Each dot is a US adult's guess about the location of North Korea
Burger education
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Wew lad
God bless the ones who picked Australia
>the northern territory
>north korea
well fuck me dead, THAT'S why i always see bird shit on my car in the morning. fucking kimmy is doing it.
I refuse to believe the ones outside asia. I could understand people putting it around inside asia, not outside it.
>no source the thread
Not that I doubt many people don't know where the country is located, some of these look like troll picks
Why are my fellow countrymen so retarded
>TFW you invade the wrong country
>Americans’ inability to identify countries and places is not new. ARoper surveyin 2006 found that, in the midst of the Iraq war, six in 10 young adults could not locate Iraq on a map of the Middle East; about 75 percent could not identify Iran or Israel; and only half could identify New York state.
>tfw when you're Ameriburger
>Going on a trip to Australia
>Get there, everyone is praising some woman named Kim Jean-Loon
WTF is this Communism?
>some people pointed to the fucking ocean
sweet jesus
DESU the dots in the middle of the fucking ocean concern me more than anything else. Like...was this study carried out at a mental institution?
I like the guys that point in the ocean. Bullet to head test if get a simple question wrong is the only solution here.
No wonder Trump won.
It was a survey of time travelers. North Korea is gonna be pretty big in 2018.
Including the North Korean Ocean.
>Each dot depicts the location where a U.S. survey respondent situated Ukraine; the dots are colored based on how far removed they are from the actual country, with the most accurate responses in red and the least accurate ones in blue.
>The farther a respondent’s guess was from Ukraine, the researchers found, the more likely he or she was to favor military intervention.
No, each of those dots is a chink dick longer than 5 inches.
i ...... i believe it
>muh dick
Rural and suburban Ameritards, everyone.
good argument, my burger friend
Phss, and it is not even on that map!
when they start bombing them thats when they will learn where it is
Are we really considered retards for the rest of the world?
Yes. American's are fucking retarded and easy to manipulate. (((Cultural Marxism))) needs to go
You realize that half of them were probably making a joke about nuking another country, right?
An american girl asked me once if Paris is a great country or not.
>100% bodyfat
Love the America Hate threads where all the pissed cucks come to post. I guess this one's gonna 404.
Fuck off.
Japanese people are retarded too. The language barrier makes it difficult to detect this.
get back to packaging the Halal meat, Ahmed
Yeah, you're the niggers of this planet.
Always raving on about how great you are and how big your dick is (military), but everyone I know views you as that retarded autistic kid in class who throws temper tantrums.
but burgers are somalian tier retarded, maybe even more. most ignorant and superficial simpletons in the whole world
>triggered 56% Amerifats
The shit like that makes me think this must've been a touch screen and when they tried to move the screen around they're random taps were put into the results.
How the fuck could they pick an ocean?
Californians and New Yorkers are fucking stupid. They never learn geography because they never leave where they're from, and when they do go on vacation, they just fly to cities where other friends or family members have gone.
Although you may have relatively more of them, the ''Burgers r sooper stoopid'' meme is a meme. We have our share of absolute retards too, and sadly their numbers aren't small.
They're just salty. When Rome was the dominant power of the world guess what, everyone else always tried to call Romans stupid and brag about how much better their country and it's people were. They've always done the same for ever dominant power. The same social dynamic exists in all human hierarchies in fact, not just in national rivalries. You never seen a group of weak unpopular nerds joke about how stupid the popular jocks all must be? Same principal.
Unpopular nerds at least are smart, though.
That's one unrelated point you could take away from the analogy I suppose.
Whatever, carry on with your shitposting everyone.
I have to believe every dot in north america is trolling.
>colorado is the fucking ukraine
>they probably thought canada is russia
There's no way this is real, are people really that ignorant? Where 3 year olds given this map too?
this country is weird, we have this giant throng of retards, but we also invented quantum field theory and most of modern physics
>nevr 4get
You think that is bad? Merkel thinks our capital is somewhere in fucking russia
Come on now there's one thing not being able to locate precisely and another placing NK in Australia and India
The only wrong answer I can sympathize with is someone accidently choosing northern portion of Vietnam. Those are very similar conflicts in the American psyche.
fugg didn't notice.
and kek is making fun of them as you are
>Pointing at the black see
Jesus christ.
