Why are Arabs so subhuman?
Wait a minute, how can just two people commit gang rape?
They only caught two
Japanese women go into a coma when you grab their upper arm.
>why are muslims subhuman?
Statistically, 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape.
That's 27 too many, and I've seen enough conbini flips, chinks, poojeets and roaches in Tokyo already
Good, it'll deter nips from allowing more and preserve their precious weeb nation
Cant wait for this shitfest this is gonna cause. They are hostile enough to whites when a white person commits a crime. hooboy
Yakuza is gonna fuck up these sandniggers and they're gonna wish they'd never been born
This story is from 2016, why's it resurfaced now?
Wish they would cut his fucking mudslimey throat!
For the sake of honesty, it happened one year ago.
for archive, 1 of 2
2 of 2
he gonna rot in prison for atleast 10 years not like in Swedistan
Because it's very timely.
uhh weren't they just assimilating into japanese culture? i don't get it
For what?
Are Nepalese muslims though? Aren't they buddhist or something?
these are k*rds, not ar*bs. they seek refuge in other countries because of "muh oppression" while there's no such thing
This is really old news Francois
see eurocucks, this is how you do it. You get a small amount of the mudslimes into your country, prove their evil and stop any future invasions.
2 in 27 in a 7.5% chance of rape
better let in 200 or better, 1,000, more so that we can claim right away that percent is really 0.0001%
fucking idiots
So what bullshit will the japs do to these cunts now
I have no idea what japanese prisons are like
LOL you and your romantic ideas about organized crime. They'll do shit about it. The yakuza give not a fuck about japan. They black market trade with North Korea for petsake.
t. k*rd
based japan
You fucks never inherited the Australian sense of humor Australia inherited from Ireland I see.
Man no wonder this people are being shipped world wide I mean they are doing what whites won't.
Are they getting of the planes with their flys down already?
can't he get more if they prove he was doing it several time? iirc Japanese legal system isn't to laugh about
Whaddup Bob, how's Okinawa schoolgirl raping going
Something doesn't add up here.
Kek, it's like when you grab cats by their necks
Bleeding due to a kiss to the face huh? He deff forced himself heavily on her. Bastard.
It's only a matter of time before they catch the other 25.
>Japanese legal system isn't to laugh about
Oh yeah?
You can literally get away with murder.
did they catch the other 25 yet?
he is not turk,
he is kurd
But, there are no turkish refugees? There isn't a war in Turkey, in fact Turkey takes more refugees than any other country. If someone left Turkey and went to Japan he wouldn't legally be a refugee
I am confused.
You are not fooling anyone shifting the blame onto kurds
The only diffrence between a kurd and a turk is the label, both are even more subhuman than proper arabs. Saudis call you guys dogs for a reason
They're not sending their best
Maybe he's a Turkish kurd.
same shit
>effeminate nordcuck talking shit
your opinion about other races are irrelevant. I'm not going to value the ideas of a pussified pseudo-man like yourself. europe is finished, especially small shitty countries like yourselfs. kikes have been fucking with you since 50s and this is the end result. dead inside drones who are afraid of everything and pretend that they amount to something because they have good economies
I hope one day we will have a civil war and all the k*rds and ar*bs we have migrate to gayrope and finish you off
old story from 2016...
At the time the middle eastern armies had no NCO system in order to bridge the gap between officers and enlisted men, rendering the whole operation inefficient partly because of low moral and broken feedback mechanisms.
Criminally underrated.
> "Rape is honourable'
T. Jamal Watermelonaquisha
>Turkey blaming the Jews
lol Muslims and Sup Forums have so much in common it's eery.
Then you won't have anyone to leach off of.
You're right about the kurds though. Im married to a Coptic Egyptian and she hates them more than anything, more than Jews! Don't understand that part but hey. Nice to marry a brown girl whose genes aren't poisoned by incest eh :)
gotta get em far right click $
FUN FACT: Egypt was aided by a superpower and still lost
we will purge them all
They're going to love Japanese prison. They're just going to fucking love Japanese prison.
What did they mean by this?
>implying I'm a muslim
you don't have to belong to some faction to see what's in front of your eyes you ledditor shit
turkey leaching off of europe? you probably meant europe shitting on turkey since we ruined all their plans after ww1. it's good that you married a brown girl, you're probably brown yourself being a mutt american so it doesn't really count as racemixing
fact is nobody like the turks.i dont understand why they come from mongolia to anatolia, germany or Sup Forums. a world without turks is a better world. please genocide yourselfs
Calm down ahmed go fuck a goat
We just wanted to eat some tasty kebab ;_;
if we hadn't pushed you into mainland europe, germany wouldn't exist. we gave your savage barbarian tribes an identity kraut, never forget that
>muh Ottoman empire will rise again!
You fucking wish, roach. Poland and Hungary have already woken up, it's only a matter of time until others follow suit.
Hindu as well as buddhism
it is true that most `turkish` expats in japan are in reality kurds. they have our passports thats why people think they are turks. most of them are marxist-leninist pkk supporters. thats how they get political asylum from western countries and japan.
Honest question, do you really think average Sup Forumstard "muslim" gets offended by stuff like this?
who gives a shit about ottofags? it was a degenerate multikulti empire treating ethnic turks as trash. it was also the only major power who didn't expel jews. no true turk nationalist likes them, only those who are brainwashed by education and islamists do
have turks and nippons not the same roots?
why turks rape them? or are in japan the laws about rape curios like in sweden?
I've seen Riki-Oh man that shit's fucking crazy not even a roach could survive that
t. offended muslime
and yet you replied
How can they arrest somebody for litteraly part of their culture?
yes. your race is pathetic.
Subcutaneous bleeding from a kiss, i.e. a hickey.
I'm legitimately surprised japan admitted any more than zero of those goatfuckers
me too desu
There is sadly a vocal minority of PC cucks and global interests here as well
Japan has about 100,000 Muslims.
Your pic makes me wanna pic related into your fucking head.
burger logic
the only thing that offends me is the pathetic attempt at le ebin trolling muslims and of course sweden of all countries making the attempt
What the fuck I thought you people were like ants and just blindly followed whoever you decided was emperor that year
Yes, ruskies threatening to personally liberate the kikes is why the entire middle east is still not isreal clay.
Fuck you Muslim Turkfaggot nigger
>Be Muslim
>you are the chosen one and most by god
>god and all the universe forces are on your sides
>can't even beat a bunch of jews that keep prospering while your countries drown to shit more and more everyday
Why are muslims so delusional?
>Muh Islamic golden age
yeah, and you fall down after getting pillaged by a bunch of tribal pagan barbarians with a culture based on raping and pillaging. So much for the warriors of Allah
They look guilty to me. I say behead them and never let in a rapefugee again
i want to make holidays in your country. can i sleep by you and rape you girls too?
He is Turkish fuck.
>if we hadn't pushed you into mainland europe, germany wouldn't exist.
No it was france fault, don't steal the only accomplishment they got after they were cucked by their revolution
We've already established they're letting in Arabs you fucking inbred illiterate