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good meme
Back to the workhouses and factories they go!
Muslims and nigs are allowed to rape children's there. Too bad white man still have to go to Cambodia to get his
>Form a leftist police state
>Allow rampant Islamism
>"oh noes human rights are getting fooked up!"
What an unforseen turn of events.
The EU is just doing this to punish the Brits for Brexit
(((the independent)))
literally the fakest of fake bong news
Not even. There are children smuggling rings that operate under the pretense of adoption agencies and relief groups. Ordering a rapebaby is as easy as ordering a pizza from your favorite pizza parlor on Connecticut Avenue Northwest.
(((They))) just want to normalize the population to the idea of sex with kids first, and make the whitevolk feel racist for prosecuting a rapist if he has different skin tone/religion. After all, Islam is a religion of peace, and he dindunuffin.
That reeks of fake news or a fake organization making fantasy news.
What even are child rights? How are they different from adult ones?
fuck off every one knows its the daily mail
You can't stop the pakishits from raping those children otherwise you're a racist.
its a meme
>Article talks about discrimination faced by Muslims and refugees
>Not a word of Rotheram
The UK is a meme
>import mudshits who dick kids, force them into marriage and chop their pussies up
>can't address any of the issues because racist
>Serious concerns have been raised about structural discrimination in the UK, including Muslim children facing increased discrimination following recent anti-terrorism measures, and a rise in discrimination against gypsy and refugee children in recent years.
They went from 11th to 156th because they weren't accepting enough of Muhammed's dick. They didn't have enough (((Diversity)))
Poland is dead last while New Zealand ranks 158
>Brexit happens
>Suddenly the UK are child molesters per leftist paper
>yeah right.jpg
>read article
>“Discrimination against vulnerable groups of children and youths is severely hampering
>Serious concerns have been raised about structural discrimination in the UK, including Muslim children facing increased discrimination following recent anti-terrorism measures, and a rise in discrimination against gypsy and refugee children in recent years.
So TL;DR because the EU was delivering Mudslimes by the truckload and sane responsible people are telling their kids to stay away from potential terrorists its now used as a foil to condemn them for getting away from racial and national suicide by the left.
>The Index methodology is such that extremely poor performances in one domain cannot be compensated by higher scores in other areas, as all children’s rights are deemed to be equally important.
Reading between the lines here this probably means the children are well taken care of materially and have homes and families and this is a way to subtly call everyone racist and sexist again and make it stick. I bet there is some kind of transnigger bathroom stat in there too to "bring down the average"
Fuck these people and their weasel tactics.
Literally "think of the children" weaponized into anti-Brexit anti-nationalist agitprop.
It doesn't even name an organization that ranked them. Those commenters are so fucking stupid. Why hasn't anyone asked for a source? What organization? What was the criteria?
yes, (((child rights))) like the right to choose adult sexual partners
>children's rights rankings
the fuck
when are these commies going to stop inventing shit for the sole purpose of pretending things are getting worse now that their country isn't sucking globalist dick anymore?
next it'll be "UK AT BOTTOM OF HAPPY WEDNESDAY INDEX" or some other insane bullshit
wow the loli scaremongering sure saved all those british children from rape huh
>Serious concerns have been raised about structural discrimination in the UK, including Muslim children facing increased discrimination following recent anti-terrorism measures, and a rise in discrimination against gypsy and refugee children in recent years.
UK doesn't care about brown babies.
Children have a right to have their vaginas scraped and be married off to their uncles, dang nabbit
but we have 12 Million Spic illegals and we're nowhere near that low and Spics are literally worse than niggers and muslims
obviously their right to being raped by muslims is infringed by brexit and we must stop it