LMFAO how did greenland get so much dots
wasn't that due to all the nazi scientists you inherited?
Most Americans don't care about what happens outside of America, so not really surprised.
when the flouride hits you hard
LMFAO some of you country roaches can't even tell left from right. Not exaggerating. You literally have a sizeable population of illiterate people.
Might have something to do with the reason why I, in fifth grade, filled out my anonymous drug using questionnaire and circled that I had used crack, meth, and heroine within the past five days.
It's North of South Korea, duh.
Considering how Trump won when there were more capable candidates, yeah.
>but we also invented quantum field theory and most of modern physics
Dude. Most of quantum field theory was pioneered and invented by Germans. Sure there were some Americans and several Japanese invovled but going by numbers and contribution, not too many.
>“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
Your system encourages ignorance, in other countries the dumb people are usually quite.
Why make fun of someone who can't help it? It's the educational system that failed them.
Sure, they all had ample opportunity to learn geography by themselves, but with all those health insurance bills threatening their own demise, how could you focus on geography?
>these are the people who are pass judgement on which countries are white and which aren't
>ur face they are American educated
Lol, if nuke war start between Real Korea and burger, most of Asisa will be nuked
That'd be a real shame.
>Its not my fault Im stupid
>the absolute madman who put his dot in the ocean below NZ
>he was so beta in his home country he had to flee to Japan the home of betas
I bet you still haven't kissed a girl yet
>there are Americans who think Ukraine is in America
Just how?
>burgers dont know there can be people on Ships.
Please tell me this is cherrypicked. The average burger can't be that retarded, r-right, guys?
>Macdonia decides to got to war with USA
>On day one, they send their only boat to bomb the USA coast and huddled down for the retaliation.
>nothing came back
>on the second day they continued, confusingly no retaliation came again
>on the third day the president phone rang
>trump was on the other side shouting
wow people are stupid, so shocking
>tfw you know this is an accurate representation of your countrymen
Sorry senpai, but it's true.
I didnt realize it was so importent to know where north korea is. My life would probably be 10 times better if i knew where every shit hole country was. Id have bitches every day, mad money, gold rim jobs. The works. My own monograme towls. But alas, i dont know where north korea is. Im destined to the life of a peasant
50% of Russians think that Sherlock Holmes and D'Artagnan are Russian
Sorry senpai no infographic
Good job, little buddy. You almost got all of them. Keep trying.
That is because there is no space to put dot on North Korea
Yeah, heisenberg, Dirac, Pauli - all yanks
Wtf - you get asked shit like that at school? Srsly?
That reminds me of how in 2 grade I said that I want to be a grave digger when I grow up
>Ukraine is in Cornwall
This has to be trolling
We don't fund education in America.
It's the tool of the devil and the liberals to brainwash us all into their way of thinking.
Yeah. I remember one of the jokers in my class said he did all the drugs, drank, and smoked tobacco on the form and had to speak to the counselor.
Are you out of your mind? You're probably too young since you think that you're smarter than others in Russia. I won't be surprised if you also an anti-Putin libshit.
It's impossible to think that they're Russian because there were screenings of these novels, even a retard knows they there weren't cardinals in Russia and that Baker Street is in London. Duma and Conan Doyle are barely Russian names.
Go this website : dare.org
Or even just google "DARE program elementary school". You'll see just how crazy burgertown is about drugs of ANY kind.
>There are no idiots in glorious mother Russia!
>Ukraine is in Florida
>tfw too much of a dud to pick Australia and I would have picked the right location
There're idiots in any country, indeed, but not to such extent. Those novels are the part of the school education in the Russian Federation, even a retard know these things.
Because of Immigrants. We pushed for science, hard, and we attracted the worlds best and brightest and became a beacon of knowledge and innovation.
The average Joe was still a country bumpkin who thought Jesus signed the Declaration of Independence and wrote the Constitution.
Those people aren't attracted here any more. We've all but stopped our funding of science, killed our innovation and stopped being world leaders.
They are fucking off to other countries now, which will become the new leaders in innovation.
Stupid Americans