cont. from -------------------------------------
>check out twitter account victoryofthelight aka @KibBitzLaw
>account description: No emotion, there's peace. No ignorance, there's knowledge. No passion, there's serenity. No chaos, there's harmony. There's no death, there is the Force.
>>account created in March 2009
>>first follower was @BarackObama ?!
>>first liked tweet was from Sean 'Diddy' Combs
>>doesnt start tweeting until 2012
>>has been tweeting about fucking Stargates, Mossad involvement in 9/11, etc.
Stargate General
Other urls found in this thread:
Stratfor leaks links from last thread:
Read. Spread info.
Twitter retard here: how do you know Obama was the first follow?
Shilling your shit LARP account this hard...
I remember there being a post, way long ago, before all the Antartic General, or any of the *Generals, about someone who researched there, finding evidence of a lost human civilization, and about how artifacts where being burned and turned into ash. They mentioned that there were some kind of inscriptions on the wall of a temple and starting mumbleing about how stargate has it kinda right, and how every tv show and movie has had some basis in human reality, how movies like Conan and Beast Master where more based on truth than fiction.
Anyone got a screencap of it?
I want to know as well.
Stargate user said that the Green Zone in Baghdad is where the stargate is located. He said that the Green Zone was built around the stargate in the 2003 invasion to keep in safe.
The Green Zone is built around the US embassy, that's your location if this isn't a LARP or a schizo.
The Green Zone was the most heavily fortified area in Iraq after the invasion, and considered the safest area in Iraq.
OP I am suspect that you are remarketing yourself as this LARP because you are Knowledgebomb guy, I see the similarities.
bumping this is interesting
ty for delicious bread, user.
ART FAG help, plz
This is memeable material. Text over a picture of David Rockefeller, with the mag. logos faded in the background, along with GoldmanSachs, MerillLynch, and uh... let's avoid anything with a consumer division ... Fidelity is privately owned and HUGE. Use Fidelity, I'm certain of it but don't want to look up which family it is.
>"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine
and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and
respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have
been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
>- David Rockefeller
>Which of our elected officials, who have sworn an oath to uphold our
>Constitution, are involved in 'supranational' efforts to "march" us to a NWO?
>How many 1st responders died responding to 911, how many continue to suffer illnesses related to 911?
>What happened on 911?
>- Gerald Bakes quoting David Rockefeller in a letter to Stratfor, 5 December 2011.
Also someone make sure this is linked across the fallback sites. (Not the colonies... not the colonists.)
Read the first thread in OP for context. I came to the party late just as the bump limit hit on that thread and people (nu-Sup Forums) were asking for a continuation of it so I made it.
It all gets much less spooky once you realize Barack Obama is following 629k accounts and surely did not bother to select them manually.
Solid evidence now or slide the bait thread
LARP disinfo shill
Then theres really no reason to believe this.
LARP disinfo shill
Everything was fine, /x/ was contained to its own board, until the power grid was shut off by Dickless here.
Remember Buzz Aldrin's Antarctica trip?
Finally a Stargate thread!
Dont you want tradicional not queer- not-trans not-lgbtdkfhfhsn characters back into yours shows?
I think every character in the first arc of this show was well design! Even the black dude being a pseudo-slave wasnt a big-deal. Carter was just a scientist soldier, Oneil a nice leader and Jackson was a coward cuz he wasnt a soldier! Imagine this show made in 2k17, i could problably kill myself
We sure that is real and not shopped?
buzz aldrin has been a ufo/et believer for a long time
This is the way of Sup Forums nigger.
How new are you? Sup Forums and /x/ have always been close, even if many of us have grown out of /x/.
You probably still think chemtrail threads belong on /x/ too.
Artfag here, I'll work on it, but I'm not including that big greentext of yours, just the david quote
Does someone have the original Antarctica thread saved? With Buzz Aldrin spoopy stuff?
LARP disinfo shill
>can't even greentext
get out
that was all from that guy's email. it wasn't anything I came up with. It was part of the linked letter to Stratfor.
>he thinks i'm trying to greentext
>he thinks i give a fuck what he thinks at all
LARP disinfo shill
This guy is just another larper offering no evidence for his insane claims.
>wasn't trying to greentext
from your first post, it's very obvious you were
>>first follower was @BarackObama ?!
You mean the guy who is following hundreds of thousands of people and who was automatically following people who follow him first?
hot linked thread archive:
Jesus Christ, kill yourself.
LARP disinfo shill
Someone said to wikileaks search Draco.
I found this from Google...Draco Labs. Looks like some Anon5 thing.
>earth-shattering deep state secrets being revealed on Twitter
>no censoring or cover up
End yourself if you believe a single word of this.
don't fuck up a greentext next time,newfag.
Can someone tl;dr this for me?
Just walked into this shitfest and I dont know what to make of it.
Case in point PG
>and they would have gotten away with it, if it wasnt for my observation that barackobama and p diddy could resist hyping it on twitter
lol. unironically kill yourself.
