Dylan Thomas
Julian Stewart
not damage control i just dont see the point of this..
Aaron King
lastOP needs a lesson
Jordan Kelly
>Get home from my wage cuck job >Open Sup Forums for a quick browse before bed >This thread
Looks like it's going to be a late night boys.
hi r/Sup Forums
Nathan Perry
has no one made contact? pls report
Josiah Jenkins
Samuel Phillips
this is dumb and pointless.
Zachary Bell
They want any excuse to go after this girl, probably because of pent up frustrations
Isaac Barnes
fucking kek :')
Easton Williams
Jayden Butler
To the shills in this thread: don't blame yourself; you had no way of knowing
Joshua Richardson
Jaxon Cook
Definitely last OP and his second device trying to do damage control
Kevin Gray
how many times can you post this same statement in 1 thread. I will wait till the end and keep count
Joseph Carter
no it's not
Jordan King
no. It's Monday afternoon entertainment for lulz.
Nicholas Fisher is.
Wyatt Foster
>has anyone made contact?
You faggots realize she's probably fucking sleeping right now right?
Have any of you ever seen daylight in your lives?
Cameron Morales
i'm not OP or her friend, just a nobody, but you guy must stop
she was just joking and laughing at you for being stupid racists, she wasn't serious
OP was using another identity so you must leave her alone or you will be more stupid than you already are
i know you think trolling and misogyny is fun but it's a serious deal, if you try to steal her identity she will call the police and you will get a 6 month sentence if you are lucky
Sebastian Walker
masterfully crafted personal army request
original OP is NOT a newfag
Nathan Morris
>how do I delete This is bait
Justin Miller
Put me in the screencap senpai
Jaxson Roberts
it's good sport. anons need to hone their skills in sleuthing to better contribute to the antifa database
Michael Garcia
Kill yourself cunt
Why would you want to look at them? They are hideous and repulsive. I saw some of the moldylocks nudes and I felt sick to my stomach.
Brayden Murphy
Sorry Eilish Henderson you are fucked. You'll get your 15 min of fame from buzzfeed though
Grayson Powell
This is just stupid.
I mean clearly the Emperor would be giving that address not Vader.
Hudson Long
You know what's sad
She looks like, behind all that shit, a very pretty girl. At some point in her life she was plagued into this liberal shit and did all of that to herself to fit into this disgusting culture, and now just looks like a monstrosity.
Joseph Allen
how's the pizza comin'?
Blake Hughes
OP detected, speech patterns similar
Noah Brown
No We want to dox lastOP for doxing her in an attempt to use us as his personal army We need to contact her with a link to this thread
Oliver Bennett
not my real i browse pol pretty frequently. my fav site. i know when a threads important and when its not. not.
Nolan Rogers
no shit sherlock
Aiden Brown
did xe just doxxed xemzelf?
Brody Miller
she would be again if she would just wash her hair and scrub all the gross fucking makeup off her
Isaiah Wright
>I'm not OP Hi OP
Juan Sanders
>looks at flag >not mentioning any scriptures from the Quran.
Fuck off, OP. Ya dun goofed. It's over.
Connor Jenkins
>6 month sentence >for looking her up on facebook
Kayden Adams
BF identified
Eli Scott
and thanks for coming to the new thread, lastOP! i look forward to your contributions.
Lucas Taylor
>Fav site
Definitely normalfag
Easton Perez
This user you are talking to is lastOP, the fag He has you tricked He is working us but we will prevail
John Evans
ur trash.
Josiah Sullivan
Nobody is stealing identities except the original OP if that. Whether it's them or just someone they are close to this is going to be funny. Me, I'm going to stay comfy and see how this plays out.
Julian Jones
It takes one to identify and it takes another to mess up their lives, such is the life in Sup Forums. Where shills feed on our energies by demoralizing us to the point of break. But when a Sup Forumsack stands his ground and shouts the identity of the shill, the shill shrinks and thinks to himself "I've been found out."
Aaron Smith
You're obviously a bloody fucking legend mate, hope to see you in the qanda thread later.
Would shout you a beer and shitpost IRL/10
Kevin Kelly
are you in a state of fucking panic?
Hunter Price
> lol > fav jesus, no respect
Wyatt Nelson
Fuck off you sad pathetic sack of shit. Go be a white knight somewhere else.
Isaac Jones
i have nothing to worry about..i love this site and just happened to see this in the thread list. nothing that matters just thought it was dumb lol.