LARP disinfo shill
There's more to it. Read the original thread.
This rando Twitter account that joined back in 09 just started dropping a bunch of info on Stargates and linking to various Wikileaks documents that point to Stargates being real and 9/11 being orchestrated by sinister (((powers that be)))
Sounds very Brave New Worldish...
They think themselves to be gods, but we are the element of surprise.
>some twitter fag starts blasting deep state niggers about shit and talks about "stargates" and alien races
>internet starts buzzing, original OP makes thread linked in this OP
>what has been found so far points to the twitter account knowing at the very least the context of available info in the public domain of what he's babbling about
>2nd thread is made (you are here)
>shills come out of the woodwork at random??
nobody mentioned this, and also how did op know (if its not victoryofthelight himself) about p diddy liking a post, the guy said he deleted his twitter history
Here you go, tell me what you want changed, if anything
And the happenings larper 2 weeks ago posted a space jam video from youtube and said to ask lots of questions when something happens on the 16th.
I hope we get the truth and not project blue beamed.
>first follower was @BarackObama ?!
Is this for real? Proofs?
That's fucking insane if true.
LARP disinfo shill
"hurr durr don't pay attention to REAL news user come take a look at my tiny twitter account to talk about nordic space aliens using interdimensional stargates and the global elites fighting for control! Pay no attention to reality come play in lalaland with me!"
LARP disinfo shill
OPs of the two Sup Forums threads aren't the same person. OP of original /pol thread seems to have lifted content off:
leddit /r/conspiracy/comments/6b87g7/stargate_truth/
No one knows shit as this is only a couple hours old, but those tweets reference common Sup Forums topics such as esoterics and nazi ufos. Also the twitter seems to have called shit about Comey prior to him being shitcanned by Trump. I implore you adhdfaga to lurk moar.
You block followers and they disappear from your list you God damned retarded LARP disinfo shills.
beautiful. can someone get it to the colonists.
I thought Blue Beam was a myth?
Hello Sup Forums
Twitter owner here.
I didn't make this thread, but nice to see it found its way to you all.
prove it via your twitter account then spoon feed us.
So, does this support the whole Trump the Avenger theory?
Do tell us more
lol. Shut the fuck up, fag.
LARP disinfo shill.
You're a bunch of jews.
A fucking *stargate*
In a mudslime country?
Really, ive watched every episode of the star gate Atlantis series. It's extremely entertaining but it's definitely not real.
If thats true, please give more info.
>trying this hard
He's real check twitter
Chwck that twitter.
Real info dump where?
There are two sides of thinking on this issue.
One side believes that bluebeam is a myth and aliens are real. That the US took Roswell technology and reverse engineered it to allow for a secret space program to take place. That Grey's exist and are working with our scientists in deep underground military bases.
The other side believes that aliens are fake, and that 'aliens' are actually extra dimensional entities that exist on a different plane of existence. These ETIs have been among us for thousands of years, and the idea of aliens was created to prepare humanity to believe in aliens and unite the world under a New Order that is supposed to swoop in and be humanity's great savior in the event of a false flag alien attack.
I'm interested in both sides, and personally believe that some points are valid on either side, but you take your pick.
No but really, what is this all about?
Ok so what is going on?
Does this tie into Antarctica at all? There's some...interesting stuff going on down there.
If what you say is true about the 23rd of Sept, how can we possible stop these things? Wouldn't Trump and other allies be able to prevent it from even happening?
>may 7
Link, now. This shit...
You're like santa.
why would this guy delete his history if he gave a shit about exposing this to the public? Why is his first tweets regarding comedian Todd Glass? Barack Obama follows many other twitter his just another one he followed by chance?
Idk about any of this shit, sounds crazy. If you claim im a shill, i swear to god I will spread that gape of yours, crawl in, and make a muslim refugee sanctuary there so shut the fuck up. What even is any of this shit? Reptiles? Fuck
Please tweet my OC I just made here
I can screen shot on phone and post it faster that way
Its real...its on Twitter
Can someone give me a quick rundown...
Everyone is the sum total of their choices up to each passing moment in time, and each of us ourselves being the product of the sum total of actions performed by our direct lineages back to the moment of abiogenesis.
At any moment along the timeline each of us is free to choose a different path. You could choose to leave us be to larp in peace.
We're either playing a big game of make believe, or we're trying to rip your freedom back from the clutches of those who would enslave us all. as to your original comment, sometimes a catalyst is needed to draw the attention of the herd of cats.
>never heard of reptilians
lol. 27 year old delusional schizo, at best. 27 year old troll fag, likely. Either way, a LARPing disinfo shill who should and will eventually kill himself.
Anyone familiar with middle earth theory?
Supposedly the entrance to 'middle earth' is located in a cavern in Antarctica.
I have a suspicion that the 'cave' is actually a stargate which leads to another world.
Someone prove